super star lord

Chapter 231 Piercing the Heart

Chapter 231 Piercing the Heart
As the core of Xianhe collar.

Today's Golden Island has undergone tremendous changes compared to when it was promoted to a city-level territory.

When it was first promoted to the city level, among all the cities on the entire Golden Island, there was only one Xianhe City, as well as Hekou Town, Ziyu Town, Lavender Town, Black Iron Town, Clover Town, and Iris Town. There are seven towns including Jinli Town.

Such a scale is too small compared to the huge Golden Island. The entire island has not been developed at all. Many areas on the island are rarely visited by people, which is a primitive scene.

But today.

On this big golden island.

The first batch of cities at the beginning had already been expanded and expanded again and again, and the scale was already comparable to real cities.

And under this, a large number of towns and villages are still increasing.

Today, there are a total of ten cities on Golden Island, nearly a hundred towns, and thousands of villages.Importantly, this number is still expanding.

The combined radiation range of all the cities has basically included the entire island.

This is not only more efficient for island development, but also for tapping the potential of Golden Island.

And in the process, a large number of resources on Golden Island were discovered, filling the foundation of Xianhe Territory.

before the tour.

Lin Xiao has been busy with various affairs, and it is basically difficult to have time to relax. She also lacks understanding of the rapidly developing territory that changes almost every day.

In fact, such a lord is incompetent.

Through the inspection during this period, he not only has a better understanding of his territory, but also because of the in-depth inspection, he can know many details that are difficult to see from the report of the territorial cabinet.

This is of great significance for him to grasp the direction of the increasingly large ship of Xianhe Ling.

Just like a country.

If the ruler does not understand the sufferings of the people's livelihood and just blindly looks at the paper data to make decisions, the effect may not be so good, or even have the opposite effect.

Only with a better understanding can we prescribe the right medicine.

A visit has yielded a lot.

And just when he didn't know it, conspiracy also started to appear.

When Lin Xiao and Anivia rode side by side on Alista's shoulders, patrolling their own great rivers and mountains as always, the peeping eyes had already landed on their conspicuous target.

Under a big tree in the forest.

A figure wearing a mage's robe was holding a rune telescope, observing the huge giant beast in the distance... and Lin Xiao on the giant beast's shoulder.

"Sir, the target doesn't seem to be aware of it. He has been patrolling the territory. For so long, even if he has defenses, he must have relaxed. Now is the best time for us to do it."

Suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the mage's ear, but strangely, there was no one around the mage at all.

"Are you sure?" For such a strange situation, the mage seemed to take it for granted, and kept observing the distant target without putting down the binoculars.

At this time, the hoarse voice continued to come: "As long as you can secure him, I will be sure to kill him with one blow. Of course, since it is difficult for me to hide my whereabouts after the attack, I still have to We need to guard against the counterattack of the giant Behemoth."

"After all, the strength of a behemoth in its prime is not something I can resist."

At this time, the mage finally put down the binoculars and looked to the side, as if talking to the air: "It's just a behemoth with brute force, it's not enough to see in front of me, I will guarantee your safety."

"Very well, I feel relieved with your words!" The hoarse voice became a little bloodthirsty, "Then, let's start to act now!"

"Are you sure you won't wait anymore? You know, Ernest and the three of them fell into the hands of Lord Xianhe back then. As long as we wait, the more relaxed he is, the greater our confidence will be."

The hoarse voice smiled confidently, "Sir, an honest fight and a real assassination are two different things. The things I do are not judged by strength."

Having said that, he seemed to lick his lips, "My target, the stronger it is than me, the more it can make my blood boil."

next moment.

The mage felt that the aura on the opposite side was gradually going away, and the direction he was going was the huge Behemoth beast.Seeing this, he himself followed from a distance.

His gaze was firmly fixed on Lin Xiao who was sitting on the shoulder of the Behemoth.

at the same time.

Lin Xiao, who was sitting on Alista's shoulders, was unaware of the imminent crisis. While admiring the great rivers and mountains under his rule, he chatted with Anivia casually.

"Anivia, you should be considered a special kind of beast, right?"


"So, in the past few years, have you had any special feelings?"


"For example, uh, I feel uncomfortable... My mind is full of distracting thoughts, um, and then, I just want to do something special..."

"for example?"

"For example, Ren, look at it, after I caught the female saber-toothed tiger, it is now reluctant to leave, even if I take out the latest potion, it can only attract its attention for a short while. "

"and then?"

"That is to see, um...other ferocious beasts have...that, estrus, have you...had it?"


With a decisive answer, the topic ended in an instant.

Looking at Anivia who had a cold face and couldn't see what was in her mind at all, Lin Xiao was at a loss for words for a moment.

It seems that some of the curiosity in my heart cannot be answered today.

Just when he was about to turn his gaze back to the beautiful scenery around him.

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat, his pupils dilated sharply, and he felt a huge murderous intent enveloping him.

Followed by.

He saw a completely transparent figure, like a human-shaped transparent crystal, approaching him at an extremely fast speed.

And in the hands of that figure, there was also a sharp transparent weapon, stabbing straight at him.

Originally, the distance between the two was very close, coupled with the sudden attack by the transparent figure, he had almost no time to react.

Just when he was about to move his body slightly sideways, subconsciously avoiding his vital parts.

A voice resounding in all directions suddenly sounded.

"Rune Imprisonment!"

at the same time.

A blue halo instantly enveloped him. Under the shroud of this halo, not only him, but also Alista below him and Anivia next to him were rigidly frozen, unable to move.

that's it.

In this almost completely unsolvable situation, the sharp weapon in that transparent figure's hand pierced deeply into Lin Xiao's chest in an instant, and the high-level armor on his body was almost useless.

In the case of being imprisoned, the heart was directly pierced.


(End of this chapter)

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