super star lord

Chapter 261

Chapter 261
When this unknown energy wave suddenly swept across, Amos, who was about to attack, immediately stopped and took a defensive posture.The other sub-dragon knights also held their breaths and focused on Lin Xiao, while carefully feeling the source and nature of this fluctuation.

The fluctuation was too sudden and too powerful.

No matter where it came from, this uncontrollable power made them, one of the overlords of the star field world, feel deeply disturbed.

"The strong energy fluctuations should come from... the core sea area." Amos carefully distinguished, and was startled, "No, could it be that Augustine and the others made a move?"

All he could think of instantly was that his old opponents took advantage of their absence and took advantage of the opportunity to attack them.

"Impossible, even if a few of them join forces, it is impossible to cause such a strong fluctuation, definitely not them." Ulysses, the cloud lord next to him, retorted, "Transmitting from the core sea area to the edge sea area is completely beyond the reach of manpower. Besides, our lair is not so easy to sneak attack."

Dennis and Bolton also nodded in agreement.

For a main city, although the lord of the main city is generally the strongest, it does not mean that the defense of the main city only depends on the lord.As the lair of the main city territory, it is definitely the most powerful defensive weapon in the whole territory, the most land knights, the most special rune equipment, and the deepest foundation.If you want to attack a main city, apart from launching a full-scale war in a territory with comparable power, it is impossible to take down a main city just by relying on a few strong men, not even a strong man at the lord level of the main city.

This is why Amos and the others take action in person without worrying about the old nest.

Of course, generally speaking, the lords of the main city seldom do anything by themselves, and spend most of their time sitting in their lairs. After all, no one can guarantee whether the other party will suddenly go crazy and directly start a full-scale war.

This time, it was Lin Xiao's actions that made them feel threatened, so they made up their minds to make an example of others.

"Even if it wasn't for Augustine, an unspeakable event must have happened in the core sea area. We must rush back immediately, just in case."

"Yes, no matter what happens, we can't let the holy faction take the lead. Don't forget, they are our main enemy."

"Give up on subduing the Xianhe collar for the time being, and we'll be back after dealing with this incident."

Seeing that the other three had reached a consensus in an instant, Amos opened his mouth and swallowed back what he wanted to say.

He turned his head to look at Lin Xiao unwillingly, but in the end the reason in his heart prevailed.

What they said is correct, there are priorities, and the Xianhe Territory cannot escape, and they can come here at any time, but the unknown incident that is happening in the core sea area now may be related to the overall situation of the confrontation between the two camps.

Must go back immediately.

"Okay, let's go!"

The four of them were all vigorous and resolute people. Now that they had reached a consensus, they turned their mounts around and drove away at full speed without any hesitation, nor did they look at Lin Xiao again.

Several sub-dragon knights judged the position of the wave direction, communicated with each other and decided to go back immediately, and then disappeared into the distant sky. At this time, the spectators were barely able to react from the energy shock.

"what's the situation?"

"Where are the lords of the main city?"

"They left, as if in a hurry..."

"Do you want to fight anymore?"

"What's the matter with fighting? What happened to the energy shock just now? Why does it feel like the sky is about to fall?"

"Yes, yes, I have the same feeling. Could it be that some disaster happened, so the lords of the main city rushed over?"


"Hey, we are still too weak to participate in many things."

"Yeah, I don't know why, I always have a very bad premonition, as if a catastrophe is imminent."

"I came here in vain, but I didn't see it as a show. As a result, one party ran away inexplicably, and the other party... Hey, where is Lord Xianhe? He was still there just now, why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?"

"Yeah, why did Lord Xianhe run away?"

"It's gone, the master has run away, what are we still doing here?"

In fact, the scene that happened outside the Golden Island also happened in the entire star field world.

In other words, the powerful energy impact just now did not only affect the sea area of ​​the Golden Island, but affected the entire star field world.

Spread out from the core sea area, sweeping all chaotic sea areas, all marginal sea areas, until the sea of ​​storms.

Even, from the news from Xinxianhe Island and Shishi Island, Lin Xiao knew that even the selection sea area was not spared.

Lin Xiao was naturally the first to know the details.

Thanks to the intelligence network of most of the current star field worlds, as well as the rune communication device that is convenient for contact, within half an hour after this fluctuation occurred, the news gathered from all over the world was enough to judge this energy fluctuation scale.

So Lin Xiao, who originally intended to have a good fight with a few sub-dragon knights, immediately changed his mind. When Amos and others left, he also left immediately, and rode the ice crystal phoenix in a no-man's land, and headed at full speed. Follow the source of fluctuations.

Anivia, who was soaring at full speed, was naturally much faster than Long.

It's just that the distance is too far this time. Along the way, he not only has to fly out of the marginal sea area, but also crosses the chaotic sea area. He even passed through the purgatory sea area. The ultimate source comes from the center of the world.

Just in case, Lin Xiao stopped from a long distance away, and took out the rune binoculars to look.

What appeared before his eyes was a vast ocean, but strangely, there was a city standing there that seemed to rise from the bottom of the sea.

The scale is similar to that of a normal main city, but what is strange is that the whole city is covered by a mask, which looks indestructible.

Moreover, outside this city, someone had obviously arrived first.

"Rune Mecha?!"

Since the dragon pattern mecha has already produced a prototype and is being optimized, Lin Xiao is no stranger to this kind of thing.In the picture coming from the lens barrel, several knights wearing rune mechs are floating around the light shield, seeming to be discussing something.

The three mech knights can levitate and arrive first. Based on these three points, Lin Xiao can undoubtedly determine the identities of the three.

"It's the three main city lords of the holy camp!"

That's right, only these few people can meet these conditions.

It's a little troublesome if someone has already taken the lead.

Fortunately, the city has a defensive mask, even if Augustine and the others arrived first, they have not yet entered, and have not taken the lead.

While Lin Xiao was observing the few people, they had already started to act after a brief discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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