super star lord

Chapter 256 3 Letters

Chapter 256 Three Letters

There were no accidents in the process of subduing Silvermoon Lord Baird.

Even without relying on the mount or possessing Nicole, Lin Xiao can easily complete this task solely by relying on Lin Xiao's own strength.

The title of Earth No.1 is not for nothing.

It is based on strength.

In this way, the results of the previous battles were basically consolidated, the conquests that should be conquered, the loot that should be transported are also being transported in a timely manner, and the territories are also undergoing post-war recovery.

During this period, the army led by Xianhe was not idle.

After a short rest, a tentative attack was launched on the remaining city-level territories.It's just that since the support of the Purgatory Territory is already in place, neither side is absolutely sure, so they can only go to a stalemate.

If Lin Xiao made the move himself, riding the ice crystal phoenix, and Nicole possessed him, he could crush the opponent's Earth Knight team with absolute strength, and use this as a sharp knife to pierce through the iron wall of the Purgatory Legion.

But now is not the time to be exposed.

Therefore, at the post-war meeting, Lin Xiao asked the technical committee to expand the production capacity of the combat puppet, and at the same time formulated a strategy of positive containment and more blooming.

That is to say, the frontal battlefield is dominated by containment, and some combat puppets and demon legions, under the advantage of the speed of sea ships, continue to harass the reinforcements led by Purgatory, while the rest of the army continues to move and attack other nearby chaotic sea areas.

Includes the Emerald Sea and the Sea of ​​Sorrows.

These two sea areas are also one of the chaotic sea areas. There are a total of fifteen city-level territories, thousands of town-level territories, and thousands of village-level territories.

The war machine of the Xianhe Territory has been activated and is running at full speed.

Especially after obtaining the resources, professionals, knights, citizens, and minerals of almost half of the wild sea area, the productivity of the entire Xianhe Territory exploded again.

Not only has the military strength of the major knight groups been expanded, but the output of battle puppets has also expanded, and various war materials have also been produced continuously.

Xianhe collar, which has already tasted the sweetness, is destined not to stop abruptly.


When Xianhe led the army to fight east and west, almost frantically harvesting the territory of the chaotic sea area.

From Purgatory, three letters written by Amos have been flown in three directions by the flying knight.

Looking in that direction, they are the main city of the cloud, the main city of the mountains, and the main city of the ocean.

They are all the other three main cities of the purgatory camp.

The content of the letter is exactly the same, the only difference is the address.

One of them was sent to Yunling, the content is as follows.

"To the lord of the cloud lord, Ulysses, the knight of the cloud dragon."

"The rise of heretics, the crisis in the chaotic sea area, the fury collar, the maple leaf collar, the doomsday collar, the mist collar, the roaring collar, the Chongshan collar, the silver moon collar, etc., have all fallen and become the minions of the heretics. The power of the heretics is getting stronger and stronger. The camp has an ambiguous attitude, the reinforcements of the purgatory leader can only protect themselves, the long-standing tacit understanding has been broken, and the majesty of the main city level has been challenged unprecedentedly, we urgently hope that the purgatory camp will send troops together to sweep the heresy into ashes."

"Your close comrade-in-arms, Lord of Purgatory Lord, Purgatory Wurm Knight Amos."

In fact, in the context of the confrontation between the two camps, sending [-] earth knights and three purgatory legions is the maximum force that Amos can produce.

But such a force can only protect itself, and cannot stop the Xianhe leader from harvesting.

Such a situation has in fact threatened the dominance of the main city-level territory in the star field world.

Most importantly, the strength possessed by Lin Xiao, the lord of Xianhe Lord, is enough to make Amos feel afraid.

Countless experiences and lessons in history told him that he could not wait any longer, and must go all out to wipe out the Xianhe leader.

The failure of the first two assassinations has been regarded as a disgrace.

For the third time, he will never allow failure.

This time, he was going to do it himself.

Not only that, just in case, he is also preparing to pull in the other three dragon knights.

He could see clearly that as long as Lin Xiao was beheaded, the Xianhe leader would be defeated by itself.

The most critical thing now is whether the other three respond to his call.

In fact.

To put it bluntly, the confrontation between the two camps is actually a confrontation between the Purgatory Territory and the Holy Territory. As for the other main city-level territories, they just confront each other, and there is not much hatred between them.

Even if there was a war between the ancestors, it has long been forgotten after so many years.

The main reason why the purgatory realm and the sacred realm are fighting fiercely is to compete for the hegemony of the star field world.

Among all the seven main city-level territories, if ranked by overall strength, the Holy Territory and the Purgatory Territory belong to the same level, and the other main cities are slightly lower.

One of them is that the number of high-end combat power, that is, the land knights, is lower.

The number of Earth Knights in the Purgatory Territory and the Sacred Territory is more than one hundred, but there are basically only a few dozen in other main cities.

This gap is also manifested in other aspects, but it is not as important as the number of land knights.

In the lord's mansion of Purgatory Lord, Amos watched three followers leave with their own letters.

Emotional entanglements such as depression, resentment, and hatred in the heart.

"Xianhe Territory... If the rise of the Xianhe Lord is not suppressed, the main city-level territory will dominate the star field world, and the ruling structure of the purgatory camp and the holy camp will undergo earth-shaking changes... Ulysses, Bolton, Dennis , you must respond to my plan!"

Ulysses, the lord of the cloud, the knight of the cloud dragon.

Bolton, the lord of the mountains, and the knight of the mountain dragons.

Dennis, the lord of the sea, the knight of the sea dragon.

Amos's eyes were cold. Since the wilderness sea was close to the purgatory sea, the rise of the Xianhe Territory had already made him feel deeply threatened, and made him feel like a thorn in his back.

"Augustin... You actually rejected my plan to suspend confrontation and eliminate heresies. Do you think they are good people! They are simply stupid! Your choice will eventually become the trigger for the destruction of the Holy Land!"

If it weren't for the fact that most of the troops were unable to withdraw and needed to be on guard against the Holy Territory at all times, with the strength of a complete main city territory, it could completely suppress the Xianhe Territory.

But now they can only watch the rise of the Xianhe Territory.

Even now, he had to prepare to do it himself.

In order to fight for hegemony, the attitude of the holy leader not caring about the rise of heresy completely angered him.

Although he also knew that the other party might feel that no matter how powerful the heresy is, as long as it cannot be promoted to the main city, it will never be a real threat.On the contrary, it can consume the power of the Purgatory Territory and pave the way for itself to seize hegemony.

But in the eyes of Amos, this is short-sighted.

Even at the beginning, he thought that as long as the leader of Xianhe was not promoted to the main city, he would not be able to threaten him.

But the facts have repeatedly shown that the Xianhe Territory and that monstrous lord Lin Xiao cannot be judged by conventional thinking at all.

The result of his repeated inattention is that the Xianhe Territory continues to expand and its strength continues to change. Now it has made the main city-level territory feel deeply threatened by virtue of the city-level ranks.

This is unique in the history of the Star Field World.

"Fortunately, the road to promotion is dead, otherwise, if the leader of Xianhe is promoted to the main city..." Amos thought with joy on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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