super star lord

Chapter 243 The strongest planet

Chapter 243 The strongest planet

Lin Xiao didn't know what the spectators were thinking, and he didn't care whether others were expecting or cursing, scolding or praying. After entering the fighting state, his attention was already on this battle, and he was completely unaffected by the outside world. interfered with.

Atlantis is also in a similar state.

Because Lin Xiao's strength was far beyond his expectations, so he had to concentrate on it.

Originally, after being promoted to the earth level, he thought that he would be able to gain the upper hand when facing Lin Xiao and defeat him easily, but unexpectedly, things were not as simple as he thought.

Although he could feel that the opponent's Yuanli was only high-level, but that strange and exquisite swordsmanship made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

It turns out that swordsmanship can still be used like that.

It turns out that the moves can have so many changes.

It turns out that the attack angle can be so tricky.

He had seen this battle.

Although he is conceited that he is extremely talented and promoted to the earth level early, but in terms of combat experience and skills, he is hard to match.

A majestic fighting spirit is useless.


Atlantis' momentum surged, and he rushed towards Lin Xiao again, and the golden spear rippling with vigor, stabbed fiercely.

The gun was like thunder, and went straight to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao's eyes were cold, and he responded calmly. He used all kinds of swordsmanship in turn, not only "Heavy Explosion Swordsmanship", but also other swordsmanship cheats recovered in the underground palace, which he mastered proficiently.

His moves are also more varied and unpredictable.

Every move can crush the opponent's attack at the most suitable time, the most suitable angle, and with the most suitable force.

It was originally a well-matched battle.

He has moves and skills, and his opponents are of a higher level.

From the beginning of the battle, both sides knew that no one was sure of victory.

Therefore, in this battle, Lin Xiao can give full play to his potential, suppress his own potential, and stimulate his full potential.

As the fight continued, his blood began to burn.


With the ice crystal phoenix mount, when facing any opponent, he is sure to win.Even if he was attacked by Alistar's Behemoth's Wrath at the beginning, he defeated him after equipping the Dark Ring.

Even the siege by the three earth knights and the assassination by the crystal killer could not pose enough threat to him.

There is absolutely no chance of a good fight.

But now, without any external assistance, fighting against an earth knight has completely inspired his full strength.

Suitable opponents are hard to find.

For Lin Xiao, Atlantis is his most suitable opponent now.

in the next few hours.

Lin Xiao and Atlantis, the two strongest people on this planet, fought frantically.Hit from the top of Mount Everest to the halfway up the mountain, then hit from the halfway up to the adjacent peak, and then fight back from the adjacent peak to the top of Mount Everest.

The majestic fighting spirit swayed.

Along the way, where the two fought, the ice shattered and the rocks exploded.For the first time in this form, the powerful supernatural power was manifested on the highest mountain of the earth.

In the snowstorm, it was like two gods of ice and snow were fighting.

All the people in front of the screen watched with bated breath, not wanting to miss a single shot.

Bang Ka!

The sounds of weapons clashing, rocks breaking, and ice cracking continued to resound.

Of course, until now, the two of them were not unscathed.

No matter how exquisite Lin Xiao's moves were, the armor was already covered with scars and was on the verge of being broken.Although his armor is the masterpiece of the technical committee, it is already a miracle that it can last until now.

As for Atlantis, the golden armor on his body was made of unknown material, it was extremely hard, even his strongest attack could not pierce it.

However, the impact caused by each sword alone is not something that armor can completely defend against.

After catching an opportunity, he unleashed a "Heavy Explosive Slashing Sword Technique", which is one of his most powerful attack methods at present.


The elemental force is gathered to the extreme, the speed of the sword is extremely fast, the force is heavy, and all the elemental force erupts at once, which also has the property of bursting.

"Bang dong!"

It was difficult to block the sword, but the powerful explosion force still shook Atlantis tens of meters away, and it stopped when it hit the mountain directly.

Feeling dizzy, Atlantis shook his armor and rushed up again.

In fact, both sides have been extremely exhausted since the fight.

Lin Xiao can still maintain most of his combat power with exquisite swordsmanship, but Atlantis has obviously slowed down a lot.

Fighting energy can still be supported by medicine, but the exhaustion of the body cannot be recovered.

As long as you are still a body of flesh and blood, your physical strength cannot be endless.


Atlantis was obviously also aware of this situation, but it was precisely because of this that he was anxious.

The more time goes by, the worse the state of both parties becomes.

But relatively speaking, he relies more on level suppression and is more affected.

But the more he wanted to end the battle quickly, the more he panicked and was completely overwhelmed by Lin Xiao's exquisite moves.

Lin Xiao didn't let go of the great opportunity, and dealt heavy blows at the most critical moments, putting Atlantis in a state of complete suppression.

at last.

After splitting the opponent's spear with a sword, Atlantis had been forced to a cliff by him and found an excellent opportunity.

"Right now!"

Unprecedented and powerful energy burst out in full force, taking turns to display the most powerful explosive moves.

With the sound of a sonic boom, the Silver Frost Sword knocked back Atlantis, who couldn't dodge, and fell directly from the cliff.

Atlantis had nowhere to rely, so he could only watch himself fall, fixed his eyes on the man standing on the cliff, and roared angrily: "Next time, I will definitely defeat you!"

The cliff was not very high, and he might be seriously injured if he fell, but with the strong physique and armor protection of the Earth Knight, it was absolutely impossible to die.

However, the fact that he was blasted off the cliff also meant that he lost the battle.

No matter how unwilling he is, he can only wait for the next opportunity.

Lin Xiao stood on the top of the mountain.

The wind and snow blew across his cheeks, his body was exhausted, and he didn't feel much about winning the battle just now.

What he really cares about is that through the battle just now, he unreservedly and unscrupulously unleashed all his potential and all his strength for the first time.


Have a great battle!
The feeling of complete release is unparalleled.

When Lin Xiao was reminiscing about this battle, the world's human beings had already boiled.

"The Immortal River God has won!"


"A high level can defeat the earth, it's too strong!"

"Now that he is the strongest man on earth, who has any doubts?"

"The glory of Zhongxia, the strongest planet!"

This epic battle, which attracted the attention of the whole world, ended successfully with Lin Xiao's victory amidst all the attention.

(End of this chapter)

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