super star lord

Chapter 274 New Route

Chapter 274 New Route

Inside the Lost Star Field, three dilapidated spaceships appeared here. If you look closer, each spaceship is hundreds of meters in size, but the textured surface is full of potholes. One of the heads is directly missing A large piece was removed, and it looked a little miserable.

But the downcast appearance of the spaceship could not conceal the cheers inside.

In the command room, a group of people cheered around a young man, and everyone's face showed the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe.Ever since they accidentally encountered a rare storm in the starry sky and were involved in a Jedi like the Lost Star Field, they were all prepared to die, but what they didn't expect was that, as if they were blessed by the gods, although they experienced crises again and again, every time The capital came out of desperation every time, and finally passed through the Lost Star Field, which is feared by countless civilizations, and came to its inner area.

"Your Highness, our trip is definitely the greatest feat in the history of the Lek Principality, no, it is the greatest feat in the history of the galaxy, and the realization of this feat is all due to your wisdom and calmness. The glory of the Southwest Starfield!" Locke took the lead and knelt down on one knee, offering his worship and belief to the young people. At this moment, he had selectively ignored that the reason why they survived was actually more of the Because of luck.As the captain of the prince's guard, he couldn't disappoint at this time.

The others were not slow to react, they all knelt down on one knee, and their praises were endless.

Although Quinn Lek was one of the princes, he was ninth in the order of succession.In other words, unless all the brothers in front of him are dead, otherwise, with his status, it will never be possible to inherit the position of grand duke.There are many princes similar to him. Although they bear the name of princes, they are actually not as good as some big nobles.As far as he himself is concerned, he has no real power except for a fiefdom.

With no hope for the future and no shortage of money, Quinn has developed a habit of exploring since he was a child. Whether it is the famous "dangerous places" in the Principality or the wonders of the starry sky around the Lost Star Field, he always leads the expedition team one by one. get involved.There were several dangers encountered in the process, but they were all lucky enough to escape.Although he loves to explore, he is not willing to die. He will never go to some real Jedi, such as... Lost Starfield.

The Lost Star Field is a well-known Jedi in the entire Southwest Star Field, and even the entire Milky Way.The bloody lessons learned from the past made even the most powerful explorer dare not take risks, let alone an unknown explorer like Quinn, there is no difference between rushing in and dying.

This time, if the fleet hadn't encountered a rare star storm, they would not have been brought into the Lost Star Field.I thought it was a fatal situation, but I didn't expect that all the way down, as if there were gods looking after me, I went straight to the inside of the Lost Star Field.

Quinn Lek was very excited, what does it mean to have a safe route directly to the interior of the Lost Star Domain?
Although they haven't explored it yet, even if there is nothing in it, this route is of great value.With the name of the Lost Star Field in the southwestern star field, even if a starry sky scenic spot for visiting the Lost Star Field is established, the daily entrance fee is enough to make a fortune.

If... there is a living planet in it, it is enough to change his own destiny.

In the starry sky, apart from special celestial bodies such as stars and black holes, planets can be roughly divided into two types, living planets and non-living planets.

Life planets are extremely rare, and their formation requires a lot of coincidences. Even in the entire Milky Way, there are only a few thousand life planets, and only a few hundred in the entire southwest star field.Among these hundreds of stars, nearly ten kingdoms and their affiliated countries accounted for about [-]% of them, and the rest were some relatively powerful duchies.As for the planetary civilization with only the parent star, it usually becomes history the moment it is discovered.

The Principality of Lek, where Quinn lives, is located in the Lost Star Field. It has eight living planets and one Yuanli World. It belongs to the most powerful group among the principalities. It is not attached to any kingdom and maintains relative independence.For the Principality of Lek, every additional living planet means that the population can be increased by one eighth, which means that the number of strong people can be increased by one eighth, which means that the national power can be increased by one eighth. .

One-eighth does not seem like much, but in the confrontation between countries, every point of strength is enough to change the balance of power and win for one's own side.

If Quinn can discover a living planet for the Principality, then his merits are enough to make his father, the current Grand Duke Lek, raise his line of succession to the first place and become the first heir to the position of Grand Duke. Grand Duke Lek, ruled a powerful country.

Although his heart was so excited that he almost trembled, Quinn forced himself to calm down after his long exploration career.He knew that it was far from the time to reap the rewards, not to mention the severe damage to his own spaceships, and he didn't know the specific situation inside the Lost Starfield, or whether there was any danger.

Pressing his hand, after everyone quieted down, he said in a deep voice, "Moss, report the loss of the fleet!"

As his voice fell, strips of white light quickly converged in mid-air, instantly forming a milky white light ball, and a slightly mechanical voice came from it, "Report Your Highness, the defense of No. 59 expedition ship is 65%, the spaceship The remaining 45% of the functions. The remaining 51% of the defensive power of the No. 30 expedition ship, and 35% of the remaining spaceship functions. The remaining [-]% of the defense power of the No. [-] expedition ship, and [-]% of the remaining spaceship functions."

Quinn's face became serious, and the extent of damage to the three expedition ships was somewhat beyond his expectations.These are professional exploration spaceships, and the cost alone cost most of his net worth. Not only the shells are all made of Yuanli alloy, but also a large number of defensive runes are engraved on them. Able to carry it down unscathed.

But judging from the current situation, except for the No. [-] expedition ship, which can barely be used, No. [-] and No. [-] are not suitable for continuing to sail, and need to be repaired immediately, otherwise it is likely to fall apart midway.

It’s okay if the spaceship’s defense is lower, as long as it doesn’t encounter a crisis, but the function of the spaceship is very important. Generally speaking, the minimum warning line is [-]%, and the achievement below [-]% means that many functions of the spaceship cannot be used. Continues to deteriorate during use.

Although Quinn could not wait to lead the fleet to search the interior of the Lost Star Field immediately, he had to rest in place at this time.Somewhat unwillingly, he glanced out of the porthole. The bright stars in the distance exuded a powerful allure, but he could only temporarily withdraw his gaze.

All the functions of the spaceship are completed by the combination of corresponding runes, and are controlled by the rune light brain 'Moss'. Fortunately, as an explorer, in order to prevent accidents, the most indispensable thing in the fleet is the rune master. It should not take much time to repair it. .

"Now, we can only wait."

(End of this chapter)

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