Madam is sick again

Chapter 210 Does She Think Others Are Idiots?

Chapter 210 Does She Think Others Are Idiots?
After smashing all the things, he was still not relieved, so he turned his attention to the little assistant who was tidying up things in the room.

"Little bitch! Eat inside and out! Tell me, is it you, did you tell the reporter that I abused you, that's why such rumors spread outside?"

As he spoke, he slapped, slapped, and slapped the assistant hard on the face.The face, which was already swollen high, swelled to a new height.

"No, Miss Xiaoxiao, I didn' wasn't me, I never said it." The little assistant lay on the ground trembling.

He was beaten without temper.

She has become accustomed to such abuse, and it has almost become her daily routine.

Whenever Bai Xiaoxiao was in a bad mood, she would take it out on her, insulting her if she was small, and attacking her if she was big.

But, she needs this job, and she has to endure it.

She has no choice!

"It's you, it must be you! You little bitch!"

With a grim expression on her face, Bai Xiaoxiao directly grabbed her by the hair and slammed her into the wall, followed by punches and kicks.

Finally, finally exhausted, Bai Xiaoxiao exhaled, straightened her messy clothes, wiped her bloody hands with paper, and threw the paper towel in front of the little assistant with some disgust.


Before leaving, I still didn't forget to swear such a sentence.

The little assistant huddled in a corner, raised her head, and looked at Bai Xiaoxiao's back as she stepped on her high-heeled shoes and left gracefully. A flash of intense hatred flashed across that face that was almost full of faces.


After Lu Yunjin sent two messages, he lay back on the bed leisurely, holding his phone and continuing to read comments.

Tsk tsk, Bai Xiaoxiao must have had a wonderful expression when she received her news.

It's a pity that she couldn't see it with her own eyes, which is a pity.

However, based on her understanding of Bai Xiaoxiao, no matter how calm she is, Bai Xiaoxiao will definitely stand up.

Sure enough, after a while, I saw Bai Xiaoxiao's manager post a Weibo.

The general meaning is that all the things that have been said on the Internet recently are false and non-existent. I appeal to the majority of netizens to pay more attention to Xiaoxiao's works, don't eat melons indiscriminately, don't blindly follow the trend and swear, otherwise they will pursue legal responsibility and so on.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaoxiao also stood up and sent a short video.

In the video, Bai Xiaoxiao is skinny and in a trance, but she is trying to straighten her back, as if she has endured some major blow and is trying to be strong again.

Her face was pale and pale, her eyes were swollen and red, and Lihua was crying about the latest rumors on the Internet.

What did you say that she is innocent, someone deliberately framed her, and she has such a good relationship with Lu Nan, how could she be harmed?Although she doesn't know why the black fans slandered her, she doesn't blame them. She hopes that her fans will not lose their demeanor by blindly defending her online.

Well, in a word, in a word, it's just a word, it's right to stand up and refute the rumors, saying that you are innocent.

Lu Yunjin looked at the video and pouted, huh, innocent?

If she was innocent, there would be no truly innocent people in the world.

It's fine to pretend to be pitiful, but don't forget to use the kind persona, saying that you hope your fans don't lose your demeanor by fighting online, is it fake?
Is she a villain for most netizens?
Sure enough, as soon as this video came out, apart from her brainless fans who kept screaming and defending her, many passer-by fans said that she was too fake.

(End of this chapter)

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