Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 322 She is my wife now!

Chapter 322 She is my wife now! (4)
Qin's mother panicked when she saw that she was leaving, and quickly reached out to hold Ziqi's hand: "Ziqi..."

"Mom!" Qin Yuan shouted in a low voice, wanting to stop his mother's outrageous behavior.

"Do you still think I'm your mother? But, where in the world is there a mother who doesn't know her son is married? You said you want to ask Ziqi to be your wife. I am very happy. Why is it like this now?"

Mother Qin's words blocked Qin Yuan in a daze, unable to speak a word.

That's right, the woman he said at the time that he wanted to grow old was standing opposite him at the moment, and by his side, Fang Qingyun, who had been with him for ten years, had changed everything.

The atmosphere in the living room has long been stalemate, and it was terribly quiet, only Qin's mother's voice was embedded in the human bones: "In my mother's heart, the only one you said you would marry as a daughter-in-law is Ziqi, and mother only recognizes Ziqi as a daughter-in-law. !"

Fang Qingyun's complexion was completely dark, she turned around and was about to leave, but was grabbed by Qin Yuan, who hurried over just now, her face was flushed by the cold night wind, the tip of her nose was also red, and now the circles around her eyes are also red. followed by red.

Qin Yuan's heart ached, and he hugged Fang Qingyun's slightly trembling body, and looked at Qin's mother, but his gaze was not as weak as before, and became extra firm: "Mom, can you be sober? Qingyun is also a flesh and blood Man, don't you take her feelings into account when you say that?"

He took a deep breath, stared into Mother Qin's eyes and said, "Qingyun will also be a good wife. She is even better than me as a son. She arranged someone to take care of you when I was abroad all these years. Every year when she goes back to China to participate in the cultural exchange meeting, even if it is not on the way, she will deliberately fly to visit you, such a woman..."

The hand behind Qin Yuan's back was clenched into a fist, his joints were pale with grief, he deliberately ignored the strangeness in his heart, and said with gritted teeth: "Isn't it worth me to treat it well?"

Fang Qingyun held Qin Yuan's hand instead: "A Yuan..."

Jin Ziqi looked at the loving couple with cold eyes, and there was a burst of ridicule in his heart. For some reason, he had the urge to feel sick, and then he really bent over, covered his mouth and ran to a corner to retch.

Qin Yuan and Fang Qingyun over there were stunned, because of this sudden situation, when they saw Jin Ziqi vomit after listening to their words, their faces both turned pale, but Qin Yuan's eyes still flashed with worry.

He wanted to go over to see how she was doing, but when his hands became stronger, he gave up all his thoughts. He is Qingyun's husband, so what does Jin Ziqi have to do with him now?
Jin Ziqi waited for the nausea to pass, took the wet towel hurriedly handed over by the servant, and wiped the corners of her mouth, but there was a bitter taste in her mouth, she frowned, but still stood up straight.

Turning around, I saw a few people who still hadn't left.

Her expression was cold, and her tone was not as polite as before: "I'm not feeling well, I'm afraid I can't entertain you anymore." The corner of her eyes turned to Manager Ming: "Manager Ming, please see off your guests."

Manager Ming nodded expressionlessly, and was about to drive people away.

Qin's mother was very worried when she saw Jin Ziqi's pale face and vomiting, but now seeing her driving them away with a cold face, she knew that she might not see Jin Ziqi again after today, so she couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

She wanted to go up to talk to Jin Ziqi, but found that Ziqi had turned his back, so she could only hold Qin Yuan's hand, looking at his profile blurred in the light, and said, "What's wrong with Ziqi? She For you to use a small coal stove to stew rock sugar pears for you in the stairway of the old house in winter. Competing with those tyrannical old women for a place to wash clothes, and then frostbitten your hands, what are you doing now?"

Mother Qin's body trembled faintly, "I can tell you today, Mom doesn't like this Fang Qingyun, and she won't let her be my daughter-in-law. You can figure it out yourself. If you still want me, Mom , divorce her, coax us Ziqi back, and let her be your daughter-in-law!"

"Mom!" Qin Yuan frowned, while Fang Qingyun's eyes widened in shock.

Jin Ziqi didn't look back, but felt sad in his heart. Mrs. Qin didn't know that a relationship had already been riddled with holes, and it had even been abandoned for ten years. No matter which side of the man and woman already had the feelings they belonged to, how could they restore it so that it could be restored again? Reunite after a broken mirror?

Even if it is round, it will not be as good as it was at the beginning, and that scar will remain for a lifetime.

The most important thing is that Jin Ziqi has never thought of looking back. Even if it is a misunderstanding, the past is over. She would rather explore in the confusion ahead than look back to find that long-awaited stop.

At this moment, the door of the living room was pushed open again, and he heard Guanshi Ming's respectful "Master", Jin Ziqi subconsciously turned his head to look, but he was pulled into a warm embrace by a strong force.

The familiar dry smell made her tense nerves relax, she no longer struggled with panic, and let him hug her and look at Qin Yuan's mother and son and Fang Qingyun, his thin lips slightly curled up, and he spoke with a half-smile.

"Old lady, I'm afraid it's not up to you to decide on this matter, because... Ziqi is my wife now."

Jin Ziqi's back was pressed against his chest, and she could even clearly feel his beating heart and his slightly unsteady breathing. She wondered if he came back in a hurry?
Almost the moment Song Qiyan appeared, Fang Qingyun's expression seemed to relax, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, while Qin Yuan's expression became solemn in an instant, and he looked into Song Qiyan's smiling eyes coldly.

It was Qin's mother who looked at this outstanding man in disbelief for a long time, then looked at Jin Ziqi who was held in his arms, and called Jin Ziqi's name in a very low voice: "Ziqi..."

Jin Ziqi didn't soften her heart to see Qin's mother this time. Since Song Qiyan came, she believed that he would handle it better than herself, but she herself could only soften her heart in the old woman's pleadings again and again.

Seeing that Ziqi ignored her, Qin's mother already believed what Song Qiyan said, but she still wanted to hear Ziqi say it with her own ears, so she asked again: "Ziqi, what he true. Is it?"

Song Qiyan hugged Jin Ziqi closer, looked at Qin's mother and said calmly: "I'm very happy that the old lady likes my Ziqi, it proves that she is a likable person, but she is married to me now, if the old lady really cares for Ziqi Well, please also pay attention to your words and deeds, and don't bring unnecessary trouble to her."

These words are a bit ruthless, but if you are not ruthless, how can you make the other party completely stop thinking about it?

When Qin's mother's concern for her became a burden, she would also choose to let go of this burden instead of traveling all the way with this burden on her back, causing troubles to the lives of herself and her family.

(End of this chapter)

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