super star lord

Chapter 276 The Treasure House

Chapter 276 The Treasure House
"Pumice stone? Is there really such a magical stone?" Although he has seen a few words of description in some ancient books, he has always regarded it as something imaginary, or even if it exists, it is very rare. Will never exist in large quantities.Unexpectedly, the small island standing under his feet is actually composed of pumice stones.What made him even more concerned was that the construction of the sky city required the use of floating stones as the foundation of the city.

Isn't this a joke!
Apart from the floating island at the foot, there is absolutely no way that there are floating stones in the star field world, but this small island is like a drop in the bucket compared to a huge city with thousands of kilometers.He now finally understands why the Sky City is so difficult to achieve. Even the most basic city construction requires daunting materials, not to mention the precious materials needed to upgrade the crystal monument. Almost completely extinct.

Although I was complaining endlessly in my heart, the question I finally asked was, "How did it float?"

"Because the stone contains natural floating runes, very perfect floating runes." A voice came from the bracelet, as always, dutifully popularizing science, "This kind of stone is originally very hard, and it is one of the excellent materials for building cities." One, in addition to the characteristic of floating, its rune compatibility is also very good... Therefore, the city walls made of this material can not only float, but also can be equipped with large functional combination runes, such as defense, isolation, Invisibility, etc., most of the reason why Sky City can exist in the starry sky is because of the pumice stone."

In this way, this pumice stone is still unique, so it must be it?Without this kind of material, the castle in the sky is completely out of the question.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help stretching his head to look at the lower part of the island, and then circled around the island twice, roughly estimating that the pumice stone reserves of this island are only enough to build [-]% of the sky city. .Although it is far from enough, it can be regarded as some reserves, at least not like other materials, completely clueless.

"Do you want to use the island as a material for building a city?" Just as he observed the entire island and stopped to think, this voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Ah, yes, what's the matter?" After a moment of stunned, he realized that it was Shengguang's voice, and glanced at it with some puzzlement. Now he finally believed that the other party was a kind of life. The fact that his performance can discover his purpose is by no means comparable to those mechanical and rigid so-called "artificial intelligence".

"I have to remind you that although this island is made of pumice stones, it is also the control center of the world. I cannot control this world by myself, and all operations need to be realized on this island." Rune Light Brain Shengguang said bluntly road.

Lin Xiao was dumbfounded, "What is this? You won't even give me one percent?"

There is not even a single brick to build the city, so the city in the sky is still a fart.

After a long while, he calmed down. No matter what, he would never be able to tear down the island. If he did that, even if it would not affect his rule of the world, whether it was using world resources or going in and out of the world, , will become more difficult, and will not be able to get the convenience that should be given to the successor.

Through the previous communication, he is already clear about the ability of the Holy Light.As the world controller, it not only clearly knows every resource point in the star field world, but also has statistics on the population, resources, and beasts of the entire world.In addition to these macro quantities, it also has some special permissions.

For example, positioning, teleportation, searching within the world, and even raising islands from the sea. Of course, the most important function is to carry out the selection of lords, which is also the basic function of the star field world.Including but not limited to attracting candidates, formulating selection rules, judging selection rankings based on performance, and issuing rewards...

"Distribute rewards?!" Thinking of this, Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly widened, and he almost forgot about it.Although it is not as good as before, especially after being promoted to the main city of Xianheling and inheriting the entire star field world, many resources, equipment, and materials are no longer attractive to him, but items of the level similar to the blueprint of the dragon pattern mecha, It still makes him more coveted, it can be said that the more the better.Although the technical committee has already produced a prototype, and the testing process is smooth, it should be put into use soon, but this is all done according to the gourd.If you want to design a set of mecha blueprints on your own, the difficulty of making them according to the drawings is completely two levels, so don't even think about it in a short time.

Since items such as dragon pattern mecha blueprints can be rewarded, he feels that it is very possible that there should be similar items among the rewards for the lord's selection.

When he asked this question, Shengguang unexpectedly said calmly, "There is indeed a lord's selection treasury, which is located in a space enchantment protected by rune locks in the stone room, but now the treasury is empty. The final prizes have been given to you all last time." After a pause, it seemed to see what Lin Xiao was thinking, and continued, "At the beginning, every time the lord was selected, the prizes were supplemented once by the alliance. No excess rewards will be stored here."

Lin Xiao had a sad face, so the Star Alliance is really stingy, such a big force, even replenishing a small selection treasury as needed, if you put more, you will die!

In this way, the blueprint of the Dragon Mecha is the most precious reward among them. No one got it in the last life, but it fell into his hands early in this life.

In fact, this is also easy to understand. The dragon mecha is a powerful epic mecha. Although it is not clear whether it is stronger or weaker than the sacred mecha, he has blueprints in his hand. As long as he has materials, he can He builds one set after another, but the Holy Lord only has a set of mechas that have been passed down without blueprints.

Perhaps, this kind of blueprint is very rare even in the starry sky, otherwise it would not be the most precious reward for the selection of a powerful lord.

On top of this is the blueprint of the legendary mecha, which is the equipment that matches the sky knight. A civilization with this kind of blueprint, even without holy elf knights, can still rank among the powerful civilizations by virtue of its numerical advantage.

Although he was a little frustrated that he didn't get more treasures, Lin Xiao was not a greedy person.Besides, even if the blueprint of the legendary mecha is in hand now, let alone whether it can be made, the materials needed alone may not be found.

Standing on the edge of the floating island, he looked at the endless ocean and the dotted islands under his feet, and stood with his hands behind his back, "Holy Light, you can announce it."

(End of this chapter)

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