Chapter 401 Memories Obliterated by Time II (1)
The child was going to be observed in the hospital all night, so she sat by the bed and kept watch all night, and he also lay on the chair outside the ward all night. She told him to go back, but he nodded, but didn't leave.

No woman could bear such a blow. He wanted to stay by her side, even if not as her husband, but in a sense, the Qiao family owed her.

Early the next morning, they took the child out of the hospital. The medical expenses were not a small amount. His life was not very good at that time, and he was even a little stretched. Before his father committed suicide, his home had been sealed off, and nothing was left to him.

However, she went to the window with a wad of money to settle the medical expenses. He didn't know where she got so much money. He wanted to ask, but he choked when he saw the white circle on her ring finger. She didn't know why she went out to find a pawn shop and exchanged her wedding ring for money. Did he sleep too soundly or... She didn't want him to find out?

At that moment, he witnessed her going through the discharge procedures in an orderly manner, and he felt that "she doesn't need his help at all". Without him, she can do things well.

Somewhat absent-mindedly, she walked out of the hospital gate. She held the child, walked beside him, and said the first sentence of the day: "It's a long way, let's go back by a tricycle."

Qiao Nan's eyes suddenly brightened surprisingly, when he saw the faint smile in her eyes, did she mean to follow him back to that dilapidated tube building?
She didn't seem to see his astonishment, so she turned around and went outside the hospital gate to ask the price of the tricycle, and waved to him after choosing one. He ran over and took the child from her.

"My child, Shen, let me hug you!" He smiled beautifully, as gentle as a spring breeze.

The child has no false illness. Once the heat subsides, he will be mentally alert immediately. With light brown eyeballs, in the palm of Qiao Nan's big hand, the two legs are kicking and kicking, and they are spitting bubbles flatteringly. smile.

This is the first time she has seen that Ziqi is so enthusiastic towards strangers. In the past, apart from her, even her grandfather would be reluctant to hug her, especially Sun Lanfang, who would cry whenever he saw her. Stop, I'm afraid this is why Sun Lanfang doesn't like Ziqi, right?

Xiao Ziqi looked at Qiao Nan, murmured, and didn't know what to say. Qiao Nan smiled, stretched out his fingers and tapped her forehead, "The baby is so cute, the way it smiles is exactly like your mother."

As he spoke, he looked up at her, but his eyes were so bright that she didn't dare to look directly at them.

At that time, S City was being demolished and constructed everywhere, just like the outer wall of this tube building, with a striking big "demolition" character, the color of blood red, and weeds were overgrown along the path next to it.

Su Ningxue watched as she walked, she came too hastily last night and didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation.

She only vaguely heard about the land in this area from her father-in-law. Many construction investors have taken a fancy to this area and want to buy it to build a community.

Not far away, several new buildings are being built. Due to the rush of work, the noise of the machines is heard day and night, and the spotlights on the tower cranes illuminate the surroundings 24 hours a day, just like daytime.

Qiao Nan walked beside Ziqi with his arms in his arms, as if to match her pace, he deliberately walked slowly.

Xiao Ziqi lay obediently on Qiao Nan's shoulder, blinking, and occasionally looked around curiously.

In the open space in front of Tongzilou, a dozen old ladies were dancing with red fans in their hands, and the tape recorder placed on the ground was playing: "Jiujiu, that sunny day... come here!"

The aunt who was chatting with melon seeds under the tree suddenly looked over with sharp eyes, "Little Qiao, your wife and children have come to see you from their hometown? Why didn't you tell me earlier, the eldest sister will buy some vegetables for you in the morning!"

The neighbors living here are very simple and enthusiastic. Seeing that Qiao Nan suddenly brought a woman and child back, he naturally thought of his wife and children. Why would he think elsewhere?
Su Ningxue blushed, she wanted to explain, but Qiao Nan was one step ahead of her.

"Thank you, big sister. You take care of me a lot on weekdays. How can I trouble you?"

She turned her head to look at him, his posture of holding Xiao Ziqi was a little stiff, obviously he had never held a child before, he thanked the elder sister for what he said, but he didn't deny his relationship with her, allowing everyone to misunderstand.

She opened her mouth, but a chubby aunt had already brought a handful of celery and stuffed it into her free hand, her voice was a bit loud: "Little Qiao's wife, let's cook something for lunch, although it's not a valuable thing. "

There is an ancient well in front of Tongzilou, surrounded by moss.

At this moment, many residents were squatting there washing vegetables and talking about their daily routines. When they noticed the movement here, they turned their heads one after another. Seeing Qiao Nan, Su Ningxue and their children beside him, they immediately seemed to understand something.

They wiped their hands on their aprons, and tacitly gave some of the dishes they washed to Su Ningxue, with innocent smiles on their faces: "It's okay to have a meal!"

"Yeah, Xiao Qiao lives with a big man, and there is probably no kitchen at home. If you want to cook, you can come to our house. The firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are all available. Just bring yourself and the vegetables!"

Some neighbors also noticed that Xiao Ziqi was not feeling well, and immediately surrounded Xiao Ziqi, who was lying on Qiao Nan's shoulders, and cared about her. Especially when she found out that she had chickenpox, instead of staying away, you gave me advice one by one.

"Little Qiao, that ghost of my family just planted an aloe vera plant. You can take it away later. Last time my child had chickenpox, the doctor told him to drink a soup made from aloe vera root and ginger, just sweat it out!"

"Why does this child seem to have a low fever? When you were sleeping with your wife, did you not pay attention to keeping the child warm? Hurry up and take the child in, don't blow the wind, or the chickenpox will be serious!"

Surrounded by a group of middle-aged women, Su Ningxue and Qiao Nan were pushed into the tube building. Her hands were already full of vegetables, and it was unknown when everyone stuffed them in.

Xiao Ziqi seemed to have never been surrounded by so many people and cared about her. Although her little cheeks were a little abnormally red, she still grinned and giggled to express her good mood, jumping up and down in Qiao Nan's arms.

Looking at the happy expression of the child and the eagerness of the aunts to help, she did not clear up their misunderstanding after all, and just thanked them politely before entering the house with Qiao Nan.

After entering Qiao Nan's small room, when she went back to close the door, she could still vaguely hear the discussion outside——

"No wonder he fooled me when I introduced someone to Xiao Qiao. It turns out that there is such a beautiful little daughter-in-law at home. Even the child is so old, and the father and daughter are carved out of the same mold!"

With her hand on the edge of the door, her heartbeat stopped because of this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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