Madam is sick again

Chapter 219 This feeling of being liked is not bad!

Chapter 219 This feeling of being liked is not bad!
"Do you dare?" Xu Dongxiao chuckled, his voice still indifferent.

"Honey, you don't dare! Unspoken rules, in the entertainment industry, are death at the touch of a finger, don't you know best in your heart? Otherwise, you wouldn't have treated Lu Nan that way back then."

Bai Xiaoxiao's current design is just a collapse of her character, what's the big deal?
There is nothing lacking in the entertainment industry, the most indispensable thing is the various personalities of celebrities.

After the limelight has passed, and netizens have gradually forgotten about this incident, she can completely reopen her personal settings and make a comeback.

With Bai Xiaoxiao's looks and acting skills, these lace scandals, if they don't exist, will at most affect her popularity.

And when it comes to unspoken rules, no matter how popular Bai Xiaoxiao is, how pretty she looks, or how good her acting skills are, there is only one word waiting for her, death!

Isn't Lu Nan back then the best example?
Bai Xiaoxiao saw what she did with her own eyes, so she didn't dare to follow in Lu Nan's footsteps!

Bai Xiaoxiao knew this very well in her heart, so when she scolded Xu Dongxiao for more than 300 times, she finally hung up the phone angrily. …

It's over, now, it's really over...

Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of something, jumped up from the bed, opened Weibo, looked at the video released by the crew of "Whispering", a killing intent flashed in her eyes.

Is it Lu Yunjin?very good!
If you don't let me have a good life, I won't let you have a good life either!


Lu Yunjin lay on the bed and checked Weibo all morning, looking like an Internet addicted girl staying at home.

Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao's persona collapse with her own eyes, and seeing her being scolded by thousands of people, Lu Yunjin smiled, logged into Lu Nan's trumpet, and sent a message to Bai Xiaoxiao.

"How is it? Does it feel good to be scolded by thousands of people? You owe me this, and now I will let you taste it. Are you angry, desperate, and uncomfortable now? Don't worry, this is just the beginning. Bai Xiaoxiao, what you owe me, I will pay you back ten times and a hundred times! Wait for me~"

At the back, there is a smiling face and a small emoji of a ghost.

On Weibo, apart from the crusade against Bai Xiaoxiao, many netizens noticed Lu Yunjin.

Aoao screaming for Miss Sister's information and Weibo.

In less than 10 minutes, Lu Yunjin's large Weibo was picked up, and then, there was a series of comments about how cute she was and how familiar she was.

The number of fans, like a rocket, kept rising.

Just at this time, Nian Susu posted a set of pictures in Jiugongge, all of which were of her.

There are private servers, "Whisper" stills, candid shots, and specially shot blockbusters.

Every one, the angle is just right, 360 five degrees without dead angle, showing Lu Yunjin's prosperous beauty.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, many netizens immediately commented below.


"I'm pink, I can lick it for a year just with this face! Is my lady still in school? The soft and cute baby fat, can't be too cute?"

"I asked the same question upstairs, in the age of the snake face with big eyes and sharp chin, can you see such a natural, unpretentious, soft and cute beauty that explodes, it makes people want to have a daughter every minute, okay? I love it, love it !"

Lu Yunjin read the comments one by one, and suddenly smiled.

This feeling of being liked is familiar and poignant, but overall, it's not bad.

It was warm, and there seemed to be a force in her chest, which made her full of energy!
 [Daily asking for tickets and asking for rewards, good night~]

(End of this chapter)

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