Madam is sick again

Chapter 217 And he is nothing!

Chapter 217 And he is nothing!

"This time, you must help others!"

The man snatched Bai Xiaoxiao into his arms, took a sip on her smooth and jade-like face, and then said with a smirk, "What are you helping me?"

Bai Xiaoxiao suppressed her curse, took out her mobile phone and handed it to him, "President Xu, look..."

Who knows, before the words were finished, the phone was pushed aside by the man, who pinched her chin with his big hand, and smirked, "How can the phone look better than you? Huh?"

Bai Xiaoxiao felt like mmp in her heart, but she also knew that if she didn't satisfy this man first, don't expect him to help her.

So, I could only pout my red lips, and leaned forward, "Mr. Xu, you hate it~"

An hour later, a waiter brought up a new set of clothes. Bai Xiaoxiao changed into her clothes, stepped on her high heels and left in a hurry.

When he left, he raised his head, twisted his buttocks, held his head high, without the decadence and panic he had when he came.

Look, this is the entertainment industry, some things can be solved easily.

No fuss at all!

It just needs to be... well... that's it.

The man was lying on the bed, shirtless, showing his delicate chest.

He lit a cigarette, smoked it slowly, and then took out his mobile phone to call the Director of Public Relations Department of Yaoxing Entertainment.

"Hey, deal with Bai Xiaoxiao's matter."

"General Manager, this matter..." The voice on the other end of the phone hesitated, "The superiors will not let me take care of this matter."


Xu Dongxiao squinted his eyes, "Who?"

"It's Mr. Xu..."

Xu Xinan? !

When did he intervene in the entertainment industry?Doesn't he hate right and wrong in the entertainment industry the most?

In fact, when Shining Star Entertainment was first established, Xu Xinan was not a hands-off shopkeeper, he would take care of many things, but since something happened three years ago, he delegated the power to him and never intervened in any entertainment business.

Even for Yaoxing, he hardly asked any questions. He only needed to report his business performance to Xu's once a year, and he didn't have to worry about profit or loss.

In the past three years, he almost forgot that Yaoxing did not belong to him personally, but to the Xu Group, which belonged to Xu Xinan.

And he is nothing.

A gloomy look flashed across Xu Dongxiao's face. After hanging up the phone, he called Xu Xinan himself.

"President Xu, Bai Xiaoxiao is Yaoxing's first sister, and something happened to her now..."

Before Xu Dongxiao could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the man on the phone.

"Don't worry about her, Yaoxing's PR department was not set up for her."

The implication is that Shining Star Entertainment is not allowed to do public relations for her. Let her bear this matter by herself, and the company can put aside the relationship as long as it can.

Xu Dongxiao choked, his words were very funny.

Isn't Yaoxing established a public relations department to help its artists solve various scandals?

At any rate, Bai Xiaoxiao, as Yaoxing's first sister, enjoys the protection of Yaoxing's public relations department. This is reasonable, right?

But Xu Xinan's tone... emmmm, does Bai Xiaoxiao have a grudge against him?right?
Targeting her so deliberately?
 [Recently, I checked the death and strictness of the investigation. You can’t write anything below the neck. Once you write it, you’re done. If it’s mild, it’s blocked. If it’s serious, you can still be invited in for tea? ? ?Do you risk your life to write a novel these days?Crying!Therefore, for some of the descriptions in the article, I am completely against the wind and risk being beaten to death by the editor, blue thin mushroom! 】

(End of this chapter)

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