super star lord

Chapter 239 The first 1-year plan

Chapter 239 The First Five-Year Plan

Xianhe collar has been expanding its population.

never stopped.

But in the past, population expansion was done step by step, and the amount of each expansion was not too much compared to the entire territory, so it was easy to digest.

But this time, after the Twilight Leader's victory in the first battle, it directly harvested a population of 10, making the Xianhe Leader, whose total population only exceeded 100 million, suddenly feel a sense of "sufficiency".

All kinds of problems caused by this need to be dealt with by Lin Xiao himself.

New city construction, population resettlement, territorial planning, resource supply...

due to sufficient population.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Xiao drew up the first real overall plan of Xianhe Ling according to the tradition.

The planning period is five years.

Abbreviation, Xianhe led "The First Five-Year Plan".

In this overall plan for the development of the territory, it lists in detail what Xianhe Territory needs to do in various fields in the next five years, how to do it, and what kind of results it wants to achieve.

For the development of the territory, it will have guiding significance.

Most of the contents were written by the territorial cabinet, and some were written by Lin Xiao himself.

Mainly divided into the following key points.

First, establish a rune puppet army, and the number of gold-type battle puppets will reach 400.

Second, accelerate the development plan of the rune-powered engine, and strive to produce the first machine of the Dragon Mecha and the rune aircraft within five years.

Third, complete the seabed enchantment research project and analyze the space runes.

Fourth, completely conquer the world of demons.

Fifth, integrate the population and resources of Golden Island, Beamon Island, Twilight Island and their affiliated islands, and optimize the territorial governance system.

Sixth, expand the force, and expand the total force of the major knights to 10.

Seventh, continue to recruit people from major selected sea areas and marginal sea areas.

Eighth, continue to develop various rune devices.


No.17, vigorously open up the wild world, stationed 200 gold type I battle puppets, and built new cities.

No.18, establish the Wild Academy of Sciences, and develop the integration of runes and technology.

No.19, continue to explore the Yuanjing mine.


Including the territory of the star field world and the territory of the wild world, there are dozens of main development plans in total, and hundreds of branch plans.

Including all aspects of Xianhe Territory.

Some develop rune technology and equipment, some expand troops, some optimize systems, some conquer the world, and some develop wild worlds...

Every direction is extremely important.

But what Lin Xiao looked forward to the most was the rune power engine.

On the earth, when it comes to power engines, that is, engines in the conventional sense, they are basically engines driven by burning fossil energy.

But rune-powered engines and engines are two different concepts.

Any shape of the rune power device can be used. Its core lies in the combination of runes, that is, the combination of runes that can transform the energy of the crystal.

For example, on a set of armor, a combination of runes using wind elements is depicted, driven by Yuanjing, which can explode at a speed faster than cars on the earth.

For example, rune mecha, a kind of full-body armor, has a large number of rune combinations with different functions that are perfectly combined on it. These rune combinations can realize flight ability, enhance perception, assist combat, and speed up. ... Rune power is only a small part of it, but it is a very important part.

With the rune power engine, the rune mecha has surging power and can fly.

The rune flyer is only possible with the rune powered engine.

In fact, this research project has been formulated as early as after crossing the Sea of ​​Storms.

Just because it is too complicated, it is only used as a basic research project without a lot of investment.

Taking this project as one of the cores now means preparing to invest a lot of manpower and material resources to complete it within five years.

Not only the rune power engine, but also every other plan requires continuous and large investment in order to guarantee the harvest in five years.

The entire five-year plan is huge and heterogeneous.

The reason for formulating this plan is that the territory has developed to a certain extent, the scale is large enough, and the resources are sufficient.

Xianhe Territory wants to maintain rapid development and continue to widen the gap with other territories. If it is absolutely unacceptable to be content with the status quo, it must raise higher goals and mobilize the entire territory's manpower and material resources.

Just like the money on the earth, only when it flows can the vitality of the whole society be mobilized.

in this way.

Xianhe has lived for ten years.

Xianheling's "First Five-Year Plan" was promulgated.

The Lord's will is above all else.

The entire Xianhe Territory, after the promulgation of this plan, began to burst out with strong vitality.

The territorial cabinet also began to operate efficiently.

In fact, there are not many things that Lin Xiao needs to worry about personally.

The territory is large enough, thanks to the continuous training of various colleges, and there are enough elite leaders of all kinds, which can well support this grand plan.

He spends more time, besides cultivating, traveling between the two worlds, and at the same time controlling the development direction of the territory of the wild world.


Passage No. 39 in the Mizhou area, on the side of the wild world.

This passageway is located in the west of the low-threat area, where the Mizhou Alliance has established a small city.

However, because there are not many resources around this city, and the earth side of the passage is relatively remote, there are not many explorers coming and going, so the development level has not been high all the time.

at this time.

At the city gate.

The explorer teams that went out began to return one after another, including some prospecting teams and patrol teams from the Mizhou Alliance.

Generally speaking, the task of the patrol team is mainly to collect information on plant distribution, beast distribution, environmental terrain and so on.

The exploration team is mainly looking for Yuanli medicinal materials, Yuanli minerals, etc.

Of course, the three have a common goal, which is to explore the crystal mine.

Since the first giant Yuanjing mine was discovered, the enthusiasm for exploring the Yuanjing mine has not diminished.

It's just that maybe the good luck ran out at the beginning. Although the major forces have discovered some crystal mines one after another, they are basically on a small scale.

Micro mines generally only contain dozens of primary crystals.

Only a few small mines were discovered, and all of them caused a huge sensation.

But in any case, with the preciousness of Yuanjing, no one would give up even one.

In any force, it is the most advanced strategic material.

Yuanjing Mine is the dream of many people to get rich overnight.

Ordinary people want to become strong, and obtaining a Yuanjing Mine is probably the fastest shortcut.

However, there are also many people who don't need the Yuanjing mine, and can become a strong person to look up to.

They are members of the Star Field World Lords.

Especially the most elite among them are sought after and worshiped by countless people.

For example, Lord Xianhe.

Another example, Atlantis.

at this time.

The teams returning to the city suddenly felt a huge and vast aura suddenly came from behind.

That breath is palpitating.

Make them have to turn their heads to look.

"That's... Atlantis!"

(End of this chapter)

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