super star lord

Chapter 245 Neeko Possession

Chapter 245 Neeko Possession
Lin Xiao felt that she was like a big bad wolf who tricked the little white rabbit.

Although he thought so in his heart, he was not slow at all.

After stabilizing the little guy with ice flame crystals, he looked at the map of contract runes handed over by the girl. Holding the exquisite rune carving knife, he began to outline in the void.

One stroke at a time, it's natural.

Just looking at it, there is a kind of intoxicating beauty.

Runes are indeed the most beautiful things in the world.

If it weren't for the heavy responsibility of being a lord who commands millions of people, Lin Xiao felt that she might also linger in it like a girl.

You know, in his previous life, because he basically gave up on the development of the territory, most of his energy was put on the runes.

It's just limited to aptitude, decades of achievements are far inferior to the girl's progress in a few years, and the gap has been completely widened.


With the background of the previous life and the learning of this life, it is still no problem to follow the gourd.

Although Nicole's contract runes are very cumbersome, under Lin Xiao's dedicated depiction, they are still gradually outlined stroke by stroke.

When the last stroke was completed, Lin Xiao heaved a sigh of relief.

"All right!"

At the same time, the complete combination of contract runes also shone brightly, and then slowly converged, just suspended in midair quietly, flawlessly.


Without bothering to sigh, after finishing, he couldn't wait to tap lightly.

Immediately, the combination of runes split into two, which were printed on the brows of himself and Nicole respectively, and directly sank into them.

all of a sudden.

A strange connection emerged in Lin Xiao's heart.

A small creature seemed to be suddenly connected to her, her thoughts, her emotions, all her emotions were clearly visible.

There is intimacy between the two.

It was just like that, without a trace of estrangement.

"Little guy?" He tentatively murmured in his heart.


In the past, he could only roughly guess some simple meanings, but now he can clearly recognize her meaning-I am here.

This made him extremely excited.

In the past, the key to unlocking the last ability was how to communicate.

Although the little guy is a miniature human being, she is not a real human being after all, and cannot really communicate with human beings. She can only judge her general meaning through some body language.

The first few abilities are easy to show, so it is easy to judge.

But the last ability needs specific conditions to be triggered, relying on simple body language, it is completely incomprehensible.

So until now, never really figured it out.

Now that Lin Xiao and the little guy have established a contract, they can communicate without barriers, which also means that the last ability of the little guy can be unlocked immediately.

Thinking of the previous powerful abilities, Lin Xiao was extremely looking forward to her last ability, and her tone of inquiry trembled slightly: "Nicole, what is your last ability?"


"Can you possess me?"

Lin Xiao, who knew the meaning of this sentence, was suddenly surprised. What kind of ability is this?
"What about after possession?" He asked immediately.


"Try it and you'll know?" Sensing the naughty tone of the little guy, Lin Xiao looked forward to it instead, "Okay, then let's try it."

Before he finished speaking, the little guy turned into an ice blue light and rushed towards him impatiently.


In an instant.

Lin Xiao felt that the whole world was different.

He seemed to see a series of lines, colorful, colorful, grotesque, and together they made up this world.

He seemed to see the essence of this world.

This gave him the illusion that he could break the world with a random blow.

Although this feeling came and went quickly, the buffs it produced temporarily made his connection with the secrets and laws closer.

Even, he can use this to display far beyond ordinary power.

With a light wave of the arm.


A sonic boom sounded.

Lightly step on the ground.


The ground is shaking.

Just a little jump.


Unexpectedly, the whole body is light and fluttering, as if about to fly into the air.

"This this this..."

This feeling of extreme strength completely shocked Lin Xiao.

"This is too strong, am I so strong? It feels like this world is so fragile, as if it can be pierced through with one punch!"

Although he knew that this was an illusion caused by the sudden surge in strength, Lin Xiao was deeply infatuated with this feeling.

Isn't the purpose of practicing is to become stronger.

But now, he can fully appreciate this power.

As powerful as a god.

"Is this the ability of Nicole's possession? It allows the possessed person to directly borrow huge power, so that the strength will skyrocket several times." Lin Xiao's eyes were full of shock.

"I'm at a high level now, but after she possesses me, the strength I display is almost equivalent to the peak of the earth. This ability is really against the sky."

If it gets out, maybe the entire star field world will go crazy.

The most powerful lords of the main city will come to snatch them in person regardless of face.

I just don't know what kind of strength they can display if they are possessed by Nicole.

"Maybe, it will go beyond the earth level and reach a completely unfamiliar level..." Lin Xiao couldn't imagine it at all.

Of course, everything is just speculation right now.

In fact, although he is very powerful now, he is still confused about this ability of Neeko.

What is the principle of possession?
Why can Nicole borrow such a powerful force from behind?
What conditions need to be met to be possessed?
Is there any time limit for possession?

All of these issues are currently unknown.

Only by clarifying these questions can we truly understand the last ability of the little guy.

When Lin Xiao experienced the powerful feeling, the girl looked at him with surprise, and seeing that he finally stopped to think, she couldn't help but ask, "Brother, why did Nicole disappear in your body? Where did you go? How did you suddenly become so powerful?"

Putting aside the doubts in his heart for the time being, Lin Xiao told the girl about the conversation just now and his feelings.

A surprised and even shocked expression gradually appeared on the girl's face.

Obviously, she also couldn't imagine that the last ability of the little guy she had studied for several years was so amazing.

Totally unexpected.

"Why it came out like this?"

Yes, this is what Lin Xiao wants to know.

"Brother, can you remove the possession? Let's ask Nicole together." The girl said.

"Well, I'll try."

The little guy possessed in his body is in a special state, unable to communicate, and can only ask and communicate with him if he releases the current state.

"Little guy? Come out!" I said silently through the contract rune in my heart.

As if feeling a call, Lin Xiao could only feel that his power was rapidly disappearing and quickly returned to normal level.

The huge borrowed power disappeared in an instant.

But in front of him, the ice-blue light and shadow reappeared, and gathered into a cute little person.

It was Nicole.

(End of this chapter)

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