super star lord

Chapter 281 1 Must Succeed

Chapter 281 Must Succeed

Everyone knew the news that the asteroid was about to hit the earth, but firstly, the officials of various countries stepped forward in time, and secondly, it was a special method in a special period, so this turmoil had little impact on the whole.

At the same time, in order to increase persuasiveness, the official also conducted a live broadcast of the whole process.On the Internet video, on the TV, and on all the display screens in use in major cities, there is a picture-the strategic weapon silo.

The scene of the launch of the ultimate human weapon is about to be shown to all ordinary people in the form of live broadcast for the first time, and it is not a drill, but a response to the coming disaster.

At this moment, no matter whether they are panicked, crazy or dazed about the asteroid hitting the earth, everyone's attention is focused on this world-renowned event. Look away.

Time passed quietly like this, except for the sound of news commentary echoing on the screen, the whole earth was silent.

"This is the biggest disaster that human civilization has ever faced, but after years of technological explosions, under our comprehensive monitoring, we have already known the traces of asteroids in advance."

"In the face of this disaster, the nations of mankind are united as never before, and have made comprehensive preparations in a very short period of time."

"We have the ability and confidence to deal with this asteroid crisis and protect everyone's safety. Please rest assured!"


Before the launch of the strategic weapons, the officials spared no effort to declare that they are absolutely sure to overcome the difficulties, but as the asteroid gets closer and closer, the global atmosphere becomes more and more tense, and no one dares to face it calmly. As if being grabbed, getting tighter and tighter.

After all, in the face of a real natural disaster that can affect the whole world, even practitioners seem very small.Although there is no problem in surviving as long as you are not near the impact point, the ecological disaster that will have the greatest impact on the world is the ensuing ecological disaster.

Moreover, there is also the speed of the asteroid that is deliberately ignored by the authorities... In theory, as long as the speed of the asteroid reaches a certain limit, it can even crash through the earth.Of course, judging from the currently detected data, it is not enough to do this, but it is far more terrifying than the propaganda.

It's just that the high-level people think that the path of the asteroid is a straight line, which is easy to intercept, and there is no possibility of failure. No matter how fast the asteroid is, it is impossible to hit the earth, so they are relatively calm.

Moreover, even if there are unexpected factors, the saturation attack method they adopted is enough to minimize accidents.

After a short but felt like a long wait, finally, the picture on the screen moved.The time has reached the most suitable moment after precise calculation by the scientists, and the countdown to launch begins.

"10, 9, 8, 7... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, launch!"

The heavy silo cover was opened, and amidst the bangs, the weapon representing the ultimate human power pointed directly at the blue sky and into the sky.


Accompanied by the huge tail flame and smoke, the flying speed became faster and faster, and it rushed into the clouds in less than ten seconds, and quickly climbed up.After the power system of these weapons is integrated with the rune technology, the explosive speed is completely transformed, and the range is also multiplied many times, enough to hit extremely far outer space.

This is also one of the reasons why the high-level people on the earth believe that they are sure to intercept it and will not affect the earth.

Successful launch is only the first step. After the strategic weapon flew into space, each control center began intensive control and guidance work to ensure the flight stability of the projectile.These tasks are all done by a large number of satellites in space.

Even, through some telescopes arranged in outer space, humans have managed to track the whole process.In the live broadcast screen densely packed, there are some overlapping flames, with the will of the human beings on earth, vowing to blast the three incoming asteroids into pieces.

"It must be successful!"

"It must be done!"

Although the government has repeatedly given everyone reassurance, but before the crisis is really over, everyone is holding a heart, looking at the flames, and praying in their hearts.

What's more, even those high-level people, although they have done everything they can, will inevitably feel a little nervous at this time.

After all, this battle is related to the future of human beings around the world.

No matter how rich the experience is, no matter how calm it is, Mount Tai collapses in front of it without changing its color. At this moment, it is no different from ordinary people.

"Is about to collide!"

Suddenly, a trembling voice came from the screen.

At this moment, all high-level officials, all members of the lord, all practitioners, and all ordinary people watched nervously.

If successful, humans remain unharmed.

If it fails, the three asteroids will hit the earth at an unprecedented high speed. Scientists are completely unpredictable about how large the area will be affected and what serious ecological disaster it will cause to the earth.

The Headquarters of the American Federation.

The president, cabinet members, and high-ranking lords all stared at the screen together.

"We're going to make it, we're going to."

"Yes, it will!" Everyone held their breath completely.

There was a moment of depression in the room.

Everyone was staring at the flames that represented hope...they were flying head-on towards the three asteroids according to the established speed and orbit.


Midsummer region.

Alves, who just got the news of returning to Earth from the wild world, also looked nervously at the screen in front of him.

Since there is a passage in the garrison, he is not worried about his own safety. Even if the interception fails, he can return to the wild world in time.But the earth is the root, and the earth is the home planet of all people. If the earth encounters a disaster, even if it survives, it will be like duckweed without roots.

Besides, the development level of the wild world is very low so far, and the chassis occupied by humans is only a small piece. Outside the low-threat zone, there are still a large number of powerful beasts. If there is no earth to back it up, maybe one day a giant beast tide will erupt. All human strongholds will be wiped.

"It will definitely succeed!"

"Definitely." Alves muttered silently, staring at the screen as if attracted by a magnet, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his whole body was trembling slightly.


At this moment, the Mizhou Alliance, the Zhongxia Alliance, the Europa Alliance, and a large number of small and medium forces are all paying attention to this scene at the same moment.Everyone is praying silently in their hearts... Even some crazy people, or people full of evil, are all praying for the earth together.

"The last ten seconds!"

Everyone stared at the screen, and at the same time there was a mechanical countdown sound in their ears.

"10, 9, 8, 7... 5, 4, 3..."



The last countdown resounded, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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