super star lord

Chapter 241 The Epic Battle Begins

Chapter 241 The Epic Battle Begins

Lin Xiao didn't know how powerful the butterfly's wings were.

But many things in the memory of the previous life have changed, and his advantage of foresight is getting smaller and smaller, but it is an indisputable fact.

Fortunately, the current leader of Xianhe and himself are strong enough, with enough strength and capital, to face all crises and challenges.

So even if Atlantis was promoted to the earth, his self-confidence was bursting, and he wanted to challenge him, he did not feel the huge pressure as people imagined.

Instead, he calmly said to his followers, "Tell him, I will make an appointment on time."

"Ah, what?" Alves didn't react for a while.

"As the first earth human being promoted to the earth level, as kind as I am, of course I will give him the opportunity to challenge me. This is also a gift to him!"

"But, Your Highness..." Alves wanted to dissuade him.

Lin Xiao waved his hand to stop him.

"Go and reply."

Seeing this, Alves could only nod his head, and took the order to turn around and leave.

After a while.

Lord Xianhe publicly responded to Atlantis' challenge with only four words.

"accept the challenge!"

And instantly spread around the world.

"Wow, responded, responded!"

"The God of Xianhe responded!"

"Accept the challenge, simple, domineering!"

"This is our Great Immortal River God!"

"So excited!"

"Really been waiting!"

An open challenge letter from Atlantis directly pushed Lin Xiao into a corner, and he had to either accept the challenge or refuse.

Originally, most people thought that it was unwise to accept the challenge hastily when the other party had already been promoted to the earth level. Only Lin Xiao, who was at a high level, might refuse to fight.

Even if you don't directly refuse, you may delay for various reasons until you are fully prepared and fully confident before taking on the challenge.

After all, if he is defeated this time, it will mean that his image that all the lords have looked up to for a long time will be completely shattered.

Even if it is ranked first in the selection, it will still lose.

In other words, if other people advance to Dadi first, they can also defeat him.

No.1, who was aloof at the beginning, was not as powerful as imagined.

Therefore, many people believed that in order to avoid such risks, Lin Xiao's best choice was to temporarily avoid the battle.

At least choose your own time and place.

But no one expected that Lin Xiao would agree so happily.

Just three days later.

On the top of Mount Everest.

A world-renowned battle is imminent.


Mount Everest.

The highest peak on earth, more than 8000 meters above sea level.

The mountain is majestic and majestic, majestic, majestic, extremely steep terrain, and the environment is very complicated.

At an altitude of more than 6000 meters, it is covered with solid ice all year round and never melts.

In the past, those who could climb to the top were all human warriors.

Although after the advent of the star field world, due to the emergence of extraordinary power, climbing Mount Everest has become very easy for practitioners.But the position of the world's highest peak in the hearts of mankind has never changed.

Atlantis chose this place for the challenge, which may also be a subtle hint that in the upcoming battle here, the winner will be——

Earth No.1.


One side is the first genius on earth to be promoted to the earth level, and the other side is the most powerful human lord who selects the number one evildoer.

Both of them represent the strongest among human beings.

The one who can win this battle is the No.1 on Earth.

As soon as the third day arrives.

When the sky was just dawn, around the highest peak of Mount Everest, many practitioners from various major forces were already waiting in battle.

Of course, they are not going to fight, but to witness, spread and record this epic battle.

It is difficult for ordinary people to climb to the top of the mountain, so it is naturally difficult to complete this arduous task.

Therefore, all major forces sent elite knights.

They set up and protect high-definition cameras in the distance, presenting real-time images here to audiences around the world.


All over the world, whether it is day or night, almost everyone is in front of the screen, staring intently at the live broadcast, not wanting to miss even a single frame.

Wind and snow whistling.

All human beings in the world are waiting quietly.

On weekdays, even if you wait for the test results for the college entrance examination, wait for the interview results after you find a job after graduation, and wait for the birth of your child outside the delivery room after marriage, every second is not as long as it is now.

Waiting is torture.

Of course, there is no end to waiting.

It was as long as decades, and finally, in the live broadcast screen, a slightly abrupt figure suddenly appeared.

People all over the world watched intently.

I saw, on the top of a snow-white ice and snow, a handsome young man with blond hair wearing a golden armor and holding a golden spear was walking step by step.

He stepped on the steep and precipitous peak of ice and snow, but it was as if he was walking on the ground.

"Atlantis is coming!"

"It's so strong, it feels like the breath is overflowing through the screen!"

"The epic battle is about to begin!"

"Where is the Great God of Xianhe?"

The audience who had been waiting calmly suddenly became excited as if a pot had exploded.

Finally waited.

Only the high-level leaders of the major forces, looking at the pictures on the screen, can still be as stable as Mount Tai.

They are waiting.

When Atlantis came to the peak and stood still, and everyone was waiting for Lin Xiao's arrival, an inconspicuous snowdrift on the peak suddenly exploded, and at the same time, a clear voice rang out: "Atlantis Landis, you are finally here."

When the wind and snow cleared, Lin Xiao, wearing armor and holding silver frost, also appeared in front of humans all over the world through live broadcast.

"It's the Great God of Xianhe!"

"He's actually on the top of the peak, why didn't we find out?"

"An evildoer is an evildoer, and the way of appearance is so cool!"

Ordinary people think it's nothing, no matter how strange Lin Xiao's appearance is, they will automatically attribute it to Lin Xiao as a monster, no matter what he does is normal.

But the practitioners who have been here for a long time don't think so.

When the challenge letter from Atlantis was made public, they received the task and began to climb Mount Everest one after another, making preparations in advance.

And Lin Xiao's whereabouts are also very clear. When he publicly accepted the challenge the day before, he still did not leave the Xianhe Territory.

But when the appointment period expired today, he actually appeared directly at the peak.

Under the eyes of everyone, no one noticed.

This is incredible.

Lin Xiao naturally didn't know that his sudden appearance confused some people.

At this time, after seeing Atlantis, he had already patted off the snow and ice on his body and stood up.

Shrugging his shoulders, he looked at the blond young man meaningfully: "Mr. Atlantis, I hope you will fight with all your strength, otherwise, the time you and I have been fighting may not be enough for you to learn my fighting skills, and you will not be able to make up for it." your flaw."

(End of this chapter)

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