Madam is sick again

Chapter 211 Mom...

Chapter 211 Mom...

Sure enough, as soon as this video came out, apart from her brainless fans who kept screaming and defending her, many passer-by fans said that she was too fake.

If he is really innocent, and he is scolded and scolded like this, even a clay figurine with no temper can be aroused by three points of anger.

What about her?Not only was he not angry at all, but he even said something like losing his grace!

Oh, fake to the bone!

Moreover, her fans were turned into bears by black fans because of her, and she even said that her fans lost her demeanor by cursing.

Hehehe, this is very white lotus.

As soon as this video came out, it immediately aroused the disgust of most netizens, but it was only disgust.

For the rest, there were still quite a few passers-by who expressed their support for Bai Xiaoxiao, look how haggard this little face has become?

It's really pitiful to be subjected to cyber violence for no reason.

Many people expressed sympathy.

As for Lu Yunjin, emmmmm, sympathy?
It is impossible to sympathize, and it is impossible to sympathize in this life. She is already merciful if she didn't step on it immediately, okay?
Of course, she would be merciful and let Bai Xiaoxiao go, wouldn't she step on it?

Of course not.

"Tsk, some people can really pretend! The white powder on the face is almost thick into a wall, okay? I guess if you get close and take a breath, you will be choked to death immediately. If you want to pretend to be weak, you have to find a better makeup artist, right? How dare you show off with such a hot make-up technique? Sure enough, there are too many white powder puffs, does it make you thick-skinned?"

Lu Yunjin quickly posted a comment.

Not to her surprise, her comment was once again topped, and it was clearly listed as the number one comment below Bai Xiaoxiao's video!

Bright and eye-catching!

It can piss me off!

And Bai Xiaoxiao was indeed so angry that she was about to burp.

After finally posting a video to clarify it, I was pissed off by that trumpet of [恐天惊地热白弟] again, and said she had a thick skin?
Is it easy for her to put on a special effect makeup to make her weak?
Originally, I wanted to refute the rumors, but as soon as this comment came out, it quickly attracted the attention of many netizens, and the video playback volume continued to decline. Instead, it was that comment that became popular.

Almost all the netizens went to that comment to be active, hahahahaha laughed half to death.

He kept echoing, saying that she was thick-skinned, that her makeup was poor, and that she pretended to be weak on purpose.

In short, how to fight how to come!
In an instant, all the comments below her video were scolding her. As for the distressed comments written by her fans, they had already been posted after 800 million comments, and even a single word could not be seen.

Bai Xiaoxiao pinched her phone and looked at it for a long time. The more she looked at it, the more angry she became.

In the end, he didn't bring it up in one breath, but he was alive and fainted from the anger.


Lu Yunjin swiped her phone for a long time, but she didn't see Bai Xiaoxiao jumping out to speak again. Feeling bored, she glanced at the time.

Before I knew it, it was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

She turned her head, and the cute little Fengya next to her, at some point, had already fallen asleep, with her hands on her head, lying on the bed.

Next to the little head, there is still her notebook, on which Lu Nan's "Peerless Demon Concubine" is still playing.

Lu Yunjin sighed, closed the web page, and gently picked her up.

I originally thought that it would be a little difficult for her to hug a girl in her teens.

But... Fengya is surprisingly light, Lu Yunjin has already held the little girl in his arms almost without much effort.

Carrying Fengya back to her own room, tucking the quilt up for her, was about to leave.

The little girl's fleshy little hands, however, did not know when they grabbed the corner of her clothes.

At the same time, two words were whispered in his mouth...


(End of this chapter)

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