super star lord

Chapter 224 Beware of Lord Xianhe

Chapter 224 Beware of Lord Xianhe
The location of Yuanjing Mine.

In a short period of time, the situation has undergone tremendous changes.

Originally, the fight was fierce, the eyes were red, and the battle that seemed to end with a complete fight for one side, not only did not stop because of the heavy casualties of the knights, but the scale was getting bigger and bigger.

The reason is that when other forces heard the news, they rushed over one by one.

The first to arrive was the Mizhou Alliance.

Without further ado, he directly joined the battle and joined forces with the Europa Alliance to quickly resolve the battle and snatch the Yuanjing Mine.

However, the Black Continent Alliance was also tough. Although the casualties were getting bigger and bigger, they had to hold on for a long time.

It wasn't until the Knights of the Midsummer Alliance arrived second and joined the battle that the situation was finally stabilized.

Moreover, after that, as more and more lord forces came and joined the battle, the scale of the war became larger and larger.

From the initial thousands of people, it expanded to tens of thousands of professionals.

Some people broadcast the situation of this war to the earth simultaneously, and the whole earth was shocked by such a scene.

Some photos and videos of the scene were spread on the Internet.

To know.

In the past, although the star field world also fought continuously, especially the war of the Mizhou Alliance to conquer the indigenous territory, it was not only larger in scale, but also higher in level.

But people on the earth can only hear the news, but cannot see such a scene with their own eyes.

To put it simply, because the star field world is one-way, technology products from the earth cannot be brought in, so there are naturally no photos and videos on the spot.

But the wild world is different, it can enter and exit freely, and the technological products on the earth can also enter and exit freely.

In this way, everyone can see the shocking scene.

A war of tens of thousands of combat professionals.

It may not be comparable to the scenes of thousands of guns firing in modern warfare, but this is a war of cold weapons, which can be compared to the war scenes in some fantasy movies. When seen in reality, it is completely enough to shock everyone's hearts.



"Go away!"


All kinds of shouts, screams, roars, and clashes of weapons almost completely drowned out the entire battlefield.

When Lin Xiao led a thousand knights from the Earth Knights of the Xianhe Territory, he happened to see such a hot scene, which was almost the same as when he was fighting for the treasure of the island.

He did not directly join the battle like other forces, but watched from the sidelines.

It is useless to join in now. In a battle of tens of thousands of people, even if the knights on his side are relatively elite, it is impossible to win the treasure among tens of thousands of people like in the battle for the treasure of the island.

We can only wait for the time to change and play by ear.

He thought so, but the people who were fighting didn't think so.

When Lin Xiao arrived, the entire battlefield gradually calmed down.

Especially those lords who had experienced the Battle of the Treasures of the Sea Island, their faces changed drastically when they saw Lin Xiao.

"It's the Lord of Xianhe!"

"It turned out to be him!"

"That man is here!"

"Quick! Stop fighting!"

"Beware of Lord Xianhe!"

The knights didn't know Lin Xiao, but the lord members couldn't forget that incident at all. Seeing Lin Xiao again in such a treasure competition made them have to associate it.

There are some shadows in my heart.

All of them couldn't wait to order their knights to withdraw from the battle.

The battlefield where the red eyes were originally killed, miraculously and completely calmed down because of Lin Xiao's arrival.

Such a change made Lin Xiao who had just arrived here bewildered.

Totally unexpected.

"Your sister's!"

He even cursed involuntarily in his mouth.

In the bloody battlefield, each other is already dying, and they only look at each other, and it will only stop when the final side wins.But who would have thought that because of his arrival, both sides would withdraw from the battle quickly as if they had a tacit understanding.

And looking at the current situation, the coalition forces are already guarding against him faintly, and there is a stance that they will attack if there is a disagreement.

Even on the side of the Zhongxia Alliance, apart from the Zhongxia Alliance, other forces looked a little unfriendly when they saw him.

Such a situation made the Xianhe leader's situation suddenly awkward.

Not going in, not going back.

Come on, it's impossible to beat everyone.

It is impossible to retreat and lose the opportunity to compete for the Yuanjing Mine.

And even if they retreat, in order to guard against him, it is impossible for the two parties to fight again, and they may just share the spoils.

Lin Xiao wanted to cry but had no tears.

He really wanted to explain that this time he didn't have the Flying Knights, so he couldn't just rush over to snatch the Yuanjing, but he didn't need to think about it. With the example of the treasure on the island, when a similar situation arises, everyone will take precautions against him first.

The situation stalemate for a while.

Until ten minutes later.

The Mizhou Alliance first broke the silence. Under the instruction of the head of the Mizhou Alliance, Harris, a member of the Mizhou Alliance stood up and warned: "Lord Xianhe, this is the jurisdiction of the Europa Alliance, and it is also the jurisdiction of the coalition. , please leave immediately with your knights, otherwise the coalition forces will regard them as enemies and drive them away!"

Lin Xiao turned a deaf ear to his warning.

He didn't speak, but Alves took a step forward, and he looked directly at the hell lord: "Your Excellency Harris, the wild world is a public area, and we have never recognized that any party has jurisdiction over this place, and your statement is invalid , we will not leave, and if the coalition forces use force, we will never back down!"

A statement, categorical.

The meaning is very simple, your threat is useless to me, and I will not give up the Yuanjing Mine.


Being ignored in public, Harris looked gloomy.

During the period of stalemate, the lords present were observing and judging the strength of the Knights of the Fairy River.

The conclusions they came to made them all look bad.

The quality is too high.

Every knight is full of fighting spirit and full of momentum, and there are even some middle-level knights.

Such a knight order may be inconspicuous in the star field world, but it is definitely a force that cannot be ignored when it appears on the earth and the wild world.

The Knights of the Fairy River are definitely capable of participating in this competition for the Yuanjing Mine.

Seeing that Harris looked like he wanted to swallow him alive, but could only forcefully suppress his anger, Lin Xiao felt that his long-term efforts to cultivate the Earth Knights were not in vain.

Since he recruited the first batch of followers on Earth, he has been planning for today's situation.

It now appears that it has met expectations.

When confronting the Mizhou Alliance, Lin Xiao also sent envoys to contact the Zhongxia Alliance.

The two sides are allies, and they should communicate with each other at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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