super star lord

Chapter 237

Chapter 237
The Battle of Twilight Island ended successfully.

In the process of accepting the citizens, some elites from the original Twilight collar were taken away by Lin Xiao in order to enrich the strength of the Xianhe collar.

In the end, what is left is basically an empty shell.

Auston didn't care about this.

To him, as long as the Twilight Territory is still there and his lord status is still there, nothing else matters.

The key is the opportunity to follow Lord Xianhe, not all the time.

It is not something anyone can do to plant a main city twice in a row. This kind of strength is enough to rank high in the entire star field world.

After making up his mind to chase after him, he was also happy to see the Xianhe collar become stronger.

The stronger the Xianhe collar, the more correct his choice was.

After receiving the leaders, the news of the battle spread quickly after the fleet of Xianhe leaders returned with a full load.

Not only the earth lord forces, but also the indigenous territories showed considerable surprise.

For a long time, Xianhe Territory has given everyone the impression that it is an obscure commercial territory that mainly develops trade.

There has never been a war with any territory.

But this time, instead of the previous silence, he brazenly sent out troops, and quickly took down the former overlord of the light blue sea region - the Twilight Territory before everyone could react.

Although the Twilight Collar is already very weak at this time.

However, since the loss in the final battle last time was not very large, the strength is still there, and there is still the power to fight.

Not to mention the strength of the Xianhe leader, the reason for the Xianhe leader's attack this time has left all the territories guessing.

Of course they do.

Not long ago, Lin Xiao experienced the second assassination by the Lord of Purgatory.

And it is not a secret that the Twilight Territory has become a subsidiary territory of the Purgatory Territory, among the powerful territories.

So, the reason for this is clear.

Because Lin Xiao was assassinated, he was angry and took revenge on the Purgatory Lord. Because the distance was too far, he directly took the knife on the subordinate territory of the Purgatory Lord.

Although the surprise was nothing but surprise, with the strong strength of Lin Xiao and Xianhe Ling, it is reasonable to make a move.

In fact.

Among all the people who eat melons, the most shocked one is naturally the Mizhou Alliance.

"When did this happen?"

"Why haven't we been informed at all?"

"Are your intelligence agencies all idiots?"

Not surprisingly, Harris was furious.

It's not because Lin Xiao is jealous that he won a city-level territory.

It was because Twilight Island made him return home in the first place, but now he was conquered by the leader of Xianhe.

It was a slap in the face for him.

In the eyes of everyone, isn't this the place where Harris fell into the sand, but was easily taken down by Lord Xianhe?

Where does this save his face?

The proclamation issued at the beginning, the bold statement of vowing to occupy the first large-scale sea area for the human beings on earth, has become a joke.

"Lord Xianhe...Lin Xiao..." Harris almost gritted his teeth, but he didn't notice it.

He could already imagine what a huge sensation this news would cause when it reached the earth.

Originally, this achievement should belong to him.

Just as he thought.

When the Xianhe Territory conquered the Twilight Territory, making the light blue sea area completely the inland sea of ​​the earth's humans, and the news that there was no more indigenous territory spread back, it spread throughout the entire earth in an instant.

The whole world boils.

The news was once again slaughtered.


"Finally won the first sea area!"

"It's the same sentence, Niubi, the lord of Xianhe!"

"Great God of Xianhe, people don't talk harshly."

"I just like this kind of character, when things happen, I just do it!"

"Keep going, keep going!"

Although with the emergence of the wild world, the importance of the star field world has declined slightly.

However, the particularity of the star field world and the particularity of the members of the lord make the importance of the star field world in the hearts of humans on earth undiminished.

In addition, although the wild world has a lot of resources, it is a barren land, without human civilization, runes, weapons and armor, magical equipment, and secret skills...

The star field world is destined to be far more important to human beings than the wild world for a long time.

And the meaning that humans on Earth can occupy a complete large sea area in the star field world is also enough to make everyone excited.

This is similar to the first landing on the moon, the first landing on Mars, and the first landing on an alien galaxy.

They are all opening up territories for the entire human race.

There are no more natives in the light blue sea.

This news is destined to become a major event that will be hotly discussed around the world in the near future.

As for the fact that Lin Xiao was assassinated for the second time, almost killed the other party and captured him, it did not cause any sensation at all, and everyone took it for granted.

"The lord of Xianhe is an evildoer, isn't it normal to do such a thing?" This is what almost everyone thinks.

After seeing all kinds of miracles of Lin Xiao, the word "Xianhe" has been completely mythologized. If you don't swallow the sun alive and pick up the stars with your hands, you won't be able to make headlines.

Instead, conquer the Twilight Territory and make the earth boil.

Maybe after Lin Xiao knew about it, she would also feel a little dumbfounded.

But having just completed his conquest of the Twilight Territory, he has no time to return to Earth.

When the fleet transporting the loot returned to Golden Island, Twilight Island also welcomed the management team of Xianhe Territory, as well as a patrolling defense group.

Twilight Island is huge and rich in resources.

In the hands of Orston, it has not played its due value at all.

I believe that under the management of Xianhe Ling, it will re-exude vigorous vitality.

As for Oston himself, after returning to Xianhe territory with the fleet, Lin Xiao immediately sensed the thread of his faith through the lord's crystal tablet.

To his surprise, this guy's thread of faith was relatively solid, comparable to that of a leader who had lived in Xianhe Territory for several years.

This surprised Lin Xiao a little.

"Could it be that my charisma is so strong that even a city-level lord who has never met before is easily overwhelmed by my brilliance?"

Apart from this reason, Lin Xiao couldn't think of any other reason.

Conquering a city-level territory, harvesting hundreds of thousands of people, the city-level lord actively followed, let Lin Xiao sweep away the haze of being assassinated, and he was in a good mood.

Originally planned to go further, advance to the wilderness sea area, and take action against the other two subsidiary territories of Purgatory Territory - Rage Territory and Maple Leaf Territory, but after weighing the pros and cons, the plan was postponed.

Even if the Xianhe Territory is powerful and is not worried about the Purgatory Territory that is far away in the core sea area, it should not stimulate the opponent too much.

Just show your attitude.

Conquering the Twilight Territory is just to announce to the opponent that the Xianhe Territory is not at the mercy of others, not only has the determination to resist, but also has the strength to resist.

If you want to continue to do it, you need to pay the corresponding price.

(End of this chapter)

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