super star lord

Chapter 235

Chapter 235
Xianhe calendar 9 years.

The situation in the star field world changed suddenly.

But the force that caused the upheaval was not the Mizhou Alliance that has been jumping up and down all the time, but the Xianhe leader who has been unknown from the beginning to the end.

There were no signs, no warnings.

Under the escort of thousands of warships, tens of thousands of elite knights descended directly on Twilight Island.

When Auston heard the news, he was stunned.

"What! The Xianhe leader is attacking?"

At this time, the Twilight Territory is already a subsidiary territory of the Purgatory Territory. Even the Mizhou Alliance, which had fought to death before, regarded Twilight Island as a thorn in its side, and could only stare blankly.

After all, the deterrent power of a main city-level territory, even if separated by a long distance, cannot be ignored by the Mizhou Alliance.

The Mizhou Alliance did not dare to move, and other forces would not act hastily.

But what he didn't expect at all was that the Xianhe leader, who had been living in peace and had relatively close trade ties, would actually attack Twilight Island.

"Can anyone tell me why?"

"what's going on?"

"Hasn't the Xianhe Territory never participated in wars, and has always focused on trade?"

Inside the hall, Alston growled to his followers.

Regarding the strength of the Xianhe collar, in fact, he knows better than anyone else.

no way.

In the same sea area, and rising so fast, it's hard not to pay attention.

because of this.

So he never provoked the leader of Xianhe, and even after a long period of trade, the relationship between the two parties was not bad.

No one can answer Auston's puzzlement.

It was also impossible for him to know that Lin Xiao had already learned about his conversation with the envoy of purgatory.

Since the Twilight Territory is the auxiliary territory of the main city of Purgatory, and played a disgraceful role in the assassination incident, and even has thoughts about the Xianhe Territory, it is no problem at all to become the first target of the Xianhe Territory.

After being beaten to the point where there is only one main island left, he still doesn't want to develop, and wants to climb up by stepping on other people's bones.

When the conversation between Auston and the messenger came back, Lin Xiao had already sentenced Twilight to death.

In fact.

The reason why he changed his old image of a good old man so radically was not only the factor of revenge for the assassination, but also another reason.

That is to search the population.

to now.

Although the number of citizens of Xianhe Territory has been at the highest level in history, it has exceeded 100 million, but with the stable situation in the star field world, it is already difficult for Xianhe Territory to search for population.

Naturally, the growth rate of the citizens also slowed down.

For Lin Xiao, who has been used to the days of rapid population growth, this period of time is no less than a snail crawling.

As long as he thinks that the main city-level territory has millions of citizens, not counting the subsidiary territories, he feels that there is a long way to go to achieve the strength of a main city-level territory.

This time when they attacked Twilight Island, Lin Xiao coveted the huge population on the island.

When the Mizhou Alliance attacked the city all the way, part of the population of the Twilight Alliance was raided by the Xianhe leader, but some were evacuated to the Twilight Island.

Originally, Twilight Island had a relatively large population of over 20 as the Twilight Lord Island. After a large number of citizens of the entire Twilight Alliance evacuated to the island, this number increased again and again, and now it is nearly 50.

It is conceivable how attractive such a huge population is to the Xianhe Territory today.

To get these populations, it is inevitable to capture Twilight City.

Therefore, when the army of Xianhe led the army approached the city, Auston might never have thought that those ordinary citizens whom he had always disliked and thought were just cumbersome, would become one of the reasons for the collapse of the Twilight Territory.

War is cruel.

Many spectators may never forget the cruel scene when the Mizhou Alliance attacked Twilight City.

But for the Xianhe leader, the attack on Twilight City this time seemed a little too smooth.

The reason is that the way of fighting in the Xianhe Territory is completely different.

Regular siege warfare.

The first is the bombardment of the cannons on both sides.

Then the Knights charged.

Then decide the winner.

But Xianhe collar has long since abandoned this model.

The main reason for this is that the structure of the knights in the Xianhe Territory is completely different from that of ordinary territories.

Attack Twilight this time.

The first ones to play were the Red Feather Eagle Knights and the Phoenix Knights, a total of [-] knights.

Rush directly to the sky above the city wall of Twilight City.

The Order of the Phoenix against the Flying Order of the Twilight Territory.

The Red Feather Eagle Knights, on the other hand, controlled the mounts to unleash their talent spells.

Low-level fireball, middle-level burst fireball, and high-level meteor fire shower.

Under the vigorous training of the territory, nearly half of these red-feathered eagles have been promoted to the middle level, and hundreds of them have been promoted to the high level.

Such a large-scale release of innate spells almost completely enveloped the city walls below, various defensive towers, and defending knights.

rumbling rumbling—

The Twilight Knights below felt that the entire sky became red, dazzling, and hot in an instant.

Especially because of the concentration of fire, most of the attack power was superimposed. The city wall, which had been crippled by the Mizhou Alliance before, was simply repaired, and could not withstand such a powerful bombardment at all, and was blown to pieces in an instant.

Together with the knights defending the city, they also suffered heavy casualties.

With one blow, Twilight City's defense force was almost crippled.

Oston didn't suffer any damage from this blow, but the loss of defensive power made him completely red-eyed.

"Damn it! Where did the Xianhe Territory get so many such powerful red-feathered eagles?"

If it's just a low-level Red Feather Hawk, no matter how many fireballs it fires, its power is limited after all, and the threat it can pose to Twilight City is much smaller.

But who would have thought that the Xianhe leader could train almost half of the thousands of red-feathered eagles to the middle level, and even hundreds of them to the high level.

It is more difficult to cultivate ferocious beasts than knights, and it consumes much more resources.

Generally, the resources to supply knights in the territory are very tight, let alone the cultivation of mounts.

No matter how angry Orston was, Twilight's failure was inevitable.

The attack of the Red Feather Eagle Knights continued, and there was a posture that they would not stop until they smashed the entire city wall.

And the performance of the Phoenix Knights was not weak at all. After fighting with the Flying Knights of Twilight Island, flying beasts and knights fell from the sky one after another.

Of course, the ones who fell were not the knights of Xianhe, but basically the knights of Twilight Island.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

For Xianheling's completely unreasonable way of playing cards, his side can only be beaten passively, which makes Orston feel extremely uncomfortable and can't think of a countermeasure at all.

The knights all over the city wall, as well as various defense towers, basically did not have any defensive effect, and they died, injured, injured, and collapsed.

A war is nothing like a war.

Basically, it is one-sided, and it is the Xianhe Territory that is ravaging the Twilight Territory.

 Thank you Xi for the 500 book coins!

(End of this chapter)

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