super star lord

Chapter 254 Won't Stop

Chapter 254 Won't Stop

In the lord's mansion of the main city of Purgatory, Amos, the lord of Purgatory, showed unusual anger after learning that the Xianhe Territory started the war again after five years.

"Sure enough, heresy!"

"No matter how peaceful you are at the beginning, you will eventually show your bloody fangs!"

"Provoke the great purgatory leader one after another, and I will make you pay a heavy price!"

"The snatching of the Twilight Territory had already violated the interests of the territory. It was just put aside for the time being after many considerations. I didn't expect that this would be regarded as weakness by a group of heretics. Don't you think that a Zhucheng-level territory can be provoked at will!" Amos was surprisingly angry.

Gritting teeth curse: "Unforgivable, all unforgivable!"

Back then, because of the Twilight Territory, there was a lot of gossip in other territories in private.

But firstly, considering that the marginal sea area is too far away, and secondly, after successive assassination failures, he is also a little uncertain about the strength of the Xianhe Territory. In addition, the Twilight Territory is originally the territory of the marginal sea area, and only the main island is left. It is not considered a complete city-level territory, and its value is greatly reduced.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration and discussions with the Purgatory Leader's cabinet, it was finally decided to shelve it.

In the past five years, as the Xianhe Territory became more and more unfathomable, the fear in Amos' heart became more and more intense, which made him almost completely forget about the Twilight Territory.

Fortunately, the worrying things did not happen, and the Xianhe leader has been very peaceful in the past five years.

In comparison, large forces such as the Mizhou Alliance have been gradually eroding the marginal sea areas and have received more attention.

Now, what he didn't expect was that five years had passed.

When the other heretical forces had basically stabilized, the Xianhe collar, which had been developing silently, suddenly became violent.

As soon as he came up, he directly attacked the subordinate territory of Purgatory Territory.

Moreover, the ferocity and strength of the attack did not give him a chance to react at all.

and so.

When he faced the messenger knight from the Wrath Lord who came to ask for help, he could only try his best to appease him, and after guaranteeing that the Lord of Purgatory would fully support him, he sent him back.

Then, facing his ministers, he said solemnly: "Convey my order, immediately dispatch the Knights and the fleet, quickly support the wilderness sea area, sweep the heresy into ashes, and let them know that provoking the Purgatory Lord will pay the price of destruction." price!"


Although Amos gathered an army, he was ready to support the wilderness sea area.

But an assembly of this scale is destined to take a long time.This also means that the fury leader can't wait for that time at all, and asking for help is just wishful thinking.

And that's exactly what happened.

As the army of Xianhe led the way to attack the city, the territory of the fury led was being eaten away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Xiao and Anivia rode a flying beast together and followed behind the army, watching groups of professionals, knights, leaders, and resources such as Yuanli medicinal materials, Yuanli metals, minerals, etc., all being captured by the army. Pack it up and take it away, smiling like a fat man who weighs hundreds of pounds.

"I thought it was enough to make money relying on the rune device trade!"

"But compared with war and plunder, there is still a gap!"

In the past few years, Xianhe collar has made great achievements in all aspects, but the investment is also huge.Just talking about four hundred battle puppets, the manpower and material resources consumed is an astronomical figure.

This is just a microcosm of the five-year plan.

Including a large number of other projects, almost half of the resources obtained through the rune device trade and the resources for developing Beamon Island and the demon world have been consumed over the years.

The reason why the war is launched now is not only due to resource considerations, but also when the time is ripe.

If you want the giant ship of Xianheling to continue to develop at a high speed, relying on trade is no longer enough to support it, and it is more profitable than the rune device trade, and the money comes in faster——

Only war.

With the momentum of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, the Xianhe leader attacked the core island of the fury leader with almost no resistance.

And under one blow, the elite army of the Wrath Leader was wiped out, completely unstoppable.

In this battle, the performance of the two hundred combat puppets was particularly impressive. They rushed to the front, forcibly withstood the intensive defensive artillery fire, and rushed directly to the city wall. Wherever they passed, almost no one could match them. enemy.

The entire war to conquer the Wrath Territory lasted less than half a month.

In the end, the city of Fury broke down and Douglas surrendered in despair.

During the process of conquering the Wrathful Territory, the army of the Xianhe Territory was also counting the spoils and transporting them to the rear.

Professionals, knights, ordinary citizens, etc., are all included in the ranks of new citizens, and become a new batch of leaders of Xianhe Territory. They are all sent back to Golden Island, and after screening, screening, and distribution, they are sent to different places to continue to shine. .

For ordinary citizens, officials from various places in Xianhe Territory will arrange them properly, and basically live together with other citizens to prevent gangs and chaos.

Some of the professionals and knights who passed the screening were assigned to the various laboratories under the technical committee and supplemented the strength of the major knight orders.

Lin Xiao promised them that as long as they wholeheartedly fight for the Xianhe Territory, they will enjoy the same military benefits as other knights.

Including material rewards, honors, and even titles.

Treat equally.

"Have the people and resources been counted?" Landing at the furious lord's mansion, Lin Xiao went straight to the meeting hall, where Lin Xiao sat directly in the seat that originally belonged to Douglas, and asked Cecil, who was mainly in charge of logistics and resource transportation in the army. .

"His Royal Highness is honored, this time the harvest is huge, we have captured more than 3 knights alone, more than 5 professionals, and more than 30 ordinary citizens." Where did Cecil encounter such a situation? His face was full of red light, and he was able to be responsible for the statistics and transportation of the loot, which also showed the trust of His Royal Highness in him.

"In addition, in terms of resources, there are a total of [-] Yuanli metal mines including Orichalcum, Mithril, and gold concentrate, and there are no less than hundreds of various common mineral deposits. There are also dozens of Yuanli medicinal materials. Ordinary medicinal materials. There are thousands of large sea-going ships needed for transportation alone."

"Moreover, there are still a large number of resources that are difficult to transfer for a while, and can only be exploited step by step."

Speaking of this, Cecil suggested: "Your Highness, since the Fury Territory has already belonged to the Territory, we don't need to transport the remaining resources. We can leave them to Douglas, as long as they are allowed to hand them in proportionally."

"Very well, just do as you said." Lin Xiao patted him on the shoulder, "Also, the army will not stop, your task is very heavy, contact the cabinet, I have already told Mr. I will support your work to the greatest extent possible.”

"Yes, Your Highness!" Cecil responded forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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