Madam is sick again

Chapter 218 Honey, You Don't Dare!

Chapter 218 Honey, You Don't Dare!
Xu Dongxiao choked. With this tone, Bai Xiaoxiao and Xu Xinan had enmity, right?right?

Targeting her so deliberately?
However, since Xu Xinan said so, no matter how surprised Xu Dongxiao was, he would not disobey Xu Xinan's intentions for the sake of Bai Xiaoxiao.

If you don't care, then don't care.

As for what happened just now, emmmm, anyway, the woman sent it up automatically, and he didn't promise anything.

For Xu Dongxiao, women are the most redundant existence.

He will never give up anything for a certain woman.

Unlike Xu Xinan, because he hated Lu Nan, ah, he didn't even want Yao Xing, and even brought him along. He felt that even the women in the entertainment industry were not good things.

Tsk, why bother?

Bai Xiaoxiao stepped on her high heels and went home, waiting for good news from Xu Dongxiao. As a result, she waited for most of the day.

Not to mention Xu Dongxiao, the entire PR department of Yaoxing was as quiet as a chicken, and there was no movement at all.

It seemed that he had no intention of publicizing her at all.

Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't sit still, Xu Dongxiao had never broken his promise before, and often she just climbed out of his bed, and the things were already in her hands the next second.

For example, all the resources in Lu Nan's hands three years ago, for example, a certain role she wanted.

But this time...

Bai Xiaoxiao waited for another half an hour, but there was still no movement from Yaoxing's side. Her personality had completely collapsed. If she didn't come out to public relations, she would be completely finished!

Just when Bai Xiaoxiao was about to call Xu Dongxiao, Yaoxing's PR department finally posted a message on Weibo.

Bai Xiaoxiao almost cried with joy, excitedly opened the lawyer's letter issued by the PR department, thinking in her heart that this must be to help her refute the rumors, but after clicking...

Termination Notice? ? ?

Bai Xiaoxiao:? ? ?

"Because Bai Xiaoxiao, an artist under our company, has acted badly and arrogantly, which has had a negative impact on our company and even the entire entertainment industry. Therefore, our company hereby formally issues a contract termination notice to Ms. Bai Xiaoxiao, and will not be held responsible for any Legal responsibility, from now on, Miss Bai Xiaoxiao's words and deeds only represent her personally, and have nothing to do with Yaoxing Entertainment as a whole."

Bai Xiaoxiao:! ! !

Xu Dongxiao, that bastard, has eaten her up and wiped her clean, and now he's actually starting to tear down bridges!

Regardless of her, she still wants to terminate the contract! !

Get down!

Bai Xiaoxiao went mad with anger. When the call came, the other party just picked up the phone, and she couldn't hold back the anger that had been suppressed for a long time, and it burst out in an instant.

"Xu Dongxiao, what do you mean? Didn't you just say that you want to help me solve it? You won't recognize anyone if you put on pants?!"

"Miss Bai, calm down!"

Xu Dongxiao's gloating voice came, completely different from the time when he called "Baby" in the room just now, as if he had changed his face and person in an instant, the indifference was chilling.

"Just now, I didn't promise you anything. You made it up by yourself. What's none of my business?" Xu Dongxiao said with a half-smile.

Bai Xiaoxiao was so angry that she almost dropped the phone in her hand. She gritted her teeth and threatened, "Xu Dongxiao, you bastard! Don't you be afraid, will I expose our affairs? The general manager of Yaoxing Entertainment unspoken rules for female artists For several years, at worst, the fish will be killed and the net will be broken!"

"Do you dare?" Xu Dongxiao chuckled, his voice still not hurting, "Honey, you dare not!"

(End of this chapter)

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