super star lord

Chapter 240 Public Challenge Letter

Chapter 240 Public Challenge Letter

Among the lord members.

Although Lin Xiao is the best in the world, he ranks first.

But as long as it is at the top of the ranking, its reputation in the whole earth is not small.

Among them, the top ten are the worst.

If it comes to a specific one, then, apart from Lord Xianhe, the most powerful, most sought after, and most mysterious is Atlantis.

Especially in the Mizhou area.

The worshipers of Atlantis surpassed the Lord of Xianhe.

Because after the appearance of the wild world, as long as the explorer team wandered in it, most of them had seen him, and even witnessed him beheading beasts with their own eyes.

So when he appeared outside the city, almost everyone recognized him.

This is not surprising.

But what really shocked everyone was that the aura emanating from him was really amazing.

"This, this is..."

"It's too powerful, it's palpitating!"

"Master Atlantis is stronger!"

"I have felt the aura of a high-ranking knight attacking with all his strength, but it is far from it!"

"Only the wild and ferocious beasts in the distance that have been faintly felt can be so powerful?"

"Could it be...he already..."

"The earth..."

Just when everyone was shocked by the oppressive aura emanating from the visitor, Atlantis, under their awe-inspiring eyes, passed through the city gate and disappeared from their sight.

Before the news that Atlantis was suspected of being promoted to the land spread, an open letter of challenge had spread all over the world on the Internet.

"To Lord Xianhe: Since the advent of the star field world, I have been in awe of your strength, admiration for your bravery, and admiration for your wisdom. As a member of the earth human beings fighting for the star field world, I have always hoped I can ask you for advice and make up for my own shortcomings, but I have never had the chance to see you."

"After thinking about it, I take the liberty to ask you for advice in this way. In three days, I hope to compete with you on the top of Mount Everest in your country!"

"Challenger, Atlantis."

This news is absolutely explosive.

Not only because the person being challenged is the legendary God of Immortal River, but also because the signature of this open challenge letter is Atlantis.

This name also represents strength.

Ranked second in the selection of the lord, unlike Lin Xiao who has been passively brushing his presence, his deeds are often screened, and there is very little news about Atlantis.

That is to say, after the appearance of the wild world, they are often encountered by people.

But whether it is within the Mizhou Alliance or in the entire lord circle, no one will ignore the name Atlantis.

The name alone is enough to attract attention.

Now, this strong man actually challenged Lin Xiao by name. I have to say that the shock of this news is absolutely unparalleled.

"The biggest show of the year is about to be staged!"

"Strong collision!"

"The duel between the two peak powerhouses of the earth!"

"A battle that will surely go down in the annals of history!"

"YY's long-awaited scene is finally about to appear!"

"What should I do, both of them are my idols, I'm not happy if anyone loses!"

"Why is Mount Everest so high, how can I watch the battle live?"

"Haha, luckily I'm a practitioner, climbing Mount Everest is a piece of cake."

"The two powerful men are fighting, and the aftermath will be huge. Are you going up to die?"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, the news is out, and the major leagues will broadcast it live!"

"Wow, that's great!"

Whether it is on the Internet or in reality, the heat of discussion explodes directly.

It is even worse than Yuanjing Mine.

After all, the Yuanjing Mine has nothing to do with most people, but Xianhe and Atlantis are known to all.

It can be said that both of them are national idols.

The battle between them is destined to set off monstrous waves on the earth.

The Mizhou League first announced that it will be broadcast live.

Other forces followed closely behind, and no one wanted to miss this battle.

"They are all the strongest elites of mankind, I hope there will be no casualties."

"Yes, if you want to conquer the star field world, you can only hope if there are more strong ones."

"I don't know who will win..."

"The lord of Xianhe defeated the siege of three earth knights and dealt with an Atlantis, isn't it easy?"

"Lord Xianhe's defeat of the three Dadi is obviously not fighting alone. On Earth, both sides can only rely on their own strength, and it is hard to say who will win and who will lose."

"It is said that Atlantis has been promoted to the earth, and the Lord of Xianhe is still only a high-ranking..."

"This battle is worth seeing..."

With the status of Lin Xiao and Atlantis, even the major lord forces are also very concerned about this battle.

Atlantis' move was obviously not reconciled to the original selection ranking, and wanted to take this opportunity to suppress Lin Xiao.

Forces that have a good relationship with Lin Xiao, such as the Zhongxia Alliance, naturally hope that Lin Xiao can maintain the number one position.

The forces that have a bad relationship with him hope that in this battle, Lin Xiao will be defeated by Atlantis and be pulled down from the altar.

What's more, they hoped that Lin Xiao would die directly in this battle.

For example, Harris.

Leaving aside the old grievances between the two, Lin Xiao's conquest of Twilight Island alone made him a laughing stock in the lord's circle.

There is also Adams, the person in charge of the Coral Sea Area of ​​​​Mizhou Alliance.

Because he failed to attack the Xianhe collar, he was dismissed from his post.

Not to mention Boyle, who lost his position as the heir of the Tianshen Group because of Lin Xiao, and hated Lin Xiao even more.

They all wished that he would die.

Due to the popularity of this battle, the major gaming companies have opened their markets one after another.

There are also various commentary programs that have begun to invite strong players to conduct pre-war analysis.

On Everest.

Even earlier, high-definition remote cameras were set up in various locations.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the shocking battle to break out.

The entire earth was completely heated up because of the challenge letter from Atlantis, but Lin Xiao, one of the parties involved, didn't know it yet.

So, when he returned to Earth and heard the news from Alves, he was completely stunned.


"Send an open letter to challenge me?"

"The top of Mount Everest in three days?"

"Live broadcast, global carnival?"

For a moment, Lin Xiao felt that he had returned to a parallel earth.

In fact, as the only channel of communication, he has been traveling regularly between the two worlds.

This time it was mainly due to the arrangement of the five-year plan, so it was delayed for a few days.But unexpectedly, in the past few days, so many incredible things happened.

No. 1 in the previous life, Atlantis, even asked to challenge himself by name.

"It's really good enough for the second grade..."

Lin Xiao shook his head, ready to refuse.

At this time, after reporting the recent situation, Alves said with a little worry: "Your Highness, it is said that Atlantis has been promoted to the Earth level and is very strong. Since he is openly challenging, he must be very sure."

Alves also knew about Lin Xiao's record in the star field world, but he had no helpers on Earth and could only rely on himself. He was not very optimistic about whether his lord could defeat the challenger who had been promoted to Earth.

"He has been promoted to the earth?"

This news made Lin Xiao's eyes light up.

But I thought in my heart that in the previous life, Atlantis was also the first to be promoted to the earth, but that was nearly 20 years later.

In this life, not only the wild world appeared earlier, but also the promotion time of Atlantis was earlier.

"The butterfly wings I brought are so powerful?"

(End of this chapter)

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