super star lord

Chapter 293 Earth Unity

Chapter 293 Earth Unity
Naturally, Lin Xiao didn't know that his Yuanli World, mount and elves had already been regarded as possessions by others, but after this time's invasion by strong aliens, he would not sit still.

Even if the opponent is repulsed by him now, he also knows that the matter is far from over, and the crisis is still deeply enveloping the earth.

After he showed his formidable strength, the knights who fought with him suddenly retreated, and they retreated scatteredly. Even if he chased and killed them with all his strength, the result was very little in the end, and he had no choice but to retreat to the ground.

At the same time, he was also informed that all invaders from all over the earth had been evacuated, which meant that the crisis facing mankind had been temporarily lifted.


With an unpleasant sound, a passage was pushed open in the ruins, and a group of high-level Zhongxia executives came out with panicked and shocked faces. Most of them looked at Lin Xiao who fell from Phoenix's back with complicated faces.

They have already learned about the retreat of the global invaders through satellites, radars and other means. Although they don't know why the success or failure of the battle here has affected the entire battlefield on Earth, at least for now, it is the best result.

When Lin Xiao stepped on the ground, a path suddenly diverged among the high-level Zhongxia crowd, and an old man with a kind face and deep eyes, who seemed to contain infinite wisdom, walked forward slowly.

"Hello, Lin Xiao, Lord of Xianhe, I have admired your name for a long time. I never thought that our first meeting would be on such an occasion."

Looking at the slightly old but powerful palm stretched out, Lin Xiao gently shook it, nodded, "Hello, Great Elder, it's an honor to meet you."

It was the first time we saw each other face to face, but we had seen many of them on TV in the past.Although now with his strength and identity, no matter who he faces, he can talk to everyone on an equal footing, but the old man in front of him respects him both for his status and his contribution to the country.

"Haha, it's not enough to describe a hero's youth. What you have done has saved the entire human race from a catastrophe. On behalf of all the people of Zhongxia, I would like to say, thank you!" Although the future is still bleak, the present moment He has seen hope.

"I'm ashamed, I'm just lucky."

"Luck is also a part of strength, don't underestimate yourself." The old man shook his head and looked at him meaningfully, "Young man, with your current status, the future of our human civilization is destined to rest on you. "

Obviously, as the supreme leader of the Zhongxia side, he can see the farthest and clearest whether it is the grasp of information or the understanding of the situation.

It can be said that most of the achievements of earth civilization in the past ten years can be attributed to the star field world.Now the star field world already has a master, and it is the most amazing, talented and powerful Lord Xianhe among the earth lords.In addition, with his performance of sweeping the Alien Knights today, what he said just now was not exaggerated at all.

Although it is a little regrettable that it is not the country that can save the world at this moment, but only a lord who has never been in sight before, but the old man is very relieved that he is a Zhongxia person.

Moreover, this is likely to bring unforeseen benefits to Zhong Xia.

This can be seen from the fact that he supported here first, rather than other forces.


In terms of strength, it may be unmatched among humans on Earth, but even if they just repel the powerful alien knights, Lin Xiao still has no idea.

The opponents of human civilization are not ordinary people, but come from the unknown starry sky.

No one knows the horror of the starry sky better than him.

Any civilization that can survive in the starry sky is extremely powerful, and no one is weak.

Although the identity of the visitor from space is not clear now, the Earth Knight Legion organized from the other side, the standard epic mech equipment, and the huge interstellar spaceship hanging above the head as if it might rain the wrath of thunder at any time, all Everything shows that - their strength is extremely powerful.

When he was possessed by an elf, he could indeed unleash the strength of the sky knight, and even used this to force the opponent back, but he never placed his hope that there would be no such strong person as the sky knight in the opponent's camp.

At this moment, the opponent is in the interstellar spaceship, and he doesn't even have the capital to fight it.

The more cautious the other party was, and the longer the delay, the more worried he was.

As if seeing through Lin Xiao's worries, the old man nodded, "Of course it's you, and it can only be you."

Lin Xiao thought about everything.

The old man looked away and looked at the devastated surroundings, "At this moment, human beings have nowhere to go, only... to truly unite."

"You mean..."

"Yes, before I came out, I have already contacted several other people, and we have jointly decided to immediately set up the United Earth Government and dispatch all manpower and resources in a unified manner."

Lin Xiao was not surprised, but was a little surprised by such efficiency.

The old man didn't give him time to think, and continued, "We will gather the best knights of all mankind, form an elite knight order, and provide the best resources for training and training. In addition, the best technical professionals in the world will also They will all gather together to participate in the R&D and manufacturing of starships and epic mechs."

Speaking of this, the old man paused slightly, "Of course, these people and institutions will be concentrated in the secret base of the wild world. If we succeed before the next invasion, we will fight to the death with our opponents. If we fail, we can keep the human race." The most elite tinder."

After speaking, he looked at Lin Xiao and smiled, "What do you think of such a plan?"

For some reason, Lin Xiao knew that she understood what he meant, and the old man didn't hide his desire for help from the power of the Star Field World.

Such a plan is indeed very good, but don't forget that even if the elites of all mankind are gathered together, their abilities are still inferior to those of the entire star field world.

After all, although the star field world does not have as many humans as the earth, nor does it have scientific advantages, but in terms of rune technology, since it has always been the mainstream of development, it has more talents, which is an advantage.

Moreover, it took more than ten years for humans on Earth to contact the star field world, which is not a long time.

If it is said that the chance of winning the final duel with the invaders is less than [-]% according to the old man's plan, then, under the situation of the two worlds uniting, this probability can be at least doubled, or even more.

The key to unite lies with Lin Xiao.

Because when the foreign enemy is too strong, he can close the star field world, keep the enemy out of the outside world, and completely ensure his safety.

After clarifying everything, it is not difficult to understand why the old man said from the very beginning that most of the future of earth civilization depends on Lin Xiao alone.This is not only because of his strength, but also because of his current status as the Lord of the Star Field World.

Facing the old man and the pair of complex but expectant eyes behind him, Lin Xiao finally smiled: "I think we need a negotiation to clarify the future of all parties for this cause that determines the future of mankind." duty."


(End of this chapter)

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