Madam is sick again

Chapter 220 Isn't it good to be single happily together?

Chapter 220 Isn't it good to be happily single together?
Nian Susu's professional ability is really nothing to say, just released Lu Yunjin's photo of Jiugongge, which made her a lot of fans, and immediately contacted Hua Jihan's manager, Yuan Lin, and asked him to release the footage of the video shot yesterday.

Firstly, to warm up for Hua Jihan's new song, and secondly, to take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm to let Lu Yunjin's popularity rise to a higher level!

In the video, the interaction between the two of them laughing and playing during the filming, the pink bubbles that filled the screen when they were holding the script to check the lines, and the highlight of the bed scene...

Everything, let the fans scream.

Lu Yunjin: Pink Bubble? ? ?

Of course, that was a special effect added later.

But I have to say that the special effects added are really accurate, and the normal conversation and communication, under the blessing of the special effects of the pink bubbles, the two stand together, as if they are hanging out, and the harmony is unbelievable.

In particular, Hua Jihan, who is 1.8 meters tall, has a sloppy smile on his face, but he is stylishly dressed and handsome, with soaring hormones all over his body.

And Lu Yunjin, about 1.6 meters tall, stood with Hua Jihan, his head was just at the position of his chin, which was the cutest height difference.

In addition, Lu Yunjin's soft and cute little face, dressed in a pink and cute style, standing with Hua Jihan, is very contrasting and cute.

There is quite a sense of sight of a soft and cute little loli and a swinging playboy.

Full marks for appearance and perfect cp sense!
Even Hua Jihan's wife fan, who is extremely possessive, has no dissatisfaction with Lu Yunjin, a newcomer, and screams how good it is!
Not to mention pure passerby fans, they almost exploded on the spot with excitement, shouting under the video, asking the two to get married on the spot.

Hua Jihan saw the comments on the Internet as soon as the video was released, and his little heart was so frightened that it thumped.

It is impossible to marry in situ.

Not to mention that Tuzai is already a Tuzai with an owner, even he himself has a white moonlight in his mind, okay?Rabbit smashing is not his thing at all.

He is a good boy who is devoted to Bai Yueguang and is loyal and loyal to him...

Well, this made him unable to pretend anymore, in fact, he was more afraid of Xu Xinan.

What should I do if I suddenly feel that my life is not long?
"Jihan! Originally, I was worried that you and a rookie group cp would have some bad effects, but I didn't expect the effect to be so good! Hahahahahaha, this time your new album will definitely sell well !"

Yuan Lin was overjoyed, holding his mobile phone and laughing so hard that he couldn't see his teeth.

Hua Jihan glanced at Yuan Lin faintly, with resentment on his face, "Brother Yuan, your artist is dying, did you make it up?"

He's dying, okay?
He either died of a heart attack or died of Sinan's men.

"How is it? Are you dying of joy?"

Yuan Lin was so immersed in his joy that he couldn't extricate himself, he didn't pay attention to Hua Jihan's expression at all.

He has even arranged how to promote the new album after it is sold out, so that Hua Jihan and Lu Yunjin can continue to form cp.

The CP group is good, as long as the CP group is good, I am not afraid that fans will not fall into the trap!
Hua Jihan looked at the comments on the Internet, especially those fans who shouted for him and Lu Yunjin to marry in place, and felt that his little heart was about to go on strike.

Happy?I'm happy with a hammer.

He's about to have a heart attack, okay?

Isn't it good for everyone to be a happy single dog happily together?Why do you want to form a cp?
"Brother Yuan—" Hua Jihan felt his heart ache so badly that he couldn't breathe.

Who can understand my heartache?
 [Thanks to [Tearful Burial Lovesickness\] cutie for the reward, refills~ I beg for tickets~]

(End of this chapter)

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