super star lord

Chapter 248 5 years

Chapter 248 Five Years
The end result was no surprise.

Under Lin Xiao's raiding formation, the Knights of Xianhe led the entire Demon City with minimal losses.

Of course, as long as there is war, there must be casualties.

Although every demonic creature is cherished, if you encounter one that resists to the end, you can only kill it.

After finishing the scythe demon, Lin Xiao basically only needs to watch the battle from the sidelines until the knights' war to conquer the city of demons is over.

After the battlefield is cleaned and counted, the final results will come out soon.

Capture demonic creatures.

There are [-] mid-level horned demon knights, [-] are seriously injured, and [-] are slightly injured.

High-ranking Balrog knights, three hundred heads, one hundred seriously injured, two hundred slightly injured.

Earth scythe demon, eight heads, all seriously injured.

Demonic creatures are inherently rebellious and unafraid of death.

Not one voluntarily surrendered.

The biggest reward for conquering the entire city of demons is these demonic creatures. As for the follow-up city inspection and loot transportation, it has nothing to do with Lin Xiao.

After the demon city is conquered, the entire demon world will no longer have any obstacles in front of the Xianhe Territory, and large-scale pioneering operations can be carried out.

This is extremely beneficial for digesting the citizens of the Twilight Territory.

that's it.

With the help of Nicole, the demon world, which had been discovered several years ago, was swept away by the Knights led by Lin Xiao, and conquered the entire world with extremely high efficiency.

This also means that the demon world has come to an end, becoming the first five-year plan project to be completed.

As for other projects, they are progressing smoothly under his control.

At this stage, whether it is the star field world, the earth, or the wild world, the overall situation is relatively stable.

In the star field world.

After suffering two losses at Lin Xiao's hands, the leader of purgatory will not act rashly again if he is not sure.If it fails for the third time, Amos may be pissed off.

And the strategy of the Purgatory Leader also illustrates this point.

In addition to reinforcements for the Wrathful and Maple Leaf collars, the only way to increase intelligence penetration is to do so.

All tend to be conservative.

Except for the Purgatory Territory, the other territories have basically no hostile relationship with the Xianhe Territory, and they will not provoke a powerful territory for no reason.

As for the earth and the wild world.

After the Battle of Mount Everest, all major forces got to know Lin Xiao again.

It can be said that the current Lin Xiao is No.1 on Earth, the strongest person on the planet. This title alone is enough to make people full of awe.

Under such an aura, neither the recruitment of citizens nor the development of the territory of the wild city will be disturbed in the slightest.

All five-year plan projects can be well implemented.

That's exactly what happened.

After the five-year plan was formulated.

The conquest of the demon world was completed in a very short period of time. As for the subsequent actions to open up the world, it will naturally last for a long time.

In May of the 10th year of the Xianhe calendar.

The second five-year plan project, integrating the population and resources of the major islands and optimizing the territorial governance system, was completed.

The operation of the entire territory is more efficient, reasonable and fast.

Originally, the Xianhe Territory has been developing very fast, the territory is very rich, and the lives of the citizens are much better than other territories. The people's belief in the territory and loyalty to the lord are extremely high, and everyone is full of energy.

Every policy of the territory can be supported and fully implemented by all the people in the territory.

The more perfect the territory governance system is, the faster each project will be completed.

Sharpening knives does not miss woodcutters.

It has been 11 years in Xianhe calendar.

Recruit 30 people in the major selection sea areas and marginal sea areas of the star field world, and recruit 10 people in the wild world territory on the earth.The number of people in the Star Field World reached 170 million, and the number of people in the Wild World reached 20.

Two newly developed rune devices, the rune bicycle and the rune lift, have greatly facilitated the production and life of the people.

The number of rune battle puppets reached 60, all of which were put into the development of the wild world to provide security for the new settlements.The main reason is that the people recruited from the earth are basically ordinary people. Before the number of practitioners increases, necessary protection measures are indispensable.

The Wild Academy of Sciences was established, and its main task was to develop the integration of runes and technology.The first batch of members are the technological elites among the recruits, as well as those who are talented in runes.

