super star lord

247 kill him

247 kill him
"kill him!"

The next moment, all the scythe demons surged in momentum and rushed towards Lin Xiao.

A pair of sickles were raised high, rippling with a strong black aura.


The speed is extremely fast, like lightning bolts, they are close in an instant.

A sickle demon is already very powerful, and eight sickle demons attack at the same time, it is simply earth-shattering.

Their combined strength is completely stronger than the siege of the three earth knights led by Purgatory.

It can be said that there is no comparison at all.

Lin Xiao's eyes were piercing, his attention was concentrated like never before, and he gradually mobilized the power he borrowed, feeling the sensation in his body that was about to explode.


At the same time, with an excited phoenix cry, the ice armor quickly covered the whole body, and the power of the thick ice flame surged, and Anivia was also ready to fight.

Face the eight-headed scythe demon at the same time.

It can be said that this is the most powerful opponent.

But there was no tension in my heart.

Only calm and composed.

Because, this was not an evenly matched battle in the first place, but——


The Silver Frost Sword was surrounded by strong Yuanli and ice flames, and it collided with the sickle demons with a force comparable to that of the Behemoth Behemoth.

Boom bang bang bang bang bang bang—

Ice flames and black mist engulfed and splashed each other, and the sky was usually filled with ice flames and usually black mist.

Not giving in to each other, the two sides slashed at each other.

Facing the siege of eight demons at the same time, Lin Xiao responded calmly and took over all of them.

The messy black mist and ice flame were evenly matched at first, but as Lin Xiao continued to strengthen his strength, his strength became stronger and stronger, and soon the demons were completely overwhelmed.

The demons tried to besiege Lin Xiao, and the idea of ​​killing him reasonably could not be realized. On the contrary, several parties were completely crushed by Lin Xiao.Under that exquisite swordsmanship, he was hit by a sword from time to time.

If it weren't for the tacit cooperation and mutual support of the eight demons, they might not be able to block Lin Xiao's violent attack at all.


It was another collision between Silver Frost and the sickle, and a large piece of the sickle that the demons were proud of was directly smashed.


The sickle demon roared angrily in pain.

Not only did the injury not make it flinch, but it aroused its ferocity, and it rushed forward even more defiantly and crazily.

Lin Xiao, who had the upper hand, would not be lenient in the slightest.

In the case of borrowing strength, his strength is already comparable to the peak of the earth, coupled with Anivia's cooperation, and his own rich combat experience.

At this time, he is capable of fighting even against Amos who is riding the Purgatory Lesser Dragon, let alone the eight-headed sickle demon.

Of course, he also needs a quick fix.

Although Neeko possesses a body, although she can borrow huge strength, when she fights with all her strength, it still puts a heavy load on her body.

If you can't make a decision for a long time and keep procrastinating, maybe you will be in danger instead.

Therefore, after he basically mastered the battle rhythm and completely suppressed the eight-headed sickle demon, he began to prepare to end the battle.

"Frost Judgment!"

As the cold voice spread, a bone-piercing chill suddenly covered the audience.

"Crack Kacha!"

The eight-headed sickle demon who had been suppressed was shocked to find that not only a large amount of white mist had condensed in the air due to the low temperature, but also a thick layer of solid ice had quickly condensed in the entire Demon City.

For a moment, the city of demons seemed to usher in an ice age.

At the same time, a huge amount of frosty air continuously surged from all directions, and all of it condensed on the silver frost sword in Lin Xiao's hand.

The Silver Frost Sword, which was originally less than a foot long, quickly condensed into a giant ice sword under the condensation of the frosty air.

Lin Xiao, holding this giant ice sword in his hand, looked like a god standing on the top of the frost, especially against the ice crystal phoenix below him, he looked even more radiant.


Slashing out with a sword is like cutting off the river and dividing the sea.

With a destructive and indomitable momentum, he is about to split all enemies in half.

The third combined move appeared again.

The three earth knights in Purgatory Territory were defeated by this trick.

Now Lin Xiao, who was possessed by Nicole, used it again, and the power he possessed was completely different.

The main meaning of this style is a way to explode the power of ice flames, but compared to other moves, the explosion is more thorough.

So much so that it actually caused a partial change in the world.

This sword strike directly changed the expression of the eight-headed sickle demon who was already struggling to resist, and became extremely dignified.

They didn't expect that the outsider who had suppressed them would have such a powerful move, giving people a feeling of imminent disaster.

"Work together to defend!" Udas roared.

The other sickle demons were not slow to react, and they all gathered together, ready to block the sword together.

In an instant.

The dense black mist still condensed, and under their continuous support, it quickly condensed into a huge black giant shield.

On the giant shield, it is covered with magical textures, giving people a heavy feeling.

The eight-headed demon who had just finished all this had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief when the chilly giant ice sword had already chopped down.

Moreover, it was accompanied by waves of sounds that made their hearts tremble.




The Frost Sword was extremely sharp, and when it slashed on the huge black shield, there was a crisp cracking sound.

This voice fell in the ears of the eight-headed sickle demon, like a thunderclap.

Frightened expressions appeared on their faces at the same time, and they could only watch helplessly as the huge shield was covered with cracks for a moment.



Accompanied by a muffled sound, eight figures flew upside down at the same time, smashing heavily into the distance.

In an instant, the situation became clear.

The eight-headed sickle demon who was suppressed was directly defeated by Lin Xiao with a single sword.

There is absolutely no room for resistance.

With the eight-headed sickle demon seriously injured and falling to the ground, this peak battle in the city of demons ended with Lin Xiao's victory.

The city of demons that has lost the protection of the peak power is like being stripped naked, completely unreservedly presented in front of the elite knights of Xianhe.

Without Lin Xiao's reminder, the major knight groups who had been watching the battle in the distance had already moved quickly.

"Knights, charge!"


Tens of thousands of knights charged at the same time, and the entire ground trembled.

The demons who had just witnessed the defeat of the most powerful scythe demon looked at the densely packed knights outside the city in horror.

"It's over!"

All the demons had this thought in their minds.

Not to mention that Lin Xiao, who had just defeated the eight-headed scythe demon, was on the scene. Even if Lin Xiao didn't intervene, they would have to surrender in the face of the elite knights of Xianhe.

(End of this chapter)

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