super star lord

Chapter 273 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 273 Remaining life after catastrophe
The words of the light ball are very straightforward. If you use the words of a practitioner, every holy elf knight is equivalent to a strong man in the country.

One person can control a country.

Before seeing it, it was hard for Lin Xiao to imagine the power of that kind of existence. The word "close to God" seems to have a magical power, which makes people feel obsessed unconsciously.

After the light ball finished speaking, it looked at Lin Xiao again, "The most precious existence in the star field world is the elf in your hand. It was originally one of the rewards for the final selection." The light ball moved up and down, " Of course, you've got it ahead of time."

Lin Xiao smiled, but couldn't tell what it was like.He had expected Nicole to be extraordinary, but the answer he finally got still made him a little unbelievable.According to the light ball, sky knights are not uncommon in the starry sky, but law elves are rare.No matter which civilization gets one, it will devote all of its resources to cultivating a holy elf, and bestowing the most loyal and powerful sky knights, so as to suppress the luck of civilization.

Already owning an elf, he is almost one step away from having a melee combat power.

"In fact, in the starry sky, the most important thing for any civilization is the Yuanli World and the Law Elves. The former can cultivate a large number of practitioners, while the latter can cultivate near-god combat power. Neither of the two is missing. No, the former is quantity, and the latter is quality. Only with both quantity and quality can we not be afraid of foreign enemies and survive in the starry universe where the weak can eat the strong." Guangqiu sighed, "Unless the power reaches a peak, similar to the Star Field The lord alliance generally exists, otherwise, it can only be regarded as survival in the starry sky."

"I've been hearing you say how powerful the Alliance of Star Domain Lords is, how powerful is it? Could it be that the Holy Elf knights are not enough to look at it?" Lin Xiao asked curiously, "The Holy Elf knights are close to God, and they can only be regarded as begging Survival, then how did the Alliance of Starfield Lords become a giant spanning countless galaxies? Is it because of those sky cities? Will the sky cities be so powerful?"

The ball of light shook twice, "The city in the sky is indeed very powerful. One is equivalent to an interstellar civilization, and it is enough to survive in the starry sky, but that's all. It is far from being able to treat the holy elf knights as nothing." Speaking of this, it gradually slowed down, "The reason why the alliance can do this, become one of the most powerful forces, and cultivate a large number of sky cities is not because of how many holy elf knights , not because of how many Yuanli worlds there are, but because...we have a city beyond the sky."

"Existence beyond the city in the sky? What is that?" Lin Xiao was puzzled.

The voice of the ball of light, which was originally not full of emotion, seemed to become pious when it said this, "It is an immortal city, its light shines on a large star field, its magnificence makes the universe eclipse, and its eternity makes all Time is ashamed, it can easily smash a planet, and the stars can only bow their heads in front of it..."

When the ball of light kept praising the power of the Immortal City, an untimely voice suddenly sounded, "Then why was it destroyed?" Although he didn't really want to ask this question at this time, Lin Xiao still couldn't hold back the words in his heart. curiosity.What kind of existence is it that can destroy even an immortal city? Is it a god?
Hearing Lin Xiao's question, the sound of the ball of light was choked up, and the brightness of the light fluctuated, as if silently accusing Lin Xiao of disrespect to the Immortal City.It's just because the alliance no longer exists, and Lin Xiao is the inheritor of the star field world, its nominal owner, so he can't vent his anger in his heart.

"Um... I'm just curious." As if sensing the other party's mood, Lin Xiao smiled awkwardly, and was about to change the subject and ask other 'common sense', but unexpectedly, the light ball suddenly said something , "Only received one word when I was projected out of the league - troll."


"It was the troll that destroyed the Immortal City." The ball of light repeated, "As for what the troll is, how powerful it is, and why it can destroy the great Immortal City, I don't know."

"Troll?" Lin Xiao shrugged, "Okay, it's a new term." He has no interest in knowing this thing at all.Even the great immortal city mentioned in the mouth of the light ball can be destroyed. For him, it is definitely at the level of destroying the world. No matter how much he thinks now, it is useless. If he really encounters a situation where he closes his eyes and waits for death, he will be happier.With this time, why not think about how to learn more "common sense" from the light sphere, and think about how to maximize the use of the star field world, make it as strong as possible, and make sufficient preparations for entering the star field world in the future.

Next, one person, one photosphere, one question and one answer, and the exchange continued.One is like a curious baby who keeps asking questions, and the other is impatient to explain one by one, so that Lin Xiao, a "native" of the earth, gradually understands the starry sky that is unfamiliar to the outside world.

However, according to Guangqiu, what it explains is only the knowledge stored in its database, which may be quite different from the real situation. After all, the starry sky is changing rapidly, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow.But some basic common sense should not change.


The Lost Starfield is a famous impasse in the Milky Way, and any spaceship that gets trapped in it often disappears without a sound without even turning over a wave.For tens of thousands of years, most of the explorers who entered it by accident or tried to conquer it have been buried here.Only a few lucky ones managed to escape because they didn't fall deeply, but most of them kept secret about this star field and never dared to approach it again.

Such a situation also makes the surrounding area of ​​this star field deserted.The galaxies that are closer are basically uninhabited.Even though there are no living planets here, there are still quite a few ordinary ore stars.

It is in the very center of such a desperate situation, no one knows that there will be a peaceful and peaceful star system.The awe-inspiring and unusual Lost Star Field is like a thick shell, enveloping this galaxy, like a powerful defense layer, protecting it from outside prying eyes.

This has been the case for a long time.

But today's situation is a bit different. Somewhere in the inner layer of the Lost Starfield, several rune spaceships popped out unexpectedly.Just looking at the appearance, the spaceships are not only tattered, but also look like they are about to fall apart at any time, and the speed is also fast and slow, as if drunk.

However, compared to the spaceship's scarred exterior, there were violent cheers erupting inside the spaceship, celebrating the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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