super star lord

Chapter 288 The Great War Begins

Chapter 288 The Great War Begins

Generally speaking, the overall strength of the coalition forces in the main city and the alien powerhouses is almost the same.

Although Shengguang concentrated all its forces by abandoning most of the low-importance battlefields, focusing on supporting the main battlefield.For example, outside Cheyenne Mountain, the number of allied land knights who intercepted the alien powerhouses reached [-], basically a three-on-one situation.

But no one dares to take it lightly, especially when they haven't played against each other yet, and they don't know the reality of the opponent at all.

Even Lin Xiao himself did not expect Amos, Augustine and the others to be able to wipe out the intruders smoothly, but only hoped that they could delay a little.

This crisis related to the life and death of the earth can only be ended by himself.

What gave him this confidence was his skyrocketing strength.


Attacking Zhongxia was a team of more than a hundred Earth Knights equipped with standard epic mechas. Like the situation outside Cheyenne Mountain, they were basically devastated and approached all the way to the periphery of the headquarters.

The knights cultivated by the Zhongxia Alliance at a huge cost over the years are like paper, and basically collapse in front of it.

Just when they were almost desperate, news came from other places that reinforcements from the star field world appeared almost simultaneously all over the world. Although they didn't know the reason, they saved the building from collapse.

Judging from the news, all the places where the support appeared were the headquarters of the top-ranking large-scale forces or countries. In this case, as Zhongxia, one of the few great powers on the Blue Star, there was no reason why there would be no reinforcements.

However, at the critical moment, the expected reinforcements did not appear. Instead, a huge bird with blue flames flew rapidly from the sky.

"That... what beast?"

"Is there such a beast on Earth?"

"Could it be that he ran out from the wild world?"

"Hey... There is someone on the back of the bird!"

"who is it?"

"Zoom in a little closer, increase the resolution... I can see clearly, this is... Lin Xiao, Lord of Xianhe?!"

"It turned out to be him, why did he come, is he here to support us?"

"Is he the only one? Are you kidding me? Even if he is known as No.1 on Earth, he can't beat so many strong aliens, right?"

"Yeah, he is very strong, but it would be nice to be able to deal with a few of them, but the opponent is a knight order!"

While discussing, everyone began to prepare to evacuate.

Since he couldn't beat him, he naturally couldn't wait to die here.

As for why Lin Xiao was the only reinforcement, there is no way to find out now, time is running out, and if foreign enemies attack, it will be too late.

Just as the Zhongxia executives were preparing to evacuate the headquarters in an orderly manner and retreat to other backup bases, Lin Xiao hurried on his mount, and finally stopped in front of the invaders after they wiped out the last Zhongxia alliance knight.


In outer space, the control room of Expedition Ship No. [-], the flagship of the Quinn Expedition.

On a huge light curtain, the real-time images that descended on the eyes of every knight on the earth were displayed here simultaneously.Standing in the control room, everyone's action progress is clear at a glance, and Quinn can even command everyone through this connection.

I originally thought it was a completely suspense-free capture operation, but in fact it was also the case. From the time it landed on the earth until now, no matter what means the opponent uses, it is completely unstoppable.

Considering the existence of two Yuanli worlds, the level of force on Earth is even lower than expected.

When the knights were approaching the city one after another, Quinn even opened a bottle of colorful champagne himself, poured two glasses, and handed one of them to his assistant Locke, ready to celebrate the smooth operation.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would be able to completely conquer a planet of life in my lifetime. God is above me, I..."

Before he finished speaking, at this moment, most of the pictures on the screen appeared a little abnormal.

"Your Highness, the situation has changed!" The assistant obviously noticed this.

In many real-time pictures, the knights who had broken through all the lines of defense and were about to reap the fruits of victory were stopped by a large number of unknown strongmen coming out of the transmission channel.At the same time, according to the news sent back from the front, according to the sense of breath, the opponent is basically an earth knight, and their level is comparable to that of their own, but their equipment is slightly inferior.

However, the various epic beast mounts that appear in it, as well as a small number of inherited mecha knights, still pose a strong threat.

"Damn it, Shet, where did they come from?" Quinn couldn't help but swear when there was an accident at such a critical moment.

"Your Highness, is it Yuanli World..." Luo Ke reminded.

Quinn thought for a while, then nodded, "It seems that the power on this planet is only a part of the human beings on the earth, and we underestimated their strength." He felt that these are the human beings on the earth who have two worlds of power It's normal that the background of the cultivation of spiritual power has not appeared before this. After all, practitioners, especially the strong ones, basically stay in the world of Yuanli.

For example, the strong men of Lek Principality usually practice in the only world of Yuanli, and they don't want to waste even a second of time.

After all, compared to the environment in the world of Yuanli, the concentration of Yuanli in the outside world is simply too low.

Just as Quinn was surprised, the battle between the two sides in the screen had already started.The fight between two earth knights was already a world-shattering battle. When hundreds of earth knights fought each other, the entire space was completely boiled.

Deafening explosions, weapon collisions, and screams were heard endlessly, the air was torn apart, and there were huge and strange-shaped scars all over the ground, as if being trampled by a group of giant beasts.

The local people who had been evacuated a long time ago could also hear loud noises coming from a distance, each sound was comparable to thunder, and the eardrums hurt.

Quinn could only put his surprise aside and concentrate on directing this crucial battle. It was obvious that the winning side would obtain the ownership of the planet, which was something he couldn't afford to lose.

In fact, the Lost Star Field seems to be a rare and dangerous place, but if there is no living planet in it, even if a stable and safe channel is opened up, it will be of little value.

In the starry sky, the most precious thing is the planet that can support life and multiply.

"Your Highness, don't worry, our knights are equipped with epic mechas, which are by no means comparable to these indigenous land knights." Noticing Quinn's slightly dignified expression, Locke said confidently.He also has reasons to say this. After all, when the quality is superior, even if the quantity is not too far apart, the final outcome will often not change.

"En." Quinn nodded, feeling a little relieved, but just as he was about to look at the situation on other battlefields, a huge bird with blue flames all over his body suddenly appeared in hundreds of pictures.

"That, that is..."

(End of this chapter)

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