super star lord

Chapter 291

Chapter 291
The battlefield outside the central part of the Zhongxia Alliance looks evenly matched.

From the beginning of the fight to the present, except for Lin Xiao's instant kill of the opponent at the very beginning, there were no new casualties.

Of course, this was mainly because Lin Xiao didn't use his full strength. In addition, it was also a rare experience for him to fight against a knight order composed entirely of earth knights.

As for other battlefields, due to the superiority in the number of reinforcements on the Earth side, they can basically have the upper hand.However, as Quinn's orders continued to be issued, some knights who attacked small and medium-sized forces began to return to help. It is foreseeable that the more the battle is delayed, and as the numerical advantage disappears, the battle situation will become more and more serious for the earth. unfavorable.

Taking this factor into consideration, although Lin Xiao intended to fight for hundreds of rounds, in the end he could only focus on resolving this crisis.

After forcing back several mecha knights who were trying to encircle him with a single sword, he drew back violently and returned to the state of confrontation with the opponent.

"It's time to end."

After the warm-up was over, Lin Xiao's eyes became more serious.

None of these invaders is innocent. If the earth is really occupied by them, he knows better than anyone what will happen to human civilization.

Faced with a real racial crisis, he would naturally not be merciful.

His eyes fell on the half-headed elf in his arms, Lin Xiao blinked and said with a slight smile.

"Little guy, it's up to you!"

Although it is not the first time possessed, but unlike before just to experience the powerful force, this time it is for a real battle.Fortunately, one big and one small have already run in many times, and there will be no problem in cooperating.

The little guy seemed to be aware of the situation outside at this time, and nodded upon hearing the words, and the whole body turned into an ice-blue light and shadow, which merged into his body.


In an instant, the whole world was completely different in Lin Xiao's perception.

He seemed to see lines flowing, seemingly chaotic and orderly, colorful and grotesque.Although this feeling only lasted for a short moment, he felt as if he saw the essence of the world.

This gave him the illusion that he could break the world with a single punch.

Although this feeling came and went quickly, the buffs it produced temporarily made his connection with the secrets and laws more closely.Even, he can use this to display far beyond ordinary power.

Lightly waved the long sword.


A high-frequency piercing sound sounded, as if cutting the entity, and the void would be torn apart.

After signing the contract with Nicole, his own strength is also increasing day by day, compared to the beginning, it has improved a lot.You know, at the very beginning of possession, the power of a single sword was far from reaching the level it is now.

Lin Xiao reckoned in her heart that if she shot with all her strength, she would have reached the level of a sky knight, even stronger than some ordinary sky knights.

This is not an illusion, although he has never seen a real sky knight, but judging from the knowledge imparted by the 'Holy Light', his estimation will basically not be too big of a mistake.

With such strength, it would be a joke if they couldn't even sweep an Earth Knight Centurion.

He patted the azure blue feathers under his body, and with a resounding phoenix cry, an ice-blue flame light rushed directly into the alien knights who had already raised their vigilance and were shocked by Lin Xiao's sudden soaring aura.


Lin Xiao's strength changed in an instant, and the knights who were facing him could clearly feel it, but the parties who followed the battle through some observation methods were not clear.

They could only see that after Lin Xiao forced his opponent back with a sword and opened the distance, after only a few breaths, he rushed into the battle group again, but he turned into a wolf among sheep!
Those heavily armed earth knights have no enemies at all.

Before, when Lin Xiao slashed on the epic mecha with his sword, it could only bring out a white mark, which could not threaten the alien knight protected by the mecha.But now, with his casual sword, he almost pierced through the entire mech. If the knight who fought against him still wanted to rely on the defense of the mecha to catch the sword light, he would almost die or be injured.

A series of sword lights that could cut through the void raged, completely unreasonable and difficult to dodge. Lin Xiao chopped out hundreds of huge sword lights almost in a breath.

This level of fighting is very fast.

Almost in just a few breaths, a group of earth knights were stunned.It was difficult for them to accept that before, they were evenly matched, and they could even suppress their opponents by virtue of the battle formation, but now their own side has become the abused side.

In the end what happened?
Not only them, but also all parties watching this battle also looked incredible.


"What... what's going on here?"

"He's too fierce!"

"Is Lord Xianhe still human?"

"Who told me it wasn't true?"

Inside the underground fortress, the high-level members of the Zhongxia Alliance twitched violently in their hearts.No one dared to believe their eyes. Only those who were almost driven to a desperate situation knew what kind of powerful enemy they were facing.But now, the powerful enemy who can only look up to, was beaten to the ground by a single person.

"Is he a god?"

In fact, it wasn't them who were most shocked, but Prince Lek, Quinn, who was standing in the control room of Expedition Ship No. [-], still fantasizing about becoming a Phoenix Knight.

Earth knights are not uncommon in the Principality. It can even be said that there are countless knights. Generally, knights who only set foot in the starry sky to take risks outside are all of the earth knight class. If the strength is low, the survivability is too weak.

But if you want to form a pure Earth Knights, it will be very difficult.After all, after embarking on the path of cultivation, very few people are willing to continue to serve others, even if he is a prince.

The reason why Quinn was able to easily recruit thousands of elite land knights in the first place, in addition to the top-level treatment and the title of great explorer, is the final reason why everyone has a set of epic mechas.

Ordinary land knights, equipped with epic mechs, can easily double their combat power.

As the road of practice becomes more and more difficult, the most obvious way to increase combat power with the help of foreign objects is the epic mecha.

Few can resist the allure of an epic mech.

With such a powerful knight order, Quinn's expedition was almost smooth sailing and rewarding.It was precisely because of this that he never thought that he would suffer a disastrous defeat on an indigenous planet.

If he accidentally fell into a restricted area like the Lost Star Field, even if the entire army was wiped out, he would have nothing to say.But after a narrow escape, when he discovered an indigenous life planet and was about to harvest it, he was defeated by a mysterious strong man who suddenly appeared, which was unacceptable to him.

"Damn!" Forced himself to calm down, he almost gritted his teeth and ordered, "Let them evacuate, everyone evacuate the earth immediately!"

As an experienced explorer, the most taboo thing is that emotions affect one's judgment. Even if it turns out to be a fuss afterwards, you must maximize your vitality in the first time a crisis occurs.

In this way, we can live longer.

(End of this chapter)

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