super star lord

Chapter 234

Chapter 234
The interrogation of Earthmage Sko Ryder went well.

The ins and outs of this assassination, as well as various methods, have been basically understood.

There is only one thing, and that is Aubrey's crystal secret technique.

Even as an earth mage, one of the high-level people in Purgatory Territory, he only knows that the crystal invisibility secret technique performed by Aubrey is one of the core inheritances of the main city of Purgatory.

As for the content of the secret technique, he didn't know.

All those who practice this secret technique are the most elite crystal killers under Amos.

But to practice this secret skill, the conditions are very harsh.

First of all.

The power of the crystal is not the power of the origin, not everyone can absorb it, and it requires the cooperation of specific medicines.

Even so, in every group of practitioners, most of them will die suddenly because they can't bear the transformation of the crystal's physique.

A small part can bear it and practice until the end.

But at the moment when the secret technique is completed, almost all of them will directly become a real crystal statue, which cannot be recovered.

Only a very few lucky ones can fully integrate the power of the crystal with the body, and can freely switch between the body of flesh and blood and the body of crystal.

This is also the crystal killer in the general sense.

Aubrey, the assassin this time, was one of them.

But this kind of crystal killer can only be truly invisible when he doesn't use fighting energy. As long as he uses fighting energy, he will reveal the crystal shape and be discovered.

However, in the legend, there is also a kind of crystal killer who is born with the characteristics of crystal, even if he uses fighting spirit, he will not reveal his figure.

It's just that it's unknown whether that kind of terrifying killer exists in Purgatory Territory.

Even if it exists, it's not something that Scott Ryder can know.

In addition, under Amos's hands, how many crystal killers and how many strong men have died in their hands is also unknown.

After leaving the dungeon, Aubrey was still sleeping, and Lin Xiao couldn't get the news of the crystal secret technique, and the interrogation of the captives could only come to an end.

Holding the most important trophy - the blue ring, I found Shirley in the sea laboratory and gave the ring to her.

"This is the equipment that imprisoned us, but the effect time is very short, less than a second."

This piece of equipment is amazing and hard to come by.

The only flaw is that the duration of the Imprisonment Aura is too short.

If the girl can study it thoroughly and develop the same type of equipment but with a longer imprisonment time, then its value must exceed that of epic equipment.

After receiving the ring, the girl's eyes lit up instantly.

It was the first time she had heard and seen such a miraculous equipment, and she was more curious than anyone else about the combination of runes in it.

So unreasonable.

It is completely comparable to the enchantment that is currently being studied.

"Brother, I will definitely research it." The girl was also a little afraid of this assassination.

If it wasn't for the short duration of rune imprisonment, Lin Xiao might be really in danger even with a double image.

After losing this time, I don't know if the opponent will do it again next time.

She was very worried about Lin Xiao.

If the other party comes again, perhaps the preparations will be more adequate, and it may be a real mortal situation.

Regarding the girl's thoughts, Lin Xiao seemed very relaxed.

The crisis this time is mainly due to the ring of imprisonment. If he is not imprisoned, it is basically difficult to hurt him with a double image.

In addition, in this assassination operation, not many cards were exposed.

His real reliance, the phoenix mount and her talent, Ice Flame Storm, have never been known to outsiders.

Even if Amos had a more powerful assassination method, he was confident that he could handle it.

Although he wasn't worried at all, the girl wasn't as relaxed.

After putting away the ring of imprisonment, she suddenly said something that seemed irrelevant, "Brother, do you still remember what I said, Nicole still has the last ability?"

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

Of course he remembered.

After getting the little guy, after Shirley's research, she basically discovered all her abilities, except the last one.

But for some reason, the little guy has been unable to display the last ability.

According to the girl's guess, it may be necessary to establish a contract to learn about that ability.

Establishing a contract involves developing contract runes.

Neeko is a completely unfamiliar creature, not a common type of creature. The development of contract runes has no reference or reference at all. It is completely from scratch and requires a little experimentation.

This is bound to be a long process.

But now the girl mentions it, isn't it?

Sure enough, Shirley's next words confirmed his guess.

"During this period of time, the development of the contract rune will be basically completed, and if it goes well, it will be within the next few months."


Lin Xiao's eyes lit up, which was really a surprise.

The ability that the little guy has shown is enough to defy the sky.

Anivia's recovery and Shirley's rune improvement are inseparable from her assistance.

This is enough for Lin Xiao to look forward to the strength of her last ability.

The good news that the contract rune is about to be developed, although it dilutes the anger of being assassinated again, it does not mean that Lin Xiao likes to be beaten passively, and is completely indifferent to the actions of the purgatory leader.

Looking far away in the direction of the core sea area, his face became indifferent.

"Since you have torn your face, let's collect some interest first."


In a blink of an eye.

Now it is the 9th year of the Xianhe calendar.

The overall situation in the Star Field World is stable.

In the light blue waters, the flames of war have long since dissipated.In other marginal sea areas, most of the earth lord forces and indigenous territories are also in a state of confrontation.Although small-scale conflicts have occurred from time to time, large-scale or even full-scale wars have rarely occurred.

Even the main city of Purgatory, which suffered two dark losses in Lin Xiao's hands, did not have any news.

It seems that those two defeats have been completely forgotten.

But Lin Xiao, who was assassinated twice, will not be forgotten.

It was not in his character to be beaten passively.

Especially now that the Xianhe Territory is strong enough, even if the opponent is a main city, he cannot remain indifferent to such a force that blatantly deals with him.

Anger needs to be vented.

During the period of waiting for the contract rune, under his instruction, the Combat Committee organized a large number of warships and knights, and went straight to Twilight Island without any warning.

That's right, Lin Xiao is ready to make a move.

To directly retaliate against the main city of Purgatory is too far away, and there is a gap in strength between the two sides.

Then, dealing with its subordinate territories became the best option.

As for whether such an action will become the fuse of a large-scale war between the two sides, Lin Xiao expressed optimism.

As long as the hostile environment between the two camps remains unchanged, it is impossible for the main city of Purgatory to deal with the Xianhe leader with all its strength.

Moreover, the current Xianhe leader is already strong enough, as long as the purgatory leader does not go all out, it is almost impossible to pose too much threat to the Xianhe leader.

(End of this chapter)

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