super star lord

Chapter 225 Distribution Ratio

Chapter 225 Distribution Ratio
The battle for the Yuanjing Mine is doomed to fail.

If there are two forces, it's okay, and the winning side will enjoy the treasure alone.

But when a third-party force is staring at the other side, the harder the two parties fight to death, the more casualties, the easier it is to make a wedding dress for the remaining party.

The war cannot be fought.

It is also impossible to continue in a stalemate.

In the case of mutual vigilance, the negotiation began as a matter of course.

The coalition side is dominated by the Mizhou Alliance and the Europa Alliance, the side is dominated by the Zhongxia Alliance, the Black Continent Alliance, and the Polar Bear Alliance, and the Xianhe leader side.

Among the three parties, the former two are the strongest.

Although the Xianheling Knights are still elite, the difference in numbers is too large. It is only said that they can pose a threat to the first two and have the qualifications to participate.

Of course, the former two are formed by the alliance of multiple forces, and negotiations will also be carried out within them.

Whether it is a tripartite negotiation or an internal negotiation, the content is very simple.

The distribution ratio of Yuanjing ore.

That's right.

When no one is sure to defeat the other two parties and monopolize the Yuanjing Mine, no matter how unwilling they are, they can only sit down and negotiate.

The Xianhe leader is represented by Alves.

Before going to negotiate, Lin Xiao gave the bottom line: "The minimum distribution ratio is 10%."

Alves was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but said, "Your Highness, is it too low..."

The distribution ratio of the Yuanjing mine is naturally determined according to the strength.

He felt that the elite level of the Knights led by Xianhe was enough to win more shares.

Lin Xiao shook his head at the self-confident and eager look of his followers: "This ratio is not low. Among all the forces here, there are at least six parties whose apparent strength surpasses ours. In addition, there are also a large number of small and medium-sized forces. , 10% is a reasonable psychological expectation.”

He knew that Alves felt that when they really fought, the Knights of the Fairy River were not afraid of anyone, so they deserved more.

But it is one thing not to be afraid, but another thing to make other forces accept it.

Before a battle broke out to prove their strength, they could not gain more right to speak.

The current conditions did not allow the Xianhe leader to provoke a fight.

Otherwise, it is likely to become the target of public criticism.

Although Alves was still a little bit unwilling, he knew that this was a fact, and that change did not happen overnight.

Soon, multi-party negotiations began.

Alves, the negotiator of Xianhe Territory.

Qin Zhenjun, the negotiator of the Zhongxia Alliance, the iron sword lord.

The representative of the Mizhou Alliance negotiator is Alves' old friend, Bruce Odysser, the Mizhou envoy who signed the peace agreement.

The negotiators of other forces are all unfamiliar faces.

After sitting at the negotiating table, Bruce directly opened his mouth: "Mizhou Alliance requires 30% allocation."

Of course, the other parties are not much better.

The Europa League asks for 25%.

The Midsummer Alliance requires 30%.

The Black Continent Alliance asks for 25%.

The Polar Bear Alliance asks for 25%.


Alves also directly called out the high share requirement of 25%.

If it is really distributed according to this ratio, I am afraid that two or three of the same Yuanjing mine will be needed to satisfy the appetite of all forces.

Of course, this is not possible.

It is normal for the lion to open his mouth in the first step of the negotiation. It is impossible for anyone to show the bottom line directly.

Then it is time for all parties to continue to bargain.

All parties are fighting with reason and fighting with each other.

Yuanjing is really too precious.

At the end.

Even 0.1% are fighting.

This Yuanjing mine is expected to have more than 0.1 Yuanjing, even if it is [-]%, there will be [-], which is already a huge fortune for a small force.

Even if it is a big force, it will never give up.

A negotiation, talked directly for several days.

The forces of all parties simply set up camps directly on the spot, waiting for the results of the negotiations.

In fact, as the negotiation got to the end, through various trials and communication, everyone's bottom line was basically clear, but even 0.1% had to be contested.

The big powers are fine, especially the small and medium powers. The competition on the negotiating table is not weaker than the intensity of direct action.

So, this is destined to be a tug of war.

A full week.

In the end, the result of the negotiation, that is, the distribution ratio of the Yuanjing ore began to come out after a long-awaited call.

From high to low.

The distribution ratio of the Mizhou League and the Midsummer League is 14%.

The Europa Union, the Black Continental Union, the Tianzhu Union, and the Polar Bear Union each have a distribution ratio of 12%.

Xianhe collar, 10.5%.

Other small and medium forces distribute the remaining 13.5%.

When the results came out, news spread around the world.

The other forces are fine, each with their own strengths, it is normal to be able to get so many crystals, but the 10.5% distribution quota of the Xianhe leader directly stunned everyone.

If calculated based on the fact that the Yuanjing Mine contains [-] Yuanjing, then the distribution ratio of the Xianhe collar is enough to distribute more than [-] Yuanjing.

What is this concept?
In the star field world, even a main city-level territory is far from being able to produce so many crystals.

"I admit that the Celestial River Territory is very powerful in the star field world, but this is on Earth. When will the Celestial River Territory have such a powerful voice on Earth?"

"Just based on some followers recruited from time to time, is it enough to compare with a lord's power supported by the state?"

"I don't believe it, it's definitely fake news."


"Are those forces all fools?"

"There are only a few Xianhe leaders on Earth? Why can they get tens of thousands of crystals?"

Most people can't figure it out.

Others are pure jealousy.

Of course, there are also many supporters, or admirers, of Lin Xiao.

Ever since the name of Xianhe resounded across the earth with the first place in the selection of lords, it has already conquered many people.

"Xianhe Great God Niu Bi!"

"God Xianhe is still so fierce!"

"Is there a pendant missing from the Great God's thigh?"

"I'm most annoyed by those of you who ask if you don't have any pendants. I only have one pendant, so what's the point of making fun of it!"

"Let's go upstairs, I've already hung up!"

After many years.

The entire earth network, once again, caused countless waves because of the word "Xianhe".

There are those who are jealous, and there are those who admire.

But it is undeniable that Lord Xianhe has indeed lived up to everyone's expectations.

Able to have the ability to sit on an equal footing with a country.

In the past, before the advent of the star field world and the wild world, such a situation was absolutely unimaginable.

No matter how high the power and wealth are, no one person can fight against the state apparatus.

Prior to this, Lord Xianhe signed a cooperation agreement with the Zhongxia Alliance and a peace agreement with the Mizhou Alliance. Everyone can attribute the reason to the Star Field World.

After all, in the star field world, the strength of the Xianhe Territory is indeed very strong.

But no one expected that on Earth, Lord Xianhe would be on an equal footing with the great powers.

Totally unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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