super star lord

Chapter 268 Mutation

Chapter 268 Mutation
The light of blessing enveloped all the citizens of Xianhe. Many people were already in the bottleneck or critical period of cultivation. At this time, they had gained a lot, and each of them made great progress. Some even directly broke through the bottleneck and were promoted. to the next stage.

As the owner of the most profitable crystal tablet, the lord of the Xianhe Territory, especially with the experience of the previous two times, Lin Xiao entered the state of practice as early as after the rune was carved and the crystal tablet was promoted, and was fully prepared for everything.

In fact, the bottleneck at the earth level is not completely impossible for him to break through. Over the years, whether it is cultivation resources or cultivation environment, as a lord, he has obtained the best.Even if it is a hard pile, it can be piled up to the earth level.

But Lin Xiao is obviously not reconciled to being an ordinary earth knight. He wants to accumulate more depth at the high-level stage.

In the present world of the ancient city, before he got the treasure chest, he originally thought about accumulating up to two more years before starting to break through to the earth level. He never thought that he would get the materials to be promoted to the main city at this time.Obtaining a great opportunity now, it is obvious that there is no need to wait another two years, and breaking through directly now, with the help of the light of blessing, is definitely the most dreamed thing of every lord.

When the light shrouded him, he could feel that in addition to the improvement of body, spirit, and wisdom, the indescribable attributes such as blood and aptitude at a deeper level were rapidly changing.

This kind of change can be detected through practice, and the speed of practice is several times faster than before, which makes people completely intoxicated.

Moreover, this kind of practice speed is not a short-term improvement, but a permanent existence, like a part of the body, as if it was an innate attribute, and it quickly adapts to it.

He had reached the bottleneck a long time ago, but under this transformation, he felt the loosening of the bottleneck almost instantly, like a thin layer of window paper, which can be broken with a poke.

When breaking through to a high level, the star vortex in the body was transformed into a ball of light, just like a star born, and it is also a star period on the road of star energy cultivation.

Nebula, Xingvortex, and stars are all below the earth level.

When the astral stage practice reached the apex, the sphere of light in the body was huge, like a planet that had evolved to the apex, the huge volume could no longer bear it, and it would directly collapse inward, condensing into an extremely dense core.In this inner core, the pressure is so great that an indescribable reaction takes place in it, which completely transforms the ordinary elemental force that makes up the photosphere, just like the nuclear fusion that occurs in a star, becoming thicker, deeper, and full of explosive power. Completely jumped a big level.

This phase, corresponding to the Earth Knights, is known as the sidereal phase.

The skyrocketing star energy reflowed in Lin Xiao's body, transforming every part of his body.

Breaking through to this stage, the disadvantages of cultivating the star power system at the beginning, that is, the disadvantage of insufficient explosive power, will turn into a huge advantage at this moment, although this disadvantage has never been reflected in Lin Xiao.

"Finally broke through."

After being completely stabilized, feeling the majestic power surging in his body, Lin Xiao opened his eyes with joy.

Before the breakthrough, without relying on Nicole's possession, without riding the ice crystal phoenix, he could defeat the general old land knights by relying on his own strength alone.And in the case of riding the mount Nicole possessed, it can completely become invincible in the earth stage.

But when he broke through to this stage, and then shot at his full strength, it was hard for Lin Xiao to imagine how strong his own strength had reached.It is a pity that the road ahead is blank and completely unfamiliar, so I can only rely on my own groping.


Lin Xiao's breakthrough seemed to trigger a chain reaction.

From Shirley next to her, there was also a breath change.Of course, for her, the most important thing is not the breakthrough in cultivation, but the improvement of rune attainments in the process.

For her, practice is not as simple as eating and drinking, but it is not far behind.

If it wasn't for Lin Xiao's delay in breaking through, and her deliberate suppression, with the girl's talent, she might have become an earth mage long ago.

Besides Shirley, Anivia also took advantage of the trend to 'recover' to the earth stage.And the aura rushed all the way to the peak of the earth level. If it didn't happen in the lord's mansion, the momentum created would be enough to shock anyone's attention.

Similarly, with enough resources, as much Neeko as he could digest, after being shrouded in the light of blessing, his body didn't seem to change much.But the little flower on top of her head was continuously solidifying at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the end, it was almost completely solid.

What's even more surprising is that when the light of blessing was about to dissipate, another little flower that was exactly the same appeared beside that little flower. It was just too illusory, and if you didn't look carefully, you might ignore it.


The little guy fiddled with the top of her head twice, as if she was wondering what had happened to her, but the next moment she threw it aside, and jumped onto the phoenix phoenix tree to play.

Inside the taming garden.

Behemoth, the first epic beast led by Xianhe, after fully digesting the benefits of the light of blessing, his aura is completely different.Although it is impossible for it to break through to the next stage, at this time, compared with the sub-dragon who was showing off its power outside the Golden Island, it is not much better.

If the big guy who has become stronger, if he uses Beamon's Wrath with all his strength, maybe even Amos and his like will be recruited.


In the entire territory, except for Lin Xiao and Shirley who broke through to the Earth level and Anivia recovered to the Earth level, Carter, Marcus, and Vernal also became Earth Knights at almost the same time, and the others broke through to the high level. There are more middle-level knights.

Moreover, the buffs generated by the Light of Blessing will not disappear. Even if you do not break through that day, after fully digesting the gains, the chance of breaking through in the later stage will increase several times.

Because this time is different from the past, the change in bloodline qualification is completely unexpected, and the benefits it brings are far from comparable to medicine or inheritance. It will benefit everyone for life.

The entire territory has undergone an all-round transformation.

In the No.15 year when the star field world came, Xianhe Territory was promoted to the main city.

From the original village level, town level, and city level to the current main city of Xianhe, step by step, the leaders of Xianhe are constantly becoming stronger under Lin Xiao's leadership.

Walking to the main city, he has already stood on the top of the star field world.

It seems that the way forward is dead.

Standing in front of the lord's crystal tablet that has become more concise, more miraculous, and more perfect, Lin Xiao, who had just broken through, was suddenly a little confused.

The long-standing goal has been achieved. Although the process is a bit dramatic, in the star field world, the main city is not the only one, and it truly exists in everyone's field of vision.

But what about Sky City?

It's completely a castle in the air.

"Now that I think about it, I set my goal on the city of the sky at the beginning, it was too ambitious." Lin Xiao shook his head, "Not to mention that there is no way ahead, even if there is a way, how can an ancient city appear and obtain the materials needed for promotion from it? ?”

Simply whimsical.

The materials for promotion to the main city were completely extinct. He couldn't imagine how earth-shattering the materials needed to be promoted to the city of the sky would be.

"Forget it, honestly develop the Xianhe Territory, at least conquer the entire star field world, you can still think about it."

Just when he was about to call the girl who was completely stable out of the secret room, a colorful light suddenly enveloped him. Lin Xiao didn't feel strange, because he used it every time when going to and from the earth.

"Space channel? Where is this going?"

Only this question appeared in his mind, and his figure disappeared without a trace the next moment.

(End of this chapter)

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