super star lord

Chapter 236 Take the initiative to follow

Chapter 236 Take the initiative to follow
The city walls collapsed, and the Knights suffered heavy casualties.

After being ravaged for more than half an hour, the city walls and defense towers completely collapsed, and the Flying Knights of the Twilight Territory suffered heavy casualties before they could barely stop.

The strength of the truly powerful sky units is fully revealed.

Before the Twilight leader could recover, the ground knights of the Xianhe leader rushed in from the collapsed city wall.

Like entering nowhere.

There was no resistance at all.

Their role is basically limited to finishing.

At this time, Twilight City is like a stripped beauty, unreservedly displayed in front of the Knights of the Fairy River, and can only watch them do their best.

When Lin Xiao appeared in front of Oston on Chasing Wind, the entire Twilight City had surrendered in front of him.

"I ask you to surrender!"

Before Lin Xiao could say anything, what surprised him was that when he saw that the situation was over, the supreme leader who once dominated the light blue sea and led a huge alliance surrendered directly.

He even lost the weapon in his hand, very bachelor.

To be able to make such a decision, I have to say that Auston is a character.

In this case, fighting recklessly will lead to no good results at all. Since the matter is a foregone conclusion, it is better to surrender directly, and there may be room for maneuver.

"He who understands the current affairs is a hero. Since you have decided to surrender, we need to talk about the post-war issues." Lin Xiao said in a gentle and gentle manner. The other party didn't die hard to the end, so naturally he wouldn't lose his demeanor.

He has always admired this kind of people who know current affairs.

Auston is also a person who can afford to let it go. After deciding to surrender, he seemed to have thought of something in an instant, and suddenly made up his mind: "My lord, Auston is willing to follow your lord, and the Twilight Territory will become a subsidiary territory of the Fairy River Territory." .”

This was the only way he could think of to keep the Twilight Territory.

Since the Purgatory Territory couldn't protect the Twilight Territory, so that it was conquered by the Xianhe Territory, the affiliation relationship between the two would be automatically terminated, and they would then become a subordinate territory of the Xianhe Territory, and there would be no moral issues.

By now, he had lost any baggage.

Even though the Xianhe Territory is called a heresy, it developed from a weak town-level territory, but in this world where the strong are respected, fists are everything.

The Xianhe collar is strong, and the Twilight collar follows.

It is justified.

Lin Xiao and him have no endless conflicts, nor are they life and death enemies. The original idea was just to attack the purgatory leader with this, and search the leader's people along the way.

But now Auston's request to follow him surprised him a little.

A majestic city-level lord, the former lord of the light blue sea, can put down his dignity and follow a heresy.

When this spread, it was definitely eye-catching news.

It's unbelievable.

Auston didn't know what Lin Xiao was thinking, and he continued to say: "Master Xianhe Lord, no, Your Highness Xianhe Lord, your strength is so powerful that it makes people tremble, and the speed of your territory's rise is suffocating. I am extremely grateful I am sure that following you and being loyal to you will be the most correct decision in my life."

The former Lord of the Light Blue Sea, after experiencing the ravages of the Mizhou Alliance and the persecution of the Purgatory Territory, he completely ignored it and wanted to follow Lin Xiao.

It may seem crazy to outsiders.

But Auston had ideas of his own.

It can be said that he watched the rise of Xianhe collar, and he knew enough about Xianhe collar.

When the Xianhe Territory first appeared in the Light Blue Sea a few years ago, it was just an ordinary town-level territory, no different from the hundreds of indigenous town-level territories in the Light Blue Sea, so it couldn't attract his attention at all.

But in silence, after only a few years, the Xianhe Territory has risen to become a behemoth.

Possessing all kinds of magical rune devices, he is extremely rich.

If it hadn't been for the Mizhou Alliance to stir up trouble, maybe he couldn't help but attack Xianhe leader.

Just like what the Purgatory Leader did, assassinate Lin Xiao and receive everything from the Xianhe Leader.

But what he didn't expect was that even if the leader of purgatory personally took action and sent three earth knights to besiege, they never returned.

What shocked him even more was that the leader of Purgatory made all-out preparations for the second time, but it still failed.

Lin Xiao's powerful strength is no longer what he can hold a candle to.

The energy possessed by the Xianhe Territory has also far exceeded the scope of ordinary city-level territories.

In addition, the Twilight Territory and the Xianhe Territory belong to the same sea area, and the Purgatory Territory is so high that the emperor is far away, and because it is confronted with the holy camp, it is also powerless in the light blue sea area. Following the Xianhe Territory will not make the Twilight Territory Pulled into a situation where there is no redemption.

Therefore, no matter from which angle you start, you will not suffer a loss if you follow Xianhe collar.

What's more, the Xianhe collar is amazing, and Lin Xiao is also unbelievably powerful. He is sure that the future of the Xianhe collar is not limited to this. It is better to follow now than to follow when the fairy river collar becomes the main city of Xianhe. much better.

Auston is a bachelor.

In places where the lord's crystal monument cannot cover, Lin Xiao is also not sure whether the other party is sincerely following.

After thinking for a long time, he finally came up with a decision: "You decide to follow, as kind as I am, I can't deny you a chance. How about it, I know that Twilight Island has too many people, which is a burden to you, I will put They all went to Golden Island."

"As for your Twilight Island, it will be managed by the Xianhe Territory's cabinet, and you, as the titular lord, will follow me back to Golden Island. After I confirm your loyalty, I will return Twilight Island to you."

Regarding Lin Xiao's decision, Auston responded very simply: "I completely obey His Highness's decision."

"Then, starting today, Twilight Territory will become a subsidiary territory of Xianhe Territory, and you, Auston, will become my direct follower."

"So, you can take the oath of allegiance."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Performing the etiquette of allegiance, Auston officially became a member of the Fairy River Territory, and was alone, temporarily losing his identity as the Twilight Lord.

Of course, he won't be back as the Twilight Lord until his allegiance is confirmed at a later date.

This is the end.

The post-war issues were basically completely resolved.

the rest.

One is to clean up the battlefield, collect corpses, and treat the wounded.

The second is to receive and transfer the leaders to reap the most important spoils of this battle.

The third is to notify the territorial cabinet and send a management team to take over Twilight Island and incorporate it into the territorial management system.

In fact.

Twilight Island is not small, with an area of ​​nearly [-] square kilometers, which is larger than Beamon Island.

Among the main islands of city-level territories, it is already relatively large.

This is mainly due to the fact that Twilight Island is located in the marginal sea area. If it is in a place like the Chaotic Sea Area, with the strength of the Twilight Territory, it is absolutely impossible to occupy such a huge island.

Of course, compared to Golden Island, they are all insignificant.

The area of ​​Golden Island is already comparable to the main island of a main city-level territory.

After all, a long time ago, there used to be an ancient main city there.

(End of this chapter)

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