super star lord

Chapter 262

Chapter 262
In front of the mask of the city, the three mecha knights started to move after discussing.

The leader is wearing an epic mech as high as Zhang Xu, blooming with a milky white light, like a god descending from the earth, holding a wide-edged giant sword in his hand, constantly gaining momentum.Even though he was far away, Lin Xiao could still see the air around him being stirred up in circles of ripples, becoming more and more imposing and sharp.

When the momentum reaches its apex, swing hard.

The giant sword cut down.

There is no fancy chopping on the thick mask.


Accompanied by a dull sound, the surface of the mask lightly vibrated and spread out on the surface.But after the shock stopped, the mask regained its calm, as if the blow just now had never happened.

All three of them were taken aback by the fact that a nearly full blow had no effect.

"Augustin, how much power did you use?" asked the black mech knight next to him.

"Eighty percent."

The knight with milky white light on the mecha had a dignified expression.

"Damn it, with [-]% of your power, even a mountain can collapse, but the mask has barely changed. I'm getting more and more curious about this city." The remaining knight wearing a thick golden mecha was full of interest. .

Augustine nodded, "With my own strength, even if I shot with all my strength, I couldn't break through it. However, when I shot just now, I sensed that the strength of the mask was decreasing, but it was too slight, and it quickly returned Back to normal."

"That is to say, our attack speed is faster than the recovery speed of the mask, so we should be able to break it." The black mech knight Boggs reacted quickly.

"I think so." Agustin agreed.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's attack with all our strength immediately. We can't wait any longer. We must break the mask before those annoying guys come." The golden mech knight Barton raised his giant sword when he heard the words , began to gain momentum.

"Okay, let's do it together!"

The opinions were unified, and then a tyrannical attack continued to fall on the mask.

No time wasted.

They are all the peak strength of the earth, coupled with the increase of the epic mecha, every blow is terrifying.If it is placed in other places, it is enough to destroy mountains and rivers, but at this time it falls on the mask, but it can only arouse circles of ripples.

Fortunately, with their keen senses, they were able to determine that the intensity of the mask was decreasing, but extremely slowly.

That is to say, the intensity of their joint attack has exceeded the recovery speed of the mask, and as long as there is enough time, the mask can be broken.

What is needed most now is time.

With the passage of time, the originally thick, deep, and seemingly indestructible mask has undergone a small change. Not only has the color become dimmer, but the feeling of impregnability has also changed.

With the joint efforts of the top three powerhouses in the star field world, the defense mask of this unknown city is about to be unable to resist after all.

During this period of time, perhaps due to the impact of energy, or perhaps due to the silence of the fighting, many experts from the nearby sea area came one after another, but after sensing the powerful force that destroyed the city with every move, they stopped moving.

The three of Augustine naturally also noticed more and more bystanders, but as long as their old opponents didn't come, they basically wouldn't pay attention to them.Without absolute strength, it is impossible to intervene in the competition. The most important thing now is to take away all opportunities before Amos and others arrive.

Lin Xiao was still hiding and observing from a distance.

Although his strength in his prime is fully qualified to intervene, but since someone helps break the mask, why not do it.

You need to know that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. If you want to be an oriole, you have to be calm.

The three of Augustine must be more anxious than him, and they will go all out to break the defensive mask of the ancient city.

Everything is no surprise, under the joint efforts of the three mech knights, the light shield becomes dimmer and weaker until a certain moment.


With a slight sound, everyone could see that the already crumbling defensive mask suddenly had cracks all over it, as if a completely broken glass bowl was thrown upside down on the city.

And with the next blow of several knights, the entire defensive mask was shattered.


The light mask turned into dots of golden light and spread out, and what appeared in front of everyone was an extremely ancient city.Most of the buildings have collapsed and are badly weathered, and very few have remained intact.

The city was extremely quiet, and there was no sign of life at all.

"This architectural style is too old. It looks older than the ruins of the main city of Golden Island." From the binoculars, Lin Xiao could see the scene of the ancient city clearly. Comparing the two, it is easy to conclude that This conclusion, "and most importantly, this city is not a ruin, but a relatively complete ancient city...although it has collapsed and weathered seriously due to the passage of too many years."

"There may be a great opportunity here." Lin Xiao's eyes gradually lit up.

He can think of this, and the three of Augustine, who are more knowledgeable, will naturally not be unclear.

After the mask was broken, they couldn't wait to step over the city wall, ready to go straight to the center of the city, and fly to the palace that seemed to be the most complete, the most magnificent, and the best location.

But at this moment, a voice full of air came from a distance, and it reached everyone's ears clearly.And as the sound continues, you can feel the distance getting closer.

"Lord Sacred Lord, Lord Steel, and Lord Holy Shield, it's not a good habit to eat alone. As old friends, and also as the main city lords of the star field world, we cannot be excluded from anything, otherwise, it will be contempt for us !"

When the last sentence fell, it resounded like thunder, and the person who spoke appeared in front of everyone at the same time.

"The lord of purgatory, Amos, the purgatory dragon knight!"

The reason why it is so recognizable is naturally the huge and oppressive Purgatory Lesser Dragon, which is also the mount of the Purgatory Lord.

"Look, the Dragon Knight in the Cloud is here too!"

"There are also mountain dragon knights!"

"Ocean Dragon Knight!"

"It's all here, the lords of the seven main cities are all here!"

"It just happened to be born out of the city, and now the two camps are really going to fight..."

"Everyone stay away. If we really want to fight, it is definitely not something we can get involved in. Maybe if we get close, we will be solved directly."

"Yes, step back quickly."

Even the most ignorant people can detect the situation on the scene.

An ancient city whose value is unknown, but at first glance it looks like a great opportunity, it's no wonder that the two camps don't fight.

When the seven strongest people in the star field fight, not to mention the aftermath, the battlefield alone is enough to cover a large area.

If you watch the battle at close range, you may not be able to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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