super star lord

Chapter 244 The Long-awaited Surprise

Chapter 244 The Long-awaited Surprise


"Why did Atlantis lose?"


Boyle looked crazy, roaring.

Seeing Lin Xiao being suppressed, he was still cheering excitedly.

But not long after, Atlantis, who was almost invincible in his eyes, was blasted off the cliff.

The dream of Lin Xiao being defeated under the attention of the world did not happen. On the contrary, through this battle, Lin Xiao's position became more stable and his reputation became more famous.

It almost made him want to vomit blood.

Sadness, anger, regret, madness.

All kinds of emotions are intertwined.

Similar to him, there are Adams and Harris.

It can be said that both of them hated Lin Xiao to the extreme, but they could only watch helplessly as he ascended to the altar again, and his position became more and more stable.

In the Mizhou area.

Those who also dreamed of pulling Lin Xiao down from the altar through this battle were destined to be disappointed.

The most powerful man in his own country did not defeat that evildoer, but instead became a stepping stone for others.


"Master Atlantis actually lost!"

"The glory of knights did not favor the Mizhou Alliance..."

"No! We still have hope. The Lord of Xianhe just won by a narrow margin. As long as Lord Atlantis has a stable cultivation base, proficient fighting skills, and relying on his level of crushing, he will definitely be able to defeat him next time!"

"That's right! Lord Atlantis is just being careless!"

"After all, the ranks are there. As long as the gap in combat skills is narrowed, the side with the higher rank will definitely win!"

"Yes, if you lose this time, there will be another time!"

Many people are not reconciled, but most sane people already look sad.

Even Atlantis was defeated in advancing to the earth level in advance, and Lin Xiao's strength had already made them despair.

Of course, there were also many who admired Lin Xiao, but after this battle, they also regarded Lin Xiao as the strongest person on earth and worshiped him even more.


Unlike the Mizhou area, which was both tangled and self-consoling, compared with the tension and depression during the battle, after Lin Xiao's victory, the Zhongxia area was already full of joy.

Everyone's face was filled with smiles from the heart, as if the winner was themselves.

Lin Xiao's strength has been verified once again.

Due to the attention paid to this battle, coupled with the faint representation of the No. 1 confrontation between the East and the West, the successful result can be said to have satisfied everyone's expectations and pride to the greatest extent.

After this, anyone can proudly say that Earth No.1 is from Zhongxia!


It can be said that although this battle is over, the global heated discussions it has brought about will not stop.

Before Chaofan came into the world, current affairs entertainment received more attention.

But in the extraordinary era, the only objects people pay attention to are the strong.

Lin Xiao and Atlantis are the two most powerful people in this world. The collision between the two has attracted the attention of the whole world. Even though the winner has already been decided, the residual heat will obviously last for a long time.

However, all this has little to do with the two parties involved.

After this battle, Atlantis plunged headlong into the wild world and practiced hard, but his figure was hardly seen anymore.

According to the information disclosed by some insiders, he has gone to the 'unknown area', often fighting with herds of beasts, even some epic beasts with relatively ordinary forces, to hone his fighting skills.

It is clear.

Atlantis was not reconciled to the defeat.

With his talent and hard work, perhaps one day in the future, he will defeat Lin Xiao again.

Lin Xiao didn't know that his subordinates were going to suffer for it.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

The challenge was accepted only because it was difficult to find a suitable opponent.

For him, Atlantis is a more suitable opponent at this stage, allowing him to fight to the fullest and unleash his potential.

But that's about it.

After this battle, this opponent has become a defeated opponent and has lost its due role.

His strength will not stand still, but will only grow bigger and bigger with his opponent.

Maybe the next time we meet, the other party won't even be qualified to challenge.

In fact.

It was not himself who gave him this confidence, but an unexpected little guy.


After this battle, he returned directly to the Lord's Mansion.

At this time, Xiao Xueli came to find him, and excitedly told him good news, "Brother, I have completed Nicole's contract rune, and we should be able to know her last ability soon!"

"Really?" Lin Xiao's eyes lit up.

It has been several months since the girl last talked about it.

There was no news at first, and I thought it was a problem, but I didn't expect to get this surprise today.

The girl nodded heavily, she could see that she was in a good mood.


Several years have passed since the little guy was discovered in the underground palace.

But the last ability has never been seen.

That said, the question stumped Shirley for several years.

Being able to keep a genius girl in trouble for so long can also show the difficulty of this problem.

If you want to develop a contract rune of a completely unfamiliar magical species, it is obviously not enough to just sketch a few strokes at will, which involves too many rune mysteries.

If it wasn't for Shirley, if it were someone else, it might not be possible to develop it in a lifetime.

"Xue Li, take Nicole out, let's get started." Lin Xiao couldn't wait any longer.

The girl nodded, walked to a small pocket bed specially made for Neeko, took out a piece of rare material with ice flame attribute, and shook it in front of the bed of the little guy who was sleeping soundly.

As if sensing something, the little guy suddenly opened his small crystal eyes, staring straight at the ice flame crystal in the girl's hand.



It smells so good, I want to eat it.

Over the years of getting along, some simple meanings are easy to understand.

Opening up the little pink quilt, the little guy flew straight up, and the illusory gauze skirt fluttered in the air, as if it had no weight, and floated into the girl's hand, holding the piece of ice flame crystal, the little guy with an intoxicated face expression.

After a while, she seemed to see Lin Xiao was there, and she flew onto Lin Xiao's shoulder with the food in her arms, and grunted twice as a greeting.

Lin Xiao also returned her a warm smile: "Nicole, is the ice flame crystal very fragrant? I also have it here, do you want more?"

The little guy's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded vigorously.


"If you want it, just promise me a condition, okay?"


"I will describe a rune later, which will allow us to better communicate and connect together. You have to cooperate obediently, you know?"


"Very good, Nicole is very good, then we are ready to start."


(End of this chapter)

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