super star lord

Chapter 292 Shocked

Chapter 292 Shocked
At the same time that Quinn gave the order, all the alien knights on the earth were in uniform, broke away from the battle one after another, soared into the sky, and left the earth at the fastest speed.

The first rule of exploration is that when encountering uncontrollable events, no matter how big or small, we must first maximize the preservation of vitality, and then follow up.

For a long time, he has benefited a lot from the uncompromising implementation of this principle.Therefore, no matter how attractive the earth looks at the moment, no matter how attractive the two great power worlds and the phoenix mount are, after the variable Lin Xiao appeared, he suspended his conquest.

"On an indigenous planet, not only rare birds like phoenixes appear, but there are also powerful people comparable to sky knights!" Quinn couldn't figure it out. "But he does look like an earth knight. How did he do it?"

This is not something that can be achieved by ordinary means of combat power explosion, but it has crossed a big realm.

God level potion?

God level secret technique?

God-level weapon?

If it is said that Lin Xiao came from the three great empires of the Yinxin, there is still a possibility, but as a native of the earth, it is absolutely impossible to have such treasures that are completely legendary.

As for some kind of potion with overdraft potential or a short-term burst of powerful combat power, it is also excluded.Quinn knew very well that the other party's current state couldn't be better, and he didn't appear to be at all unstable.

From his perspective, there may be only one possibility to cross a large realm.

"Could it be... the law spirit?" Quinn was taken aback by his sudden thought, and even his breathing became extremely rapid.

It cannot be said that it was because of his poor mental quality. In the entire Principality of Lek, no one who heard the news would perform better than him, even his cheap father, the Grand Duke of Lek.

In fact, after these years of hard work, the strength of the Principality of Lek has developed rapidly. From the perspective of size, it is already close to the average kingdom.As for why it has always been the Principality of Lek instead of the Kingdom of Lek, it is because of a lack of heritage.

That's right, it's the law elf.

The darling of the law.

Naturally raised creatures.

There is only this kind of legendary creature, which is naturally generated in the sky and the earth, and the place where it will appear is completely unpredictable and unperceivable. Therefore, if it appears on the earth and is obtained by Lin Xiao, it is not impossible.

Generally speaking, a kingdom that can be called a kingdom must have at least one law elf besides factors such as the world of origin force, the number of living planets, and overall strength.The difference between a kingdom and an empire is the level of elves.

Only the empire has holy elves.

Quinn has never seen a real elf with his own eyes, but no matter which legend, the description of elves is the essence of the universe, the most perfect creature... such words.

Of course, these are just external aspects. What really attracts all civilizations is the ability of the elves, which can be called against the heavens - elves possessing.In that state, you can directly have the strength to skyrocket to a large realm, not to mention, the possessed state can also touch the next realm in advance, which has countless benefits for practice.Lin Xiao's practice speed is the highest in the entire star field world. In addition to the lord status bonus, the assistance of the elves is also indispensable.

An elf knight, comparable to an earth knight.

A great elf knight, comparable to a sky knight.

Holy elf knight, almost a god.

Judging from Lin Xiao's combat power at this time, it is a proper Sky Knight's strength.

"That is to say, if my guess is correct, then, on this indigenous earth, not only a phoenix exists, but also a great elf!" Quinn was shocked beyond measure, no matter how much he suppressed the turmoil in his heart, the expression on his face was unavoidable. Showed the color of greed.

Not to mention, there are still two Yuanli worlds connected on the earth.

"If I get all of these, plus the natural dangers of the Lost Star Territory, this place will be a kingdom, no, it will even be the foundation for the rise of an empire!" Clenching his fists, Quinn stared at In the picture, Lin Xiao is chasing and killing his own knights.Although he broke through not long ago, he is a genuine sky knight. If he gets the elf that Lin Xiao possesses and trains him to the level of a holy elf, he can directly possess near-divine combat power and ascend to the sky in one step.

Enough to be the cornerstone of an empire!

A strong impulse instantly enveloped his entire mind, prompting him to act himself.

"No, I need to calm down. With my strength, if I really fight, I may not be an opponent of a big elf knight..." Although he wanted to rush up immediately, Quinn still suppressed the greed in his heart, "Besides, The opponent's mount is a real phoenix."

He is not stupid. Even if the temptation is strong enough, he will not risk his life if he is not fully sure.

As an excellent expedition leader, every decision must be rational enough not to be impulsive.In the endless starry sky, he has seen or heard of too many explorers who have not been heard from because they were not careful, rational, or cautious.

After calming down, Quinn began to analyze the situation in front of him in detail.

First, although Lin Xiao has a high probability of possessing the combat power of a sky knight due to the possession of an elf, he is not a real sky knight and cannot chase into outer space.Coupled with the low level of development of earth civilization, there is no way to catch up directly.

So, at least his expedition fleet is safe.

Second, although Lin Xiao is powerful, there is only one person, which cannot change the fact that the overall strength of the earth is low.In other words, as long as Lin Xiao can be resolved, all factors that hinder him will disappear.In addition, no matter how powerful Lin Xiao is, he can't change the fact that he is an aborigine. Compared with him, his knowledge is greatly limited.

Third, only he knows the route of the Lost Star Field, so there is basically no need to worry about outside forces getting involved.In other words, he doesn't have to worry at all, he can take his time, conquer the earth in the safest way, and get everything he wants.

In this way, everything becomes clear.

After withdrawing the Knights, the first thing to do is to mobilize your remaining fleet to ensure absolute control of the starry sky inside the Lost Star Field. Not only can you monitor the outer space of the earth without any dead ends, but it can also prevent the occurrence of similar forces like yourself. Such a fleet that broke in unintentionally.

As for notifying the principality's high-level officials?He has already been completely excluded, and he is not a person who is willing to give selflessly.

Perhaps with this great contribution, he can obtain the status of the first heir, but so what, compared to the two Yuanli worlds, the Phoenix, and the rune elves, they are just shit.

This is the first point.

In addition, what needs to be done at the same time is to find a surefire way to deal with Lin Xiao.

"Based on my strength, if it is combined with the legendary rune weapon, the legendary rune mech, I should be [-]% sure." Quinn thought about it, and soon made a decision.

If it were changed to before, all his wealth would have to be maintained and expanded his expedition fleet. Even if he had no shortage of resources and treasures, he would not be able to exchange them for the legendary weapons and mechs he dreamed of.

But it's different now, even if he needs to drain almost all his net worth, as long as he can get everything in the Lost Star Domain, it's worth it.

Looking at Lin Xiao who was killing all directions on the screen, and the knights under him who were chasing him ran away desperately, instead of getting angry, Quinn showed a reassuring smile, "Let's keep my things with you for now."

(End of this chapter)

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