During this year, the prospecting plan has never stopped, and with sufficient manpower, the scope of exploration is gradually expanding.The rewards obtained are not small. The prospecting team of Xianheling discovered one small crystal mine and three micro crystal mines, obtaining a total of 823 crystals, which enriched the treasure house of the wild city.

Xianhe calendar 12 years.

Star Field World recruits 30 citizens, and the total number of people is 200 million.The wild world recruited 20 leaders, and the total number of people was 40.

2 new cities were built in the wild world.

Three new rune devices have been developed, one of which is a rune transport vehicle, with different capacities, the small one can be used as a scooter, and the large one can be used as a heavy object transporter.

The number of rune battle puppets reached 130, all of which were put into the development of the wild world.

In the wild world, 2 small crystal mines and 5 micro crystal mines were found, and a total of 1782 crystals were obtained.

The expansion of the major knights in the star field world has been completed. The total strength of the elite knights has reached 10. A new knight reserve is established, and the core knights are eliminated.

The technical committee continued to expand and its technical capabilities continued to increase.

The rune-powered engine rune combination analysis is completed, and the rune-powered engine sample is started.

The completion of the analysis of other rune combinations of the Dragon Mecha is 60%, and it is expected to be completed in the next year.

Xianhe calendar 13 years.

Star Field World recruits 25 citizens, and the total number of people is 225 million.The wild world recruited 30 leaders, and the total number of people was 70.

There are 3 new cities in the wild world, and there are 6 cities in total.

4 new rune devices have been developed.

The number of rune battle puppets reached 210, of which 200 were invested in the development of the wild world, and the rest were invested in the development of the demon world.

In the wild world, 3 small crystal mines and 6 micro crystal mines were found, and a total of 2463 crystals were obtained.

The prototype of the rune-powered engine was completed, and it was improved while testing. At the same time, the analysis of the rune combination of the Dragon Mecha was also completed.

Xianhe calendar 14 years.

Star Field World recruits 20 citizens, and the total number of people is 245 million.The wild world recruited 40 leaders, and the total number of people was 110.

There are 4 new cities in the wild world, and there are 10 cities in total.

5 new rune devices have been developed.

The number of rune battle puppets reached 300, of which 100 were put into the development of the wild world.

In the wild world, 3 small crystal mines and 7 micro crystal mines were found, and a total of 2658 crystals were obtained.

The test of the rune power engine is completed, and all indicators meet the expected requirements, and the production of the first mechanism of the Dragon Mecha begins.Due to the resolution of the power problem, the production of small rune aircraft was carried out simultaneously.

Xianhe calendar 15 years.

Star Field World recruits 20 citizens, and the total number of people is 265 million.The wild world recruited 30 leaders, and the total number of people was 140.

There are 4 new cities in the wild world, and there are 14 cities in total.

7 new rune devices have been developed.

The number of rune battle puppets reached 400, all of which were put into the development of the wild world.

In the wild world, 1 small crystal mine and 3 micro crystal mines were found, and a total of 654 crystals were obtained.The low-threat areas have basically been searched several times, and the newly discovered crystal mines are getting less and less.In this year, the Yuanjing income of all major forces has dropped sharply.

The rune aircraft has been developed and can undertake the transportation work of about 10 people.The main reason is that this kind of rune engine comes from the blueprint of the Dragon Mecha. Its main function is to drive a pair of mechas. It can only be classified as a small engine in terms of power, and it cannot drive large devices.

As for the first model of the dragon pattern mecha, although it has been produced, there are still problems in the testing process, and there are problems in the coordination and operation of various functional parts. It will take some time before the real practical application.

It was also in this year that the analysis of the space runes of the seabed enchantment was finally completed.

Including Space Isolation Runes, Space Interlayer Runes, Space Scaling Runes, Space Channel Runes, Space Movement Runes, Space Teleportation Runes, etc.

The mission of the sea laboratory is officially over.

It's just that space runes are profound after all, even if they are analyzed, there is still a long way to go before they can be put into use.

(End of this chapter)

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