super star lord

Chapter 267 Immortal River Main City

Chapter 267 Immortal River Main City
This is the third promotion.

From the city level, promoted to the main city level.

For the Xianhe leader, this is definitely a groundbreaking event, more important than any previous promotion.

If the village level, town level, and city level can be divided into one level, the main city level is another level.In the star field world, the main city-level territory means the peak, means the top, means that the level has reached the apex.

Further up, there are no more levels to pursue.

Further up, it is a completely unfamiliar field, and there is no object to refer to.

It's just external.

Promoted to the main city level, the internal improvement that the territory can obtain is the most powerful.

When the city level was promoted last time, the blessing effect produced by the crystal monument only partially permanently improved the body, intelligence, and spirit of all the citizens.But promotion to the main city can permanently improve abilities such as aptitude, bloodlines, etc. that involve the ultimate mysteries of the human body.

This means that the chances of producing practitioners and powerhouses will be greatly increased for the people covered by the lord's crystal monument.

In addition, the strength concentration of the territory will also increase several times on the basis of the city level, and the coverage will also expand several times accordingly.

After everything was ready, Lin Xiao nodded to the girl, "Let's start."

The two stood together in front of the crystal monument again.

The crystal tablet was originally a gray stone tablet about ten feet high. After two promotions, it may have absorbed too much essence. The text has also become denser and clearer.Just standing in front of it, one can faintly feel the pressure brought by the crystal monument.This oppressive force is not obvious to him, but if it is an ordinary person, it may even be difficult to breathe.

With the experience of the previous two times, the two of them have become more and more tacit understanding about the promotion of the crystal monument. Coupled with the girl's current attainments in runes, there is no sign of nervousness at all, and they are more eager to try.

By promoting the crystal monument, not only can she get the most blessings, but it will also be of great help to her rune promotion. This kind of opportunity is rare.

The two started to move at the same time.

As one rune after another penetrated into the crystal tablet and combined and entangled with the original runes, the combination of runes that seemed to be extremely perfect turned out to be transformed again, becoming more complex, larger and more breathtaking.

This phenomenon seems to be that the crystal monument is breaking through some kind of shackles, transforming itself, and moving towards a higher level.

Sometimes it is difficult for Lin Xiao to imagine how all these miraculous things happened and what is the reason behind them.But until now, even the young girl has only a half-knowledge of it through long-term research, so Lin Xiao can only give up exploring and comfort herself, maybe one day in the future, she will stand at a higher level and be able to see through it at a glance.

When the town level was promoted to the city level, a large number of runes were drawn, consuming a lot of energy and materials.

But compared to being promoted to the main city now, this is nothing.

While drawing runes, the two consumed hundreds of extinct materials in treasure chests, and at the same time knocked on a large amount of potions that had been stored in the secret room for a long time.

Every rune is completely natural, and the combination with the runes in the crystal tablet is constantly perfected. During this process, wisps of gray impurities are continuously separated from the crystal tablet and float on the ground.At the same time, the crystal tablet itself became more and more refined, its light became more and more dazzling, and its momentum became more and more powerful.

Lin Xiao faintly felt that there seemed to be something bursting out of the crystal tablet, and it had been gaining momentum. With the passage of time much longer than the last promotion, when the runes carved by the two of them were all completed.


A shock that occurred at the promotion level directly made Lin Xiao's head roar, and he was dizzy all over.

What's more, this fluctuation has interfered with reality. If he is still awake, then he can see it with the naked eye alone, and circles of invisible ripples continue to spread outward, as if Alistar's Beamon's Wrath is showing its power .

But the role of this fluctuation is not an attack, but just a little "aftermath" caused by the successful promotion of the crystal tablet and the transformation of the rune combination. more intense fluctuations.At the same time, all the citizens who felt this fluctuation were enveloped by a blessing light from the crystal monument.

This ray of light ignores the barriers of terrain, distance, and space, and directly covers the whole body.Everyone felt as if the whole body was soaked in the soft hot spring, and they were extremely relaxed and comfortable.

In such a state, a complete transformation is happening silently.In addition to the greater improvement in body, spirit, and wisdom, there are also unperceivable parts that are constantly improving, that is, blood and aptitude.

It stands to reason that a person's aptitude and bloodline are fixed after a person is born, and cannot be changed unless the gods take action.But now this light of blessing seems to have borrowed the power of the gods to achieve this.

When all this is over, they return to normal. The world in front of them has not changed, but the changes that have taken place inside their bodies cannot be ignored at all.

Any practitioner, as long as he closes his eyes and senses, he will find many problems that were difficult to understand before, and most of them can be easily solved.The bottleneck that was stuck in me before seemed to be broken immediately.The previous slow practice speed has been directly increased several times.Overnight, he seemed to have become the little genius he admired in the past.

And more ordinary people, even some ordinary people who have no cultivation talent at all, find that the barrier that vaguely prevents them from stepping into the door of cultivation has disappeared.

Miraculous changes are taking place throughout the territory.

"This... this is, the territory has been promoted again?!"

"The territory is already at the city level...and promoted again, can it be said..."

"Have we been promoted to the main city?"

"Yes, we have been promoted to the main city!!"

"Xianhe... the main city!"

"The gods are above!"

"I'm going to break through!"

"Praise the great lord Your Highness!"

Except for the citizens who joined the Xianhe Territory after being promoted to the city level, everyone else has experienced one or two territorial promotions, and they are no strangers to this feeling.The difference from the previous two is that this time it is more violent than the previous ones.

Now that the Xianhe Territory is already a city-level territory, there is no doubt that there is only one explanation for this change—the Xianhe Territory has been promoted to the main city!

When the news spread, all the citizens went crazy.

Although it is extremely unbelievable, the mutation that happened just now, as well as the changes in the body, all confirm this point.

At this moment, all the citizens experienced the glory of being a leader of Xianhe.This kind of glory not only enveloped the citizens of the star field world, but even the citizens of Xianhe territory outside the star field world and in the barbaric world deeply felt this.

(End of this chapter)

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