super star lord

Chapter 230 Conspiracy

Chapter 230 Conspiracy
The production of alias images is very fast.

Only a few days later, Shirley handed over the prepared mirror image to him.

The whole body is black, slightly heavy, very textured, a palm-sized humanoid statue.

Holding it in my hand, I looked it over twice, but I didn't see anything special. I looked at the girl next to me who seemed to have a flushed face, raised the statue and asked, "This... how to use it?"

The girl didn't seem to dare to look at him, her voice was like a mosquito, "Just...just a drop of blood, that's all. The double mirror image is a passive equipment, and it will be activated as soon as it is attacked."

Lin Xiao did as he was told, and squeezed out a drop of blood.

In an instant, he felt a mysterious connection between himself and the mirror image in his hand, as if he had an extra self, which was very strange.

"good stuff."

Although I don't understand the principle, but the knowledge is not bad.

Lin Xiao could easily see that this humble human statue was not simple at all.

Also, equipment that can withstand a fatal attack is equivalent to one more life, and it is definitely a treasure among epic equipment.

Put away the double mirror image, facing the next possible crisis, Lin Xiao finally has enough confidence to deal with it.

But passively waiting for the opponent to make a move is not his style. Even if he can't grasp the timing of the opponent's attack, he still needs to grasp a certain degree of initiative.

No one likes to be constantly concerned about other people's plots.

Therefore, during this period of time, apart from dealing with some routine affairs and traveling between the two worlds, he basically conducted regular inspections in the major cities of Golden Island.

On the one hand, it is to actively attract the other party to assassinate, on the other hand, it is also a real desire to understand the situation of the territory.

Importantly, he did not hide his whereabouts at all.

There must be nails in the territory that have not been cleaned, as long as the other party inquires a little, they will know.

This is blatant active seduction.

Of course, no matter where he goes, Anivia will follow closely to ensure that he can provide support at the first time.

And just in case, he also rode the behemoth Alistar.

It's okay to deal with an ordinary earth knight, but if several earth knights fight together again this time, he will not be sure to deal with it.

Moreover, Alistar's strongest talent - Beamon's Wrath may be able to give the opponent a huge surprise.

Just when Lin Xiao was fully prepared, she was far away in the lord's mansion on Twilight Island.

The Twilight Lord is receiving an envoy from afar in the living room.

After experiencing the Battle of Twilight Island and being forced to become a subsidiary territory, Auston has long lost his original vigor, and in addition to the fact that the lost territory cannot be recovered, there is only one main island left in the huge Twilight Alliance. Standing in one's body, one's strength plummets.

Even if he wanted to regain his original glory, he still felt powerless.

Moreover, under such circumstances, he had to hug the thighs of the main city of Purgatory, otherwise one day the leader of Purgatory would abandon him, and even a Twilight Island would not be able to survive.

Therefore, when facing this envoy, even as a city-level lord, he can only put down his posture, "Mr. envoy, we have already inquired very clearly. Lord Xianhe has been patrolling the Golden Island in the near future. The timing It is very precious, and it will be very difficult for us to track his whereabouts after he disappears next time."

"Lord Alston, we have already grasped the situation you mentioned, but considering the strength of the target, we need to be more cautious and have enough confidence to act."

"Now is the best opportunity. We haven't made any moves for so long. Lord Xianhe will definitely not be on guard all the time."

"You underestimate him. As the heretic who is promoted to the city level the fastest, do you think he is so easy to assassinate? We need more patience. The longer it takes, even if he is always vigilant, it will inevitably become worse in the end." Relax, that's the only way, the moment we actually do it..."

Speaking of this, the messenger's tone became gloomy, "That's when Lord Xianhe died!"

After the envoy finished speaking, the atmosphere was a little silent.

After a while.

The emissary continued: "After killing Lord Xianhe, we only need those few things, and we won't take anything else. As for the Twilight Territory, you can get the territory, population, resources of Xianhe Territory... and With the support of the great Purgatory Lord, restore the Twilight Land to its former glory!"

Hearing these words, Auston's blood boiled with excitement.

To be honest, that's what he wanted most.

Even though it has become a subsidiary territory of the main city of Purgatory, the Mizhou Alliance is still a mountain weighing on him.

With such a covetous neighbor, if one day the Purgatory Territory fails to provide support and the Mizhou Alliance attacks again, the Twilight Territory may really become history.

Therefore, he must do his best to seize every opportunity that can improve his strength.

And this time, the reason why he actively participated in the assassination of the Lord of Xianhe was because he was interested in the leader of Xianhe, who was extremely famous, wealthy and had a large territory.

In his opinion, as long as he can get everything from the Xianhe Territory, he will not be defeated in the confrontation with the Mizhou Alliance.

At that time, he will also have enough confidence to face the Purgatory Lord, not like now, even if it is an envoy of the other party, he needs to humble himself.

The two continued to talk.

But what they don't know is.

Outside the living room.

In the dark corner of the wall, an invisible shadow is slowly leaving.


"Sure enough, I guessed right. After preparing for so long, the leader of Purgatory didn't give up on me, but prepared a big meal for me. Moreover, he was really cautious enough to be able to hold on until now."

"It's a pity that we haven't heard the specific assassination method, otherwise we might be able to make targeted preparations to catch them all."

The leader of Purgatory might not be able to imagine that Lin Xiao already knew about his plan.

As for the hero who detected the news, it was naturally the shadow demon that he got back then.

Under the cultivation of the Xianhe leader regardless of cost, several shadow demons have grown to high-level levels. Without specific means, even some powerful people who have just entered the earth level will never be found.

Not to mention, the messenger and Twilight Lord Oston are only high-level peaks.

After confirming the news of the assassination plan of the purgatory leader, Lin Xiao relaxed instead.

I have already made sufficient preparations on my side, and now I will continue to patrol the Golden Island regularly, and when the other party comes to my door, I may be able to catch the other party in one go without thinking about mental calculations.

"It seems that this period of time can only wait."

Continue to maintain normal activities without hiding whereabouts, Anivia followed by her side, and Lin Xiao herself put on the best armor at the current stage of the territory, the Silver Frost Sword and the crucial life-saving equipment double image.

Of course, there is also one of the trump cards, the behemoth Behemoth Alistar.

As such.

Basically everything is ready, only the east wind is owed. .

(End of this chapter)

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