super star lord

Chapter 238 Years of consumption

Chapter 238 Thousands of Years of Consumption

Amos has gotten a little angry recently.

First, the messenger reported that the second assassination of Lord Xianhe failed after all preparations were made, and both Mage Sko and Crystal Killer were captured.

Target, unscathed.

This made him a little unbelievable.

You must know that due to the last defeat, in order to ensure that this assassination is foolproof, he even gave one of the backgrounds of the Purgatory Territory-the Ring of Imprisonment to Sko for temporary use.

He believed that with the imprisoning aura to fix the target, coupled with the invisible assassination of the crystal killer, no one could escape.

But what he didn't expect was that the action actually failed.

The ring of imprisonment has also become someone else's spoils of war.

"Damn! Stupid!"

The main city-level territory is not infinitely rich, and many magical equipment are inherited, and if you lose one, you will lose one.

Even a few Earth Knights are not as important to him as the Ring of Imprisonment.

The assassination this time can be regarded as a waste of money and people.

Moreover, he could also imagine the impact of failure on the reputation of the Purgatory Lord.

A main city, planted in the hands of city-level lords twice in a row, is bound to become the laughing stock of the star field world.

The failed assassination had already made him very angry, but before he could digest the news, it didn't take long before news came that the subordinate territory, Twilight Territory, had been conquered and became a subordinate territory of Xianhe Territory.

"No reason!"

This is simply a complete disregard for the great purgatory collar.

Since inheriting the Purgatory Territory, no one other than the holy camp has ever made him so angry.

Looking at the followers in the hall, Amos said indifferently: "You are all the elites of the territory, and you are also the nobles of the territory. Tell me, how should we deal with this Lord of Xianhe who caused the territory to fail twice? ?”

He decided to listen to his followers first.

The people below look at me and I look at you. Everyone knows that Amos is in a rage, and no one wants to be the first to suffer.

After a long time, a noble official stood up and replied: "Your Highness, the existence of the Xianhe Territory is a huge threat to us, but the fringe sea area is far from the core sea area. If we go on a long-distance expedition, the loss outweighs the gain."

Hearing what he meant, it seemed that he was going to expose the matter.

However, the aristocratic official changed the subject: "The first two failures are just because we didn't pay attention to Lord Xianhe, but after that, we have basically understood his cards. If we do it again next time, we will take him If we take all of our cards into account, then we will surely succeed."

"Having failed twice, how can you guarantee that you will succeed the third time? If you fail again, how will you deal with the face of the territory?" Another noble official shook his head, "I think the safest way is to think long-term. .”

"How to plan in the long run?" Amos asked.

"The lords of Xianhe are heretics, and the rise is too fast. If they are not stopped, no one can guarantee whether they will become the next main city and participate in the competition for the star field world. Therefore, we should contact Holy camp, perhaps in this matter, the two sides will have a common language."

His meaning is already very clear.

That is to say, in the general environment where the two camps are confronting each other, the Purgatory Lord cannot mobilize too much power and can only rely on the means of assassination, but the assassination method has been proven to be unfeasible.

Therefore, the only way is to cooperate with the Lord of Purgatory in this matter, and jointly send more earth knights to ensure that Lord Xianhe will be crushed.

Of course, just cooperating on the matter of Lord Xianhe, the situation of confrontation between the two sides will not change.

"It has long been impossible to collect materials for Qi's promotion to the main city in the star field world, and it will never be possible for the Xianhe Territory to be promoted to the main city." Another noble official retorted.

"It is said that the great purgatory leader does not need to cooperate with the enemy."

"If you don't cooperate, how will Lord Xianhe deal with it?"

"The other party has already occupied our subsidiary territory, we must respond with iron blood!"

The aristocratic officials began to discuss in a hurry. Some advocated to cooperate with their old opponents to destroy the Xianhe Territory together, while others believed that the Xianhe Territory could not be promoted to the main city, the threat was limited, and it was not advisable to cooperate with the enemy.

Both sides come and go, arguing fiercely.

The purgatory lord Amos only felt the ringing in his ears and was upset.

Both sides are right.

If you want to deal with Lin Xiao smoothly, the success rate of the assassination is very low, so you can only cooperate with the holy camp.

But when he thought of cooperating with the enemy, he couldn't make up his mind.

Moreover, the Xianhe collar really cannot be promoted to the main city, and the threat is always limited.If a large army is sent to conquer, not to mention how much power can be mobilized, the manpower and material resources required for a long-distance expedition to a powerful city-level territory are also astronomical.

After half an hour.

Amos coughed lightly, and stopped the debate in the hall: "Notify the Wrath Leader and Maple Leaf Leader, carefully defend against possible attacks from the Xianhe Leader, and dispatch some knights to support them. In addition, increase intelligence penetration, I need to know , Has Lord Xianhe's hole cards been fully exposed, to ensure that we can kill with one blow next time!"

"Your Highness is wise!"

"Follow Your Highness's order!"

"Glory favors the leader of Purgatory, and any heresy will eventually be destroyed!"

"May it be the spear and the sharp sword in the hands of His Highness!"

Now that the lord has made a decision, there is nothing to change, as a follower, you only need to follow it.

In this way, Amos could only deal with the confusion brought by Lin Xiao in a slightly conservative way, without the thunderous momentum of the main city-level territory at all.

Of course, this is also because the current Xianhe collar has already developed into a giant, and it is no longer a target that anyone can manipulate at will.

When the meeting ended, the nobles left one by one, and Amos was still sitting on his seat, and did not get up for a long time.

"An ignorant fly dares to repeatedly provoke the great purgatory leader. Sooner or later, I will tie you to the gallows and let you know the price of arrogance!"

Amos looked out of the temple door, his face became more and more gloomy.

"Damn the holy camp, the two sides have guarded against each other for thousands of years, and have consumed too much manpower and material resources. If this boring confrontation can be ended, it will be the greatest achievement in thousands of years."

"But this matter can't be rushed, it can only be done slowly. I need to test the ideas of Augustine, Boggs and Bart."

Augustine, the lord of the holy lord, the peak knight of the earth level.

Boggs, the lord of the Glory Lord, the peak knight of the earth level.

Bart, the lord of the Holy Shield Lord, the peak knight of the earth level.

These three people are the lords of the three main cities of the holy camp.

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't know what Amos was thinking.
At this moment, he is busy dealing with territorial affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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