Marriage pet: marrying a thousand gold

Chapter 400 Obliterated by time Chapter 1 Su and Qiao

Chapter 400 Obliterated by Time, Memories - Su and Joe (4)
She turned her head sharply: "You don't have to worry about it!" She shook off his hand angrily, and her tone was also very rude.

"You can stay in the rain, but what about the baby in your arms? Don't you see that she is very uncomfortable and sick?"

He clasped her shoulders, finished speaking in a low voice, looked up at the gray sky, pursed his lips, and when he looked at her again, there was more pity in his eyes, his Adam's apple moved, as if he hesitated for a long time before speaking .

"If you don't want to go home, just stay with me for one night, okay?"

He clearly knew that in those days, a single man and a widow were still a married woman, and it was so embarrassing for them to stay together, but he still said it because he couldn't think of a better way.

He clasped it, looked up at the drowsy sky, and frowned, "Then you can stay with me for one night, okay?" This question is very inappropriate, but at this time, he really has no other choice .

She looked down at the child with a hot face, as if she had lost her heart and soul, only a dry body remained standing in front of him, and he saw a tear fall from the circle of her eye.

Facing his suggestion, she didn't say yes or no, but she didn't struggle anymore.

He took her back to his residence——

An old, slightly inclined old tube building, next to the railway, as long as a train passes by, the whole building will sway from side to side with the rhythm of the rolling train wheels, together with the furniture inside.

He rented this place, because the rent is cheap, so the facilities and the like are naturally extremely poor.

When he took her to the door and took out the key to open the door, she waited quietly with the child in her arms. Even though she was drenched in the rain, she still didn't look like a woman who came out of a poor kiln, exuding a noble air all over her body.

Thinking of this dilapidated house, a woman was about to enter, or a woman who had lived in his heart for many years, his hands trembled uncontrollably, and the key couldn't be inserted into the hole no matter what.

Twice, the key fell on the ground, and the third time, it was successfully inserted.

In a room of more than 20 square meters, there is a 25-watt lighting lamp on the ceiling. When the door is opened, the bulb seems to sense it, and it flickers a few times to welcome the owner back home.

Su Ningxue took two steps in with the child in her arms, only to find that the aisle was too narrow to turn around. There was a stool on the left, with a foreign oil stove and a pot on it, which should be used for boiling water and rice. , the sound of other residents going up and down the stairs and talking outside, the walls here are not soundproof at all.

Qiao Nan stood on the side, looking a bit restrained. Usually people don't bring the person they like to a comfortable and luxurious house, but now he can only let her spend the night in such a dilapidated place.

However, he didn't wait for any complaints, not even a bit of disgust on that cold and elegant face, she just walked to the bed with the child in her arms, and then put the child on it.

He breathed a sigh of relief, watching her play with the child's back, he felt unprecedentedly at ease, with a smile that he couldn't even detect, he took the bucket to fetch water from the well downstairs.

Both she and the child were drenched in the rain. He should boil some water and let the mother and daughter wipe their bodies.

When he was fetching water, he remembered that there seemed to be no clothes for women and children to change here.

When he returned to the house and saw the scene in the house, the bucket in his hand suddenly loosened, and a bucket full of water fell on the ground.She, who was taking care of the child just now, was holding the child and crying, her wet long hair was a little messy on her shoulders, and her pale and thin hands kept touching the child's face.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, she turned her head, her eyes were red, her lips were moaning, her thin body was trembling uncontrollably, she looked at him with empty eyes, and said over and over again: "Son, child..."

He hurried to the bed, the child's small body was red and red, he touched it with his hand, but it was hotter than the stove, a small mouth was dry and skinned, what worried him most was that the child's Limbs are stiff.

If he guessed right, the child is suffering from a high fever and convulsions. If they don’t seek medical attention in time, the news of the child’s death may be waiting for them tomorrow morning. Going out, behind him, Su Ningxue followed quickly, not daring to take half a step.

The place where he lives is not close to the nearby hospital. It takes four to ten minutes to walk there, but it takes only five minutes to take a car, but it is too late to reach the passing car.

The people living in the Tongzilou are all poor families like him, and it would be nice to have a broken bicycle, not to mention the cars of that era, which were almost rare, and only rich people could afford them.

While running, he looked at the side of the road, but none of the cars he drove was willing to stop.

The child in his arms was breathing more and more lightly, and his face also turned from red to blue. Fear quickly rushed into his brain. Stopped, turned around and stuffed the child into Su Ningxue's arms, and then rushed to the road.

"Qiao Nan!" Su Ningxue only had time to utter a terrified cry.

The muffled sound of brakes from the truck came all the way, but he stood straight with his arms outstretched, without taking a step back.

The car didn't run over him in the end, and stopped when it was about to touch the tip of his nose. The driver's curse came from the window, but he went straight forward and slapped the door begging the driver to take them to the hospital.

She stood in the night, with the cold wind blowing by, watching him put down his posture and kept begging the rude driver, and when he continued to swear one after another, she couldn't control it anymore, and burst into tears holding the child.

Qiao Nan turned his head when he heard her cry, she was staring at him through the rain curtain, shrugging her shoulders and sobbing.

He might have been taken aback, and ran back again, grabbing her shoulders and asking what was wrong, but she just cried, shaking her head, and the water droplets from her hair splashed on his face, he felt so distressed, and hugged her anxiously. She pats her on the back.

The truck driver was softened by her crying. After learning that the child was sick, he reluctantly sent them to the hospital. He hurriedly went to the emergency department, and the child was sent to the ward after rescue.

Looking at the little child lying on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask hanging in the ward, she couldn't stop crying. He stood beside her, but he didn't know what words to comfort her.

He already knew that it was his sister who caused her to encounter such a lonely and helpless situation.

She seldom cried. This was the second time he had seen her. The first time was the day she got married.

It's just different from the joy and anxiety that time, this time, he only saw despair and sadness in her eyes, and even until now, she never said that she would call home.

(End of this chapter)

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