super star lord

Chapter 280 Must Occupy the Earth

Chapter 280 Must Occupy the Earth
What makes the whole earth feel like a big enemy is naturally the three expedition spaceships from the Principality of Lek who passed through the Lost Star Field by luck.At this time, they didn't know that their three spaceships were mistaken for asteroids by the natives on the living planet ahead, but even if they knew, they wouldn't care.

The Principality of Lek is an interstellar civilization. Even if it is only a principality with only eight living planets, it is far from being comparable to the earth civilization that has not yet stepped out of the parent star system.For Quinn, the blue planet is like an undisguised beauty, waiting for his fortune.

The incomprehensibly fast 'asteroid' in the eyes of humans on earth is actually not flying at full speed.As the blue planet got closer and closer, members of the entire expedition team began to get excited.You know, there is a living planet ahead, and since they entered this star system, the large-scale scanning function of the spacecraft has never stopped. , but the speed is very slow, coupled with the fact that the outer planets are rarely set foot, it is easy to judge the degree of development of this civilization.

Of course, before actually landing on that planet, it is necessary to detect the opponent's cultivation system and the level of the strong, so as not to cause extreme joy to cause sorrow. There have been cases in the past.A powerful expedition fleet also discovered a planet without an owner of life, and the civilization on the planet is very low, even in the era of cold weapons, but in such a civilization, a large number of sky-level creatures were born. The strong one directly killed all the members of the expedition team who carelessly descended on the planet.

Although Quinn thought that he would not be unlucky enough to encounter that kind of situation, but as an experienced explorer, he would never make such a low-level mistake.

"Your Highness, the information network has been detected." Just as he was fascinated by the azure blue in the distance, the voice of the rune light brain 'Moss' suddenly came from his ears.

"Invade immediately and look for the information we need." Quinn ordered immediately.

The spaceship's rune optical brain immediately invaded the earth's network. It was as intelligent as a human brain, and quickly sifted through massive data to collect the information it needed and displayed it on the light curtain in the control room.

"This blue planet is called Earth, with a diameter of 12800 kilometers and a surface area of ​​5.1 million square kilometers, of which about 30% is land area and 71% is ocean area."

"The planet's surface gravity is about 1 standard gravitational unit, which is equivalent to our capital planet Lexington. The main components of the air are oxygen and nitrogen, and the contents are 21% and 78% respectively. According to the life planet evaluation standard, the earth is enough to be rated as the highest grade."

"The star system where the earth is located is called the solar system. In addition to the living planet Earth, there are seven planets and a large number of satellites and asteroids."

"The civilizations on Earth call themselves human civilizations. They have a recorded history of about 5000 years. The forms of life are not much different from ours. The total number exceeds 70 billion, reaching the upper limit of the optimal carrying capacity of a general life planet."

"The overall development of human civilization is in the middle and late stages of planetary civilization, and the use of rune technology is in the middle stage of planetary civilization. At this stage, their footprints are basically in the inner solar system, but the development speed has been significantly accelerated in recent years..."

"Human civilization does not have a unified government, they are divided into more than 200 countries..."


"There are practitioners in human civilization, and the highest level... is the earth level!"

"There are earth-level practitioners? How many are there?" Quinn turned his head and asked in surprise.Generally speaking, before the indigenous civilization entered the starry sky, few people developed a practice system alone, let alone earth-level practitioners.Of course, the planet that wiped out the entire expedition and had a strong man in the sky is an exception.

"The number is very small... The specific situation cannot be found on the Internet."

"Since there are practitioners, it means that this civilization has a world of Yuanli. What is their Yuanli world like and what is its scale?" Quinn continued to ask.

"According to the information obtained, the human civilization on Earth has a total of two Yuanli worlds, which are named Starfield World and Savage World by them. According to the classification, they are both large Yuanli worlds."

"Two large Yuanli worlds?" Quinn was delighted at first, then surprised, "There are actually two large Yuanli worlds, so why are there so few powerful people in human civilization? Is there any problem? "

You must know that even the Principality of Lek has only one medium-sized Yuanli world, which is far from meeting the cultivation needs of everyone on the eight living planets.

With a population of 70 billion in human civilization on Earth, two large worlds of Yuanli are enough to carry it. Under such conditions, the number of strong people born should be many, far exceeding the Principality of Lek.If that's the case, it wouldn't be enough for the expedition team to go up.

"According to the information, these two worlds of Yuanli have been around for a very short time, and they are far from being developed, and one of the Yuanli worlds has access restrictions, while the other is full of crises." Moss explained in time.

"So that's it. Now, we are really developed... A top-level life planet, plus two large-scale origin worlds, and this unique starry sky environment, if it is occupied by the Principality, it can be used as a hidden and safe place." The rear!" Quinn trembled with excitement.

The environment in the starry sky is harsh, and there are constant wars between countries all the year round. Although the Principality of Lek is not weak, in fact it has always been walking on eggshells.If they have such a strong rear, they can rest assured that they can continuously cultivate strong men, then the rise of the Principality of Lek will be just around the corner!

The earth must be occupied!
If it is said that Quinn wanted to take the credit for discovering a living planet before, and wanted to get his hands on the position of the first heir, now his thinking has changed a little, and that is to let the Principality of Lek rise and become a powerful country. Lek Kingdom, the overlord of the Lost Starfield, "Maybe I can become a great king in the future..."

This kind of future that seemed to be within reach made Quinn completely unable to suppress the excitement in his heart.

However, his long-term rich experience has kept his head absolutely clear, "Moss, locate the main force of human civilization on the earth and the core head of the country." Then he turned his head and looked at the assistant Locke who was also excited. Said: "The order goes on, everyone enters the mech area to stand by, and according to Moss' positioning, divide into corresponding arrest teams, and prepare to descend to the earth to fight!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Locke replied loudly.

But when the assistant just walked out of the control room, Moss' voice rang in Quinn's ear.

"Your Highness, 33 micro-flying objects have been detected approaching. According to the scanning results, it should be a technological weapon using atomic nuclear energy."

(End of this chapter)

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