super star lord

Chapter 232

Chapter 232
"too easy!"

A hoarse voice came from the mouth of the transparent figure, with bloodthirsty intentions, he suddenly pulled out the sharp weapon in his hand, preparing to enjoy the wonderful scene of the prey's blood spurting out.

But the scene that appeared in the next moment made his hair stand on end.


Originally, he clearly stabbed the defenseless Lord Xianhe, but after the scene in front of him changed for a while, what he stabbed with his weapon turned out to be a black humanoid statue.

Although it was also the heart that was stabbed, it was completely different from what I expected!

People are assassinated, not statues.


"what's going on?"

The doubts in his mind had just emerged, and before he had time to think, his prey had reappeared beside him.

At the same time, a giant palm that covered the sky and the sun slapped him hard before he could react at all.

Immediately afterwards, his body made a clicking sound like a crystal shattering.

It hit the ground heavily, revealing its true figure.

What finally appeared in front of Lin Xiao was a middle-aged man covered in bloodstains, as if bathed in blood.

A short moment.

The roles of hunter and hunted are reversed.

Lin Xiao, who was originally assassinated, escaped by relying on the double mirror image, while the invisible assassin was slapped by Alista, knocking out his original form, completely losing his fighting power.

As for the halo that imprisoned them before, the time was very short.

Come fast, go fast.

The duration is less than a second.

While scary, it's clearly not without limits.

This also made Lin Xiao a little scared.

If there is really equipment that can imprison others without restriction, even if he has a double image, it is very dangerous.

Although he has escaped a catastrophe now, it does not mean that the matter is over.

After recovering from the confinement, in addition to Alista who immediately slapped the assassin, Lin Xiao also quickly locked on the figure wearing the mage's robe not far away.

His eyes glanced over coldly, "Do you really think I didn't notice anything!"


After slapping the assassin to death like a fly, Alista let out an angry roar.It is an insult to an epic beast that someone dared to assassinate its knight in front of it.

After confirming the riding relationship, Lin Xiao has treated it very well, and the medicine has been supplied in sufficient quantities. Now its life is not comparable to before.

This made him very concerned about Lin Xiao's safety.

It also found a look of astonishment on the middle-aged mage who was about to turn around and escape into the dense forest.


Not surprisingly, Beamon's wrath directly hit the past.

The speed is very fast, almost instantly rippling past.

Surprisingly, a blue halo appeared on the middle-aged mage's body, blocking the blow.


Alista was furious and didn't stop, Beamon's wrath kept on impacting.

The blue light circle was not specially used to resist mental shocks, and soon it was on the verge of collapse.

All of this happened in a blink of an eye, and at the same time, Anivia, who was also standing on Alista's shoulder, jumped directly off of Alista's shoulder, approaching the mage at a terrifying speed.

Her cold, delicate pretty face was very serious, and her heart was full of anger.

Lin Xiao had told her about the upcoming assassination before, but she never cared about it.

As a phoenix, she has her own pride.

Although she is still far from returning to her prime, she is confident that most of the earth-level powerhouses are not her opponents.

the most important is.

Since she broke away from the seal, although she has experienced many battles, from the beginning to the end, her most powerful talent ability - the ice flame storm has never been used.

She believes that no matter how great the threat is, with this ability, the enemy has no room to resist.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that the other party had that completely unreasonable equipment.

Imprison her directly.

If it weren't for Lin Xiao's preparations, and the confinement was short-lived, there might be no way to escape this crisis.


For the first time, she was filled with anger.

Need to get catharsis.

Not only the knight who failed to protect himself, but also the dignity of being a phoenix.

She didn't change her body, but directly used her human body, holding a big sword surrounded by azure blue ice flames, and rushed towards the middle-aged mage.

Even in the human state, the speed is extremely terrifying.

In just an instant, the distance between the two was shortened.

Although the middle-aged mage was running away and had to deal with continuous mental shocks, he also sensed the approaching danger.

With the speed of the comer, he knew that he would never be able to escape.

You can only deal with it head-on.


When Anivia struck with a sword, a thick mask enveloped him.


A sword shattered.

But the middle-aged mage also gets a break.

With a cold snort, holding an exquisite staff in his hand, he unleashed a powerful spell, "A high-ranking knight wants to keep the great mage Sko... Thunderfire strangles him!"

Falling with his voice.

The endless thunder and fire rose from his staff, and tangled together, quickly forming a series of purple-red sharp blades, forming a net, strangling towards Anivia.

When fighting, Anivia never talks nonsense.

Just when the middle-aged mage was full of confidence in his powerful spells and was about to appreciate the power of this blow, the girl wielding the blue flame sword turned into a ball of blue ice flames.

Those thunder and fire blades strangled past, but she was immune to them, unable to cause any damage at all.


The middle-aged mage was shocked, and before he had time to think about why a person would turn into flames, Anivia had already rushed over, directly impacting with a wave of ice flames, completely covering him.

A huge ice cube was formed, and the figure in the mage's robe was lifelike, with a look of shock remaining on his face.

Compared with knights, mages have much lower physical fitness. They are frozen in ice and have almost no resistance.

Only thoughts are still echoing in my mind: "What the hell is she? Why can she turn into a flame?"

After eliminating the threat, Anivia didn't let down her vigilance, because she could still detect vaguely peeping gazes from far away.

Under the circumstances that it is impossible to judge whether it is an enemy or a friend, it is not yet possible to relax our vigilance.

In fact.

During this patrolling process, both Lin Xiao and she felt this vague peeping, but the distance was too far, the direction was uncertain, and the peeping did not come from one place, so it was impossible to start.

The main reason is that the opponent's target is small and can be concealed, but because his target is large, he did not specifically hide it.

But now that the task has been completed, there is no need to deliberately expose it to those prying eyes.

After beckoning Alistar to grab the assassin and middle-aged mage who had collapsed into mud, Lin Xiao and Anivia sat on its shoulders again and left quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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