super star lord

Chapter 257

Chapter 257
Lin Xiao knew nothing about Amos' plan.

At this time, under his command and coordination, the army led by Xianhe was invincible and expanded almost all the time.

The Emerald Sea Region and the Sad Sea Region are both being trampled by the iron hooves of the army.

A large number of village-level and town-level territories are waiting to fall.

Even a city-level territory is basically destroyed at the touch of a finger, and the combat power displayed in front of the army of the Xianhe leader is no different from that of the Rage and Maple Leaf leaders.

They were all subdued by Xianhe leaders one by one.

In the past, due to the confrontation between the two camps, no one wanted to make the other side stronger, so as long as the opponent wanted to take down the chaotic sea area, the other side would try to stop it with all its strength, or put pressure on the border, so that neither side could make a move. Come.

For a long time, the territory of the Chaos Sea Region has been very moist.

But the appearance of the Xianhe leader is like a spoiler, completely unreasonable, going on a rampage, but also powerful and unstoppable.

As a result, the territory of the chaotic sea area has suffered.

Keep falling.

At the same time, the Xianhe collar continued to harvest a lot of spoils.

Resources, Population, Professionals.

and subsidiary territories.

But even so, Lin Xiao lacked interest.

Although there are many trophies, there is nothing he really wants.

Maybe these spoils can make the Xianhe Territory develop faster and stronger, but as long as they don't advance to the main city, there is still an essential gap with the Purgatory Territory.

In terms of high-end strength, it is impossible to always rely on Lin Xiao himself for support.

In a mature territory, the lord should be the ultimate force, not a conventional force, and everything needs the lord to stand out.

There are even some inheritance land lords whose force is not the highest.

Under the lord, there should be a large number of combat power of the same level to ensure the deterrent power of the territory.

But Xianhe collar is not.

It can be said that, except for Lin Xiao, the high-end force of the Xianhe leader is basically zero.

This is unscientific.

There is only one way to fundamentally reverse this situation, and that is to be promoted to the main city.

Up to now, the Xianhe collar has the foundation to be promoted to the main city no matter in terms of strength or scale.

But the only problem is that there are not enough promotion materials.

That's right, even after all these years, the fleet has been doing its best to collect, but almost only [-]% of the materials for promotion to the main city have been collected.

Moreover, this one percent is the easiest part to collect.

The remaining 90.00% are either extinct or rare, or there is a small amount of stock in the hands of the main city, but the other party refuses to trade.

One of the important reasons for deciding to launch a war this time is to search for promotion materials.

But now it seems that the effect is not ideal.

After the sphere of influence expanded to more than half of the Emerald Sea Region and the Sad Sea Region, Cecil, who was in charge of loot counting and transportation, reported with a little regret: "Your Highness, there are too few materials to promote the main city, basically only city-level territories. There is only a small amount of stock in the treasury, and most of them are duplicates, and they are also of low value among the promotion materials, and there is no material that is truly legendary and extinct."

Lin Xiao was not surprised by such news.

After occupying the six city-level territories in the wilderness sea area, the promotion materials found were pitifully small.

It stands to reason that the next step for all city-level territories, whether they are qualified or not, is to be promoted to the main city.

Therefore, every city-level territory will more or less collect promotion materials.

In this way, most of the materials for promoting the main city in the star field world should be gathered in the city-level territory.

But to Lin Xiao's surprise, after searching so many city-level territories, the materials harvested are very few, and most of them are either repeated or of relatively low value.

How is this still playing?
Calculated in this way, even if all the city-level territories in the entire star field world were taken down, the materials collected would be less than ten percent!
Moreover, the most core material has not even seen a shadow so far.

"That is to say, for so many years, there has been no new main city in the star field world, is it because there is a lack of materials..." Such a cruel truth gave Lin Xiao a headache.

"Perhaps, even if you add up the treasure houses of all the main cities, you still can't get a set of promotion materials!" Lin Xiao thought helplessly.

I don't want to believe it, but it's probably true.

Moreover, even if there is a slight possibility, can he still defeat all the main cities?
As far as personal strength alone is concerned, with Nicole possessing him and riding the ice crystal phoenix, he really has the confidence to defeat anyone.But no matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to conquer one main city, let alone seven main cities.

To conquer the seven main cities, in addition to the powerful lord, there should also be a large number of top powerhouses among the followers below.

And to achieve this, the only way to promote the main city and improve the bloodline qualifications of all the citizens is the fastest way.

But without materials, one cannot advance to the main city.

This seems to have formed a deadlock.

"Starfield World, Starfield World, what is the purpose of selecting the lord? Is it to let us go to the end, but find that there is no way ahead, and then leave in despair?"

Lin Xiao couldn't figure it out.

"Are we really going to wait for the peerless chance that we have heard about in our previous life? But that is completely a castle in the sky, it is just a legend, and it has never appeared in the previous life. There are too many such legends in the star field world. Our future must not depend on an illusory legend."

"Instead of believing in a legend, it's better to defeat the seven main cities and search their treasure house to be more reliable... Although the possibility of collecting all the materials by doing this is very slim."

After thinking about it for a long time, the more I thought about it, the more I got a headache.

After a while, Lin Xiao sighed.

Although the knights in front were brave and good at fighting, they occupied one territory after another, one sea area after another, and one island after another.

But such a victory is a great joy for the people in the territory, but it can't make him feel the slightest joy.

As the lord, the helm of this vast territory, he must look as far as possible.

Only in this way can we ensure that the direction will not be wrong.

But when the front is completely foggy and unable to see clearly, it is not so good for him as the helmsman.

Here Lin Xiao is worrying about promotion materials.

the other side.

The actions of the Xianhe Territory have already made other main city-level territories that have not felt the pain even if they are farther away have become vigilant.

Especially the other main city lords belonging to the purgatory camp, after receiving Amos's personal letter, after weighing the pros and cons, they all gave affirmative answers one after another.

One of the reasons was to prevent the rise of the Xianhe Territory, and Lin Xiao's own strength made them feel threatened.

For those with vested interests, the last thing they want to see is change.

No one wants to suddenly have an extra sharer at the dining table.

(End of this chapter)

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