Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 323 Unexpected result!

Chapter 323 Unexpected result! (2)
Then a sudden guess made her pupils shrink, it was hard to believe such a result.

If Qin Yuan really belonged to Song Zhiren...

Jin Ziqi didn't dare to think about it anymore, but the things about Qin Yuan's mother and son flashed through his mind one by one at this moment.

Qin Yuan has been dependent on his mother since he was a child, and the quality of life is not good, even a bit poor.

Qin's mother is nearly 70 years old, which is very consistent with the age of the woman in the story Song Qiyan told.

Song Qiyan said that the illegitimate child was only six months younger than him, and if he was older, he would be one year younger.

If she remembers correctly, Qin Yuan is exactly 33 years old this year, one year younger than Song Qiyan!
Too many coincidences will become a fact when put together, and the fact in front of her is really unacceptable, let alone Song Qiyan as the person involved?
She looked back, Song Qiyan was standing behind her, tall and straight, with cold brows, slightly narrowed black eyes, sharp eyes like a thin blade coldly shot towards Song Zhiren who was still in shock.

Jin Ziqi only felt that a boulder had sunk into the lake of his heart, and sure enough, she thought he was the same!
Unable to bear it, she raised her hand through his fingers, clasped his fingers tightly, and gave strength silently.

Song Qiyan looked down at her, his cold expression melted in an instant, he stared at the comforting and encouraging smile on her mouth, and then slowly raised the corners of his mouth, his mood was no longer as indifferent as before.

At the other end, Qin Yuan just glanced at Song Zhiren who was staring at his mother in astonishment, nodded politely, passed Song Zhiren who was still standing there in a daze, and carried Qin's mother out of the Song residence.

The hurried and chaotic footsteps gradually faded away, and there was a panic-stricken reverberation in the empty corridor.

Song Zhiren's figure flickered suddenly, "Chairman!" Han Minzheng supported him from behind in time, and asked with concern: "Chairman, are you okay?"

Song Zhiren's energetic countenance suddenly slumped at that moment. He covered his temples, leaned on a cane with one hand to stabilize himself, and waved at Han Minzheng with the other.

He used his crutches to balance his aged body, turned around, looked at the direction Qin Yuan left just now, and let out an inexplicable sigh from his throat, without concealing the helplessness and melancholy in it.

Song Zhiren's attitude made Jin Ziqi confirm his guess.

Thinking back on Qin Yuan's appearance, he didn't have much resemblance to Song Zhiren, but more like Qin's mother.

And Song Zhiren stood there for a while before recovering, and told Han Minzheng, "Get ready for the car, I'm going to the hospital."

After Han Minzheng nodded and took the order, he took the lead and left quickly.

Song Zhiren groaned on the spot for a while, then quietly turned his head to look at Song Qiyan and Jin Ziqi who were here.

His refined eyes fell on Song Qiyan, staring at him for a long time, and then he said: "Let's go to the hospital together, I think you should know something."

Jin Ziqi looked up at Song Qiyan, a little worried, worried that he would fall out with Song Zhiren here.

However, she underestimated Song Qiyan's endurance. He nodded solemnly, with a smile on his lips: "Okay, you go ahead, Ziqi and I will go to the hospital later."

Song Zhiran glanced at Song Qiyan inexplicably, but said nothing more, and left on crutches.

Song Zhiren was nowhere to be seen at the corner of the corridor, so Jin Ziqi asked him, "Do you think so too?"

Song Qiyan didn't put away the perfunctory smile just now when he was perfunctory to Song Zhiren, but instead widened the corners of his mouth after hearing her question, put his other hand in his belt casually, squinting at the end of the empty corridor .

"His cry was so emotional, ups and downs, and intonations, that anyone could understand it."

Jin Ziqi looked at his calm expression, but was even more worried that he was suppressing his emotions, so he held his hand tightly, and said softly: "No matter what happens, we will face it together."

Song Qiyan smiled when he heard her words, and led him back upstairs: "Go upstairs to get a coat first, I think they need some time to remember the lost and regained feelings."

"If...all this is true, would you agree to your father's remarriage?"

Passing by the jogging platform, Jin Ziqi carefully chose his words, trying to avoid touching the taboo deep in his heart.

Song Qiyan's mother gave birth prematurely and lost a lot of blood. Wasn't the cause of that woman's pregnancy outside?
Such a topic is itself a minefield, and she has to be cautious every time she brings it up.

The person who was walking in front stopped, but did not look back. There was only silence in the stairwell.

Such silence made Jin Ziqi couldn't help but sweat, did she still touch his wound?

"Agree or disagree..." He drew out his tone, and his words were full of endless irony.

Song Qiyan turned around slowly, looked at her and smiled, "How can I control this? Even if I can stop him from remarrying formally, I can't stop him from making a spiritual choice. Why do you have to spend more energy to fight for this, no matter how you look at it, you will lose the result?"

"You can see clearly." Jin Ziqi murmured, still a little disappointed.

At this time, she suddenly envied Song Qiyan's mother, because she passed away early, so she didn't have to face such an embarrassing situation like Su Ningxue's for more than 30 years.

"Besides, a person with a high position and authority, what he wants is what he wants, and he can't allow others to comment. Perhaps, such a willful way will be praised as a virtue by those who flatter him."

Song Qiyan blinked his eyes, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth: "What about such a virtue... Let's call it swift and resolute, or is it because of his decisiveness and uniqueness that made him laugh at the end? After the conclusion of the coffin, the world finally recognizes it. A hero who is unheard of and unseen 300 years back 300 years?"

Jin Ziqi parted her red lips when she heard this, and stared blankly at his innocent appearance. She can now be 100% sure that the mood of this man in front of her should be extremely bad!

This is so true... If Song Zhiren heard it, I'm afraid the crutch in his hand would be thrown over directly!

Seemingly praiseful but permeated with poisonous sarcasm, it is enough to make the blood pressure of the listener rise to the extreme in an instant.

And she was also convinced that what he said now was still being polite, and the real war would be when he got to the hospital.

He rushed to the hospital in a leisurely way, asked the service desk and went straight to the ward where Qin's mother was.

Jin Ziqi couldn't help feeling a little bit sorry for Mother Qin's unbearable blow and fainting in the Song residence, but it was only psychological, and she didn't show it in action.

She naturally understands the stakes in this, she never forgets that she is Song Qiyan's wife, the daughter-in-law of the Song family, and Qin Yuan also has a family, the farther she is from Qin's mother, the better!

(End of this chapter)

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