super star lord

Chapter 253 Another war order

Chapter 253 Another war order

What happened on the earth gave Lin Xiao a sense of urgency.

In fact.

Before that, with his strength and status among the humans on Earth and the development of the Xianhe Territory, he treated both the Mizhou Alliance and the Zhongxia Alliance with equal eyes.

But when these two forces made great efforts in science and technology, landed on Mars in one step, established a Mars base, and even set a grand goal of covering the entire solar system, he felt that the disadvantage of the Xianhe Territory was too obvious.

No one else is playing on the earth, and directly conquering the stars and the sea, even if he is the No.1 on the earth, so what, can he still jump to Mars?

For now.

In the star field world, except for a small number of local conflicts in recent years, the overall situation has remained stable.

The reason is to consider the interest factor.

It is obviously easier to snatch a resource in the star field world and obtain a resource in the wild world.

Therefore, the focus of the major forces has basically gradually shifted to the development of the wild world, and the enthusiasm of the major forces for the competition for the star field world has dropped to a low point.

That's right, instead of working hard or even provoking the main city-level territory, it's better to hunt and kill ferocious beasts while looking for resources in the wild world.

The wild world is a treasure trove of resources, and it is far from being developed yet.

In fact, in terms of the value of the world alone, the Star Field World may be higher, but in terms of the difficulty of obtaining resources, the Wild World is easier.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the wild world can be freely entered and exited.

The layout of Xianhe collar in the wild world is also to not lag behind others.

But in the final analysis, the Xianhe Territory is different from other forces with the background of a big country, and its root is undoubtedly in the star field world.

If the Xianhe Territory wants to grow and develop, it must compete for the star field world.

Even if it is a main city-level territory, it cannot retreat.

Otherwise, we can only stand still.

Watching helplessly, the major powers on the earth, taking advantage of their background as a big country, large size, and abundant human resources, use the wild world as a springboard to continue to grow.

If the Xianhe leader does not seek a breakthrough, it may not be long before, not to mention the technology, even the practitioners will no longer be able to sit on an equal footing with the major forces.

This was something Lin Xiao could not accept no matter what.

and so.

Lin Xiao, who returned to the star field world after watching the whole process of the United States' landing on Mars, immediately convened a cabinet meeting of the territory.

At the meeting, Lin Xiao said to his followers:

"Gentlemen, after the first five-year plan, the comprehensive strength of the territory has reached a new level. We have achieved a great leap in the number of people, resource reserves, military strength, rune equipment and other aspects. These achievements Created by all of us, it is hard won. But we must also realize that there is a bottleneck in our path."

"This bottleneck is objective and unavoidable. After all, the star field world is limited, the territory is limited, the resources are limited, and the population is limited. If the Xianhe Territory wants to transform again, it will inevitably collide with the indigenous forces."

Having said that, he glanced down.

They looked at him one by one, perhaps faintly guessing, and their eyes were filled with anticipation.

Carter, Marcus, who grew up from the initial citizens, and Vernal, Ashe, etc. who joined later...

Of course, there are some elites among the rising stars.

"At this critical moment, I will reopen the war to fight for more land and resources for the Xianhe Territory."

"Now, I issue a war order."

"Target: Wilderness Sea Area!"


With the issuance of the war order, the mighty war kicked off.

In fact, in order to prepare for this day, Xianhe leader waited for five years.

These five years.

Not only for dormant growth, but also for self-protection.

After all, when the Xianhe Territory began to set foot in the chaotic sea, it had gradually touched the core interests of the main city-level territory.

If there is no self-protection power, maybe the two camps will reach an agreement directly, or the purgatory lord will personally take action to deal with the Xianhe leader with thunderous means, then it will be really dangerous.

After these five years.

Not to mention that the strength of the Xianhe collar itself is not what it used to be, and the peak combat power alone has completely reached a terrifying level.

Lin Xiao was already fully confident that he would not be defeated in the face of a main city-level territory alone.

With the order of war issued.

The large number of warships, knights, and flying knights in Xianhe Territory have all assembled, and they set off from the Golden Island, rushing directly towards the wilderness sea.

Thanks to the results of the first five-year plan, even if you are not a flying knight, you can ride a small aircraft without having to endure the rough sea.

This small aircraft is very simple, about the size of a helicopter, similar in style to a passenger plane, except that rune engines are installed on the left and right sides, and its appearance is more rough.

Considering simplicity and practicality, the technical committee integrated the control runes of the aircraft and made a special rune control steering wheel.

Even riders who have never driven before can get started quickly.

Fast battleships sailed on the sea, and fierce beasts and aircraft flew in the sky.

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, it is mighty.

All the way to siege cities and villages, there was almost no decent resistance where the army passed. Islands were conquered, cities were destroyed, and countless knights were captured.

There are more knights and nobles judging the situation and surrendering to the Xianhe leader immediately.

Along the way, the advancing speed of Xianhe led the army was not even much slower than the speed of the furious leader's intelligence personnel reporting to the rear.

So much so that when less than half of the Rage Lord was occupied, Douglas, the Lord of Rage, learned the news.


"No reason!"

In the lord's mansion of the Furious Lord, Douglas, the owner of the territory, threw the wine glass in his hand on the ground viciously. Looking at the information sent by the knight, his beard was about to stand on end.

"How dare he do this!"

"Lord Xianhe, that bug, a heresy that came out of nowhere, how dare it start another war!"

"Don't he know that the Territory of Fury is a subsidiary territory of the great main city of Purgatory!"

"Isn't he afraid of really angering His Royal Highness Amos!"

He smashed the handle of the seat with one punch, and gritted his teeth: "Damn, despicable fly!"

"Douglas, you need to calm down. It's useless to be angry now." The lord's wife looked at the crumbs all over the floor and couldn't help persuading.

Douglas couldn't listen at all, and madness flickered in his eyes: "Go away, don't bother me!"

He is very clear about the strength of Xianhe collar, especially after five years of development, it has become more and more unfathomable.

Now the opponent is almost coming in full force, and the territory of the Rage Territory is rapidly falling. I am afraid that it will not be long before the entire Rage Territory will become the opponent's spoils of war.

Douglas roared: "Come here, convey my order, and immediately dispatch the fastest flying knights to pass the news of the war launched by the Xianhe Territory to the Purgatory Territory, we need emergency support!
(End of this chapter)

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