super star lord

Chapter 277 11578th

Chapter 277 11578th

"Attention all lords of the Star Field World. The final results of the 11578th lord selection of the alliance are now announced. Among all the official lords, Xianhe was the first to be promoted to the main city, ranking first. According to the Alliance Crisis Act, Lin Xiao, the lord of Xianhe, will inherit Star Field World, obtain the ownership of the Star Field World."

"The selection of the alliance lord is officially over."

This voice sounded not only in the minds of the human lords on Earth, but also in the minds of all the indigenous lords.

In the peaceful star field world, it was as if a nuclear bomb had been dropped, completely ignoring everyone. Recalling the mysterious voice just now in their minds, they were stunned for a while, unable to react for a long time.

Many people think that they are hallucinating, but as practitioners, unless they are in a hallucination, it is absolutely impossible for them to have hallucinations for no reason like ordinary people.Moreover, all the earth lords are very familiar with the voice in their minds, and they have heard it many times during the selection process of the lords in the first year.

"What happened to the notification just now?"

"What the hell is class 11578? What alliance?"

"The lord selection is officially over? So what did we experience in the first year?"

"Isn't anyone paying attention to Lin Xiao, the Lord of Xianhe? The notice said that the leader of Xianhe has been promoted to the main city!"

"Is this real or fake? It's terrible!"

"According to the meaning of this voice, the first person to be promoted to the main city will be the first in the final selection and inherit the star field world?"

"It should be like this, but this is too incredible!"

Although the mysterious voice only announced the end, from just a few words, the lords can still easily find some clues and judge the ins and outs of the matter.

But the more this happened, the more they couldn't believe it.The final result of the lord's selection is based on the first promotion to the main city as the judging criterion. This is understandable, but it is a bit confusing to inherit the entire star field world.

In the past, everyone was guessing that there might be a powerful force behind this world, because it can be roughly judged from the few words of the mysterious voice before.Moreover, since it is the lord's selection, for whom, and who organized it, the Star Field World will not appear here for no reason and pull everyone into this world.

It is now very clear that this source is the 'Alliance' that has organized tens of thousands of lord selections. Now that the lord selection is officially over, it is also because of the promotion of Xianhe Lord Lin Xiao that the ultimate condition has been triggered—the first promotion to the main city .

Although it is not clear what the "Crisis Act" refers to and why No.1 can inherit this world, but with the ability and weirdness of the mysterious voice, most of the lords generally agree with one point of view, that is, the star field world is about to change.

If it is said that the human lords of the earth can guess something from a few words, then the aboriginal lords who had an unfamiliar voice appearing in their minds for the first time for no reason, behaved completely differently.

Some people suspect that they have been plotted against and under strange spells.

Some people thought it was a prank by the strong and didn't take it to heart.

Others worry that something has gone wrong in their practice, causing hallucinations in their minds.

However, there are also very few powerful lords who seem to have been hit in the head and stopped their pursuit.That's right, they are talking about the only seven main city lords in the star field world, if you don't count the newly promoted Xianhe leader.

"Is the Xianhe leader promoted to the main city? He also inherited the star field world?"

"No way! Who was talking just now?"

"Pretend to be a ghost, let's move on, even if we are promoted to the main city, there is only one dead end in front of us!"

Although the voice just now was very strange, but as the lord of the main city, in charge of power and in a high position, it is absolutely impossible to stop because of a voice.In their view, even if the Xianhe Territory is really promoted to the main city, if they want to get a share of the power of the star field world, they need to pass the level of seven of them.

After signaling the ball of light to announce the final result, Lin Xiao would not be surprised by any disturbances in the star field world.Anyone who hears such news suddenly will not calm down.But he didn't hide anything, but let Shengguang execute the preset voice prompt.

This is the self-confidence brought about by strength. In his heyday, he almost possessed the combat power of the sky knight. He has no enemies in the star field world. Even without the help of the Holy Light, he will not have any difficulties in conquering the entire star field world, except It takes longer than that.After all, the star field world is huge. Even if the knights are transported by rune aircraft, it will be a long-term thing to travel all the islands.

After being promoted to the main city, he also accidentally obtained the "legal" inheritance right of the star field world, and through a long period of communication, he learned about the vast and vast starry sky world from Shengguang. Things that I dare not think about.

But in a short period of time, all of them were realized one by one.

The first thing before him now is naturally to conquer the entire world, then integrate all elites and resources, fully develop rune technology and cultivate strong people.Although the earth is very safe, if you want to step into the starry sky, it is absolutely impossible without strong support.

"However, before that, I may still need to deal with a small problem." Lin Xiao looked down, and seemed to see the figures of the seven powerhouses of the star field rushing to the Xianhe Territory at full speed.


in the starry sky.

Around a star, there are eight planets constantly orbiting it, moving in a fixed orbit.

Here, it is the solar system!

One of the planets is the mother star on which human beings depend for survival - the earth!
Three huge interstellar spaceships pass through the Oort cloud and the Kuiper belt at an astonishing speed. They are many times faster and many times larger than the latest spaceships that humans on Earth are proud of.

"Your Highness, we expect to arrive at the living planet in 3 hours and 16 minutes!"

"Through the observation of the rune telescope, we have roughly determined that it is a planet with an intelligent civilization. As for the degree of civilization development, we need to draw a conclusion after more detailed investigation."

"However, judging from the situation inside the star system, it should be a weak planetary civilization that will not pose a threat to our fleet."

These three spaceships are exactly the expedition fleet of Prince Quinn, Prince Lek.As an expedition fleet, due to early preparations for spacecraft damage and sufficient materials, after several weeks of emergency repairs, the functions of all spacecraft have basically recovered.

They couldn't wait, and immediately embarked on a journey to explore the interior of the Lost Star Field.

After some investigation, they found that there were five star systems in the Lost Star Field, but the other four had no life planets. They were all very ordinary planets, and there were no unexpected discoveries at all.Just when they were a little frustrated and turned their attention to the last star system, they finally made a major discovery.

(End of this chapter)

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