super star lord

Chapter 287 Support arrives

Chapter 287 Support arrives
This is an urgent rescue.

One side is the expedition fleet of the Principality of Lek who was lucky enough to enter the solar system through the Lost Star Field, and the other side is the only indigenous civilization in the Lost Star Field. The collision between the two sides will inevitably end with one side winning and the other losing.

If the Quinn expedition failed, it would be nothing more than the loss of an expedition team, three spaceships and a prince who was later in the line of succession for the Principality of Lek, but it was a matter of life and death for the earth and the fate of human civilization. World War I.

If it fails, the human homeland will be occupied, and the earth will undoubtedly become one of the territories of the Lek Principality, and all human beings will become slaves, with a miserable end.

Now Lin Xiao is very anxious. On the one hand, it is because of the rush to rescue, and on the other hand, he is worried that the other party has already opened up a stable route in the Lost Star Field. That is the most terrifying thing.

If that's the case, even if this expedition team is eliminated, the earth's civilization will have no luck if the other party's follow-up army arrives.

But no matter what, the most important thing right now is to stop the opponent from wreaking havoc.

Considering that the mecha knights of the outsiders have been scattered all over the world, even if Lin Xiao himself is strong, it is impossible to support all important places at the same time, so after returning to the earth, he not only went to the capital immediately, but also passed Shengguang, began to issue the first order as the master of the star field world.

"Attention all earth knights in the star field world, this is an order from the master of the star field world. You will go to the earth world at the same time to fight against the evil spirits outside the sky. Those who make contributions will be rewarded."

Before that, Lin Xiao had already conquered the seven main cities with absolute strength, and the earth-level powerhouses in the star field world were basically concentrated in the main cities, so basically no one dared to violate this order.

When the sound of the holy light sounded, beside all the earth knights, a grotesque vortex appeared at the same time, almost forcibly pulling them all into it.

In the entire star field world, the total number of Earth Knights is basically more than one thousand. In order to gain absolute advantages in various support locations, Shengguang gave up some less important locations during the distribution process, and concentrated most of its forces in places like Mizhou. The Alliance, the Europa Alliance, the Polar Bear Alliance, the headquarters of the Black Continent Alliance, or the strategic command centers of major powers. As for the capital of Zhongxia, Lin Xiao went there alone.

Of course, riding an ice crystal phoenix with the law spirit Neko.

To be able to achieve such large-scale and accurate support, it has to be said that inheriting the star field world is very important.

As the master of the star field world, not only is he no longer restricted by the barrier between the two worlds, he can also send others to and from the two worlds at will.

Of course, this function is not inherent in the star field world, but as the lord selection world of the alliance, it was transformed accordingly, and the teleportation function is one of them.

If you switch to other Yuanli worlds, such as the wild world, you can only enter and exit through some space nodes or forcibly breaking the space barrier.

Departing from the earth station in Xianhe Territory, after riding the ice crystal phoenix, Lin Xiao's speed soared all the way and rushed to the headquarters of the Zhongxia Alliance.

At the same time, a large number of transmission channels have appeared around the world. The earth knights from the star field world set foot on the land of the earth with a look of curiosity, and according to the guidance of the holy light, they gathered together and prepared to support the earth.

At this moment, it is the time when the earth is in dire straits.

When he found that all the high-level people were about to fall, and the hot weapons and knights he was proud of were pushed by the opponent, all the human beings on the earth were filled with sadness, fear, and panic. At this time, Lin Xiao stood up. Come out, the support from Star Field World finally arrived in time.

"Look, what is that!"

"It's a transmission channel!" Someone recognized it.

"But why are there so many?"

Because it is transmitted at the same time, it is very shocking when the densely packed transmission channels appear in front of people.

In addition, they were immediately posted on the Internet, and basically everyone saw such a fantastic scene immediately, which made the people who had been watching the rampage of the alien power slightly attracted their attention.

But even so, no one thought about support.

On the contrary, some people were even more worried, "Isn't it the follow-up troops of alien civilization?"

This seems the most likely.

After all, although the transmission channels to and from the star field world or the wild world are generally the same, apart from the fact that there is a "strongest man on earth" on my side, I can't think of being able to stand up at such a critical moment. , and a person with strength.

However, the facts were beyond everyone's expectations.

From those transmission channels, those who came out continuously were all strong men with vast aura, and they did not attack the earth side, but directly greeted the camp of alien strong men.

"Looking at the breath, they should all be strong from the earth!"

"Could it be... come to help us?"

"Where did they come from? Why are they on our side?"

"Could it be the Star Field World?"

At this time, the situation had already reached the most critical moment, so after the emergence of those strong men, while the human beings on the earth were still guessing, they started a war with the invaders one after another.

Even the desperate high-level people on the earth who are in various headquarters and strategic command centers are a little confused.

However, as a few people with more obvious characteristics appeared, the high-level people on the earth side, especially the high-level people from the major lord alliances, recognized them immediately.

"That's... Purgatory Wurm!"

"There is also the cloud dragon!"

"The mountain dragon has also appeared!"

"The one wearing the rune mecha should be a strong man from the holy camp!"

"They are experts from the seven main cities of the Star Field World!"

"It turned out to be them!"

Now, the high-level people on the earth who knew the result were even more puzzled.

Not to mention how the natives of the star field world can be teleported to the earth, even if they can come to the earth, why would they help human civilization and resist the invasion of foreign enemies?
Although several large alliances, especially the coalition, had contact with the holy camp, the strength of the two sides was completely unequal. During the contact process, they were completely in a weak position.It is absolutely impossible for the other party to help with all their strength without hesitation because of this reason.

You must know that the alien powerhouses are not vegetarians. Although they may be slightly behind the Starfield World Alliance in terms of numbers, the opponents are well equipped. Although they are standard epic mechas, they have a set of people.

Even if the coalition forces in the main city of each battlefield have an absolute numerical advantage, but if there is a real fight, it must be a fierce battle.

(End of this chapter)

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