super star lord

Chapter 286 Cutting the Wheat

Chapter 286 Cutting the Wheat

Amos never expected that the Lord of Xianhe, who had robbed the treasure of the ancient city in front of them and could only escape with speed, would crush the seven of them together when they met again.


For many years, in this star field world, they are the only seven lords of the main city, standing aloft, standing on top of all living beings, possessing the highest military power in the world, and no one has ever dared to say that they can steadily beat themselves.

The two camps have been fighting for so many years, and neither side can completely suppress the other. The reason is that everyone is at the pinnacle of force in this world, and there is no obvious 'generational difference' in strength.

When the seven lords of the main city are united, maybe even this day can be pierced.

Before that, if someone claimed that there was an invincible strongman who could crush the seven of them, everyone would just scoff.

Unless it is an illusory god.

"Why?" Amos yelled.

He is not reconciled, one moment he treats him like an ant, but the next moment he loses so miserably, he can't even touch the opponent's side, and he can't figure out who to put it on.

"Could it be that you are an extraterrestrial evil spirit?" Augustine, who was wearing a tattered mecha next to him and barely supported his body, stared at Lin Xiao with complicated eyes.

Lin Xiao's strength is unbelievable. If it is said that he came up step by step from a small lord, he would be the first to not believe it.In such a short period of time, a city-level lord has climbed over all of them. If it was so easy, the seven of them would not have fought for so many years.

There must be something strange here.

After searching and racking his brains, he finally thought of a possibility.

"What is an extraterrestrial demon?"

Before Lin Xiao answered, Barton, the Lord of the Holy Shield, who looked even more miserable beside him, tried his best to ask.Both sides are the lords of the main city, but in terms of background, the strongest ones are the Holy Land and the Purgatory Land.

Augustine just stared at Lin Xiao, not intending to answer, but Amos, who managed to calm down, said slowly: "According to ancient books, 1 years ago, there were countless powerful territories in the star field world. , Many territories have developed to the peak of the main city, and there is even a city in the sky that transcends the world, that is the most glorious era of the star field world."

"Yes, that was indeed the peak era of the star field world. Unfortunately, under the leadership of Sky City, all the powerful elites left this world and never came back..." Barton said with emotion.

"Wrong, big mistake!" Amos shook his head, "These words are just lies woven by the survivors."


"The truth is exactly the opposite of what you know. Detachment is false, and being terminated is true..." When he told the truth, Amos had a trace of fear in his eyes, "In that peak era, it was a group of unknown raped people. At that time, all the territories were united, and there was no resistance at all." Having said this, he paused, and then slowly uttered a sentence, "Those people all came from outside the star field world. The strong ones from ten thousand years ago are called—the demons outside the sky.”

As soon as the words came out, except for Augustine's face that remained unchanged and Lin Xiao's expression of watching a play, everyone else was shocked.

As if he didn't notice the expressions of everyone, Amos continued, "Those extraterrestrial demons only attack the most powerful group of people in the star field world, and none of them can escape, just like harvesting the best growing wheat... Having said that, he slowly closed his eyes, "And our seven main cities are just the seven thickest roots of the remaining wheat."

"Are we... just the leftover... wheat from the harvest?"

Not only Barton, but also the other main city lords couldn't figure it out at all.

Since they were born, they have been told that the territory they are in is one of the strongest in the star field world, standing on the top of the whole world, except for the existence of the same, they can basically overlook the whole world.After inheriting the position of lord, not only his own force has reached the peak of the world, but he also controls the lives of hundreds of millions of people, just like holding the authority of a god.

In their hearts, they have always been proud of this.

But now, the fact before us is that the Great Territory is just a stalk of wheat that has survived, and it doesn't even meet the harvesting standard...

"Are the demons outside the sky really so scary?"

No one answered his words, Lin Xiao watched with interest, and did not show the slightest surprise, because he already knew everything during the process of communicating with Shengguang.

Before the alliance was destroyed, the star field world was the world of lord selection, and every candidate who participated in the lord selection was the best genius in the countless star fields of the entire alliance, and each one was extremely precious.

Lord selection has its own set of rules, including initial resources, initial subjects, trials and so on.According to this set of rules, the highest level of force in the selection world must be limited to the land knights.

Therefore, before the start of each selection, the alliance will clear the natives in the star field world who exceed the standard of strength to ensure that the selection environment is suitable.And this is the source of the reaping of wheat in the mouth of Amos.

In fact, the strength of the seven people in front of them has almost reached the standard of 'cutting wheat', but because the alliance was destroyed, no one came to carry it out.

Now Lin Xiao's appearance, whose strength is completely beyond their cognition, made Augustine mistake him for an extraterrestrial evil spirit at the first time, which is a reasonable thing.

Of course, judging by Lin Xiao's current status as the inheritance of the star field world, there is some connection with the extraterrestrial demons they talked about.

Looking at the unwilling expressions of several people, Lin Xiao, who had completed the conquest plan, didn't mind popularizing science for them.

But at this moment, in his induction, a figure approached quickly, so close that he quickly recognized that it was Markas.

"Your Highness, it is urgent!"


On the way back to the Golden Island, Lin Xiao took out the rune communicator from the space ring, and after contacting the Lord's Mansion of the Golden Island, he quickly understood what happened on the earth.Although the range of rune communication is not affected by space, the sound is isolated, so even if other people contact him, he cannot receive the information.

If he hadn't been promoted to the main city and was teleported to the floating island too suddenly, he wouldn't have started to conquer the star field immediately, and he might have known the information about the earth earlier.

Fortunately, things are not at their worst yet.

Although he also felt unbelievable after learning the news of the alien civilization's spacecraft coming, especially since the solar system is in the Lost Star Field, it should be very safe.

"How did they get in? If there is a safe route, will that alien civilization invade on a large scale?" Lin Xiao was very anxious.According to the information obtained now, although the opponent only has three spaceships, the powerhouses that descended are powerful enough to sweep the earth.

But Lin Xiao is not what it used to be now. Not only is his personal strength strong, but he has just conquered the entire star field world, so he can completely fight against this alien civilization fleet.

However, if there really is a safe route through which the other party can come in continuously, then the earth is really in danger.

Perhaps in this fleet, there is no existence stronger than him, but in the starry sky, it is not uncommon.

Thinking of this, he hurried back to the territory and ordered, "Holy Light, based on the existing information, immediately build an analysis model to simulate the size and strength of the alien civilization fleet, and formulate a confrontation plan based on my existing strength."

(End of this chapter)

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