super star lord

Chapter 294 Human Summit

Chapter 294 Human Summit
When there is no external threat, the inferiority of human beings is undoubtedly revealed, and there are always internal struggles.But when the crisis of genocide hangs over the head, human beings can also explode unprecedented cohesion.

After the intruders withdrew, several major powers successively confirmed that the alien fleet had withdrawn from the outer space of the earth through telescopes and other means, and gradually concealed their tracks through some means.

Such a cautious move made many high-level officials feel heavy.

This is not a good phenomenon.

No one would think that the other party gave up the fat that invaded the earth, and would never come back after evacuating.It is more likely that they are just hiding and waiting for more reinforcements. Once the reinforcements arrive, they will take Earth Thunder down.At that time, the fate of human civilization will probably be extremely tragic.

With the current level of rune technology on the earth, it is impossible to escape the solar system.In other words, if there is no major change during this precious breathing time, the human race will really die out.

It is precisely this situation, under the proposal of the Great Elder Zhongxia, a conference related to the future destiny of human beings around the world was held in the capital of Zhongxia.

And, the time is set for the next day.

It can be said that human beings have never been so eager for a certain thing.

Set up the venue overnight, formulate discussion topics overnight, and...

The main executives of the major countries and forces in the world rushed to the capital overnight.

The journalists who moved after hearing the news were like cats smelling fishy smell. They prepared overnight outside the venue, trying to get first-hand information while live broadcasting.

Throughout the night, humans are sleepless.


Capital Square.

In the middle of the night, one after another news media vehicles drove here, and their guns and short cannons were quickly put in place, aiming at the already brightly lit venue.The major news media started live broadcasting almost at the same time, causing the earth, which was already in panic due to the alien invasion, to turn its attention to this grand event.

"...According to the latest news we have received, high-level leaders from various major countries in the world will hold a summit meeting here tomorrow morning."

"It's clear that this is going to be a meeting about the destiny of humanity."

"Yes, don't doubt, in the face of the crisis of alien invasion, the highest levels of mankind have already begun to act at the fastest speed!"

"Here will gather the world's top brains, the most powerful figures, and they will jointly seek a future for mankind."

"It is said that the hero who saved the earth and the only Lord Xianhe who defeated the alien knights will also be present. We all knew earlier that he has obtained the ownership of the star field world, and his status has surpassed the leaders of many major countries. I believe that in everyone With our full cooperation, we will definitely be able to think of a way to save mankind."

In Asia, Europe, Africa, South America, and North America, wherever people live and are not isolated from the human world, this news is spreading on all devices that can broadcast news.

Pop-up windows appear on all websites on the Internet.

The entire earth, whether it is night or day, covered the live broadcast of TV and the Internet, making countless people around the world instantly aware of the news.

"What's going on? Human summit?"

"I heard it was discussing how to deal with aliens."

"Great, I knew that humans would never give up!"

"We will fight each other to the death!"

Most people are passionate, and facing this kind of alien civilization that is full of malice and directly goes to war without any contact, everyone knows that there is absolutely no other way to go except World War I.

But even so, while news of the summit was spreading, there were naturally some different voices.

"Do we still have hope of a comeback?"

"Instead of fighting to the death, it is better to seek peace from the other party. Think about it carefully, everyone, the other party only needs three spaceships, and we need Earth No. 1 to force them back. If their real army comes, who can stand it?"

"Yeah, that's right upstairs."

"Is it useful to have a meeting? Can you come up with a solution for the other alien after a meeting? Stop dreaming!"

"That's right, aliens can cross the starry sky, and the development of civilization is definitely far beyond me. Resistance is just a dying struggle!"

"For me, it's better to surrender early, maybe you can become the subordinate civilization of the other party, and take this opportunity to really set foot in the starry sky and make human civilization take off."


"Put your mother's shit on! A bunch of trash!"

"Is slavishness written in your genes? Is there any bloodiness?"

"I didn't have enough slaves in my previous life, and I was quite an alien's slave?"

"Go away!"

Before the summit even started, a war of words had already started on the Internet.

Whether they are indifferent, excited, panicked and helpless, laughing and cursing, or begging for mercy, all because of the continuous drastic changes, they gradually focus on the upcoming summit.

Of course, most people hope to get exciting and good news.

Under such turmoil, as the high-level human beings entered the venue in turn, and as the doors of the venue were tightly closed, everyone knew that the fate-determining 'human summit' was officially held.

More human elites, unable to enter and participate due to the size of the venue, are all watching the closed door.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Although everyone expected to know a little news from it in advance, it is a pity that the confidentiality of the meeting was well done, and no news came out of it before it ended.

In this way, from morning to nightfall.

When the gate finally opened, the reporters who surrounded the gate immediately swarmed up, but they were blocked by the well-prepared security personnel, who covered the high-level people in the conference hall to leave.

In the end, when everyone thought that the meeting was fruitless, or even that the negotiations had broken down, the last Zhongxia spokesperson walked to the front of the crowd.

Looking at those excited eyes, he coughed lightly, raised his volume slightly and said:
"It's a pleasure to see you all here."

"After discussion, we have always believed that the earth and human civilization on which we depend have reached a crossroads. No matter whether we move forward or retreat, we will not be able to change the outcome of our last stand. This is the fastest consensus we have reached. "

"The whole day's discussion, the real content is how do we prepare for this battle of the destiny of mankind."

"What should we do, how should we do it, how can we do the best and have the greatest hope of victory, how to ensure the continuation of human civilization and protect our living homeland. In response to these issues, we have formulated a practical strategy, And co-implemented by the most elite of humanity."

"As for specific measures, we will announce them later, but here, on behalf of all participants, I announce a major decision to you."

Having said that, he paused, and after looking around for a week, he raised his voice and said:
"Starting today, all countries and forces on the earth will officially bid farewell to history. We will unite together to form the United Government of Human Civilization, coordinate planning and mobilize all forces, and strive to achieve the ultimate in all preparations. The threat of alien civilization Under the circumstances, we will put aside our past differences and stand together.”

"Here, I announce that the Earth Alliance is officially established!"

(End of this chapter)

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