Madam is sick again

Chapter 239 Why did he suddenly come?

Chapter 239 Why Did He Come Back Suddenly?
When Xu Xinan rushed back, it was already one o'clock in the morning. The butler opened the door for Xu Xinan with a smile on his face, watched the man hurry back, and entered Miss Lu's room immediately, showing his aunt's smile the whole time.

He knew that the young master liked Miss Lu.

It seems that in a short time, he will be able to call Miss Lu as Young Madam.

Lu Yunjin's sleep has always been very good, which belongs to the level that as long as he falls asleep, he will not be awakened by thunder or earthquake, but it is.

I don't know why tonight, but I suddenly have insomnia.

After more than 20 years, for the first time, I suffered from insomnia.

Lu Yunjin expressed anxiety, lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, counting sheep to dry up her saliva, still not feeling sleepy at all.

In the end, she simply gave up struggling, and stared at the ceiling in a daze with her two big watery eyes open.

In the room, it was eerily quiet.

So, even though she was in a daze with her head empty, she heard the slight sound of footsteps outside the door and gradually approached...

Finally, stopped at the door of her room?
Then, there was a slight sound of the door being opened.

Who came to open her room so late at night?
Lu Yunjin hurriedly closed his eyes, pretending to be dead... No, pretending to be asleep!

As the person approached, she seemed to smell the man's unique clear scent, with a rustling chill.

Lu Yunjin frowned slightly, Xu Xinan?
is it him?
Why did he suddenly come back?
Originally, she thought that Xu Xinan would be very unhappy if she came back early, because after all, she couldn't just wander around.

But at this moment, Lu Yunjin found miraculously that after learning that the person who came was Xu Xinan, she was not at all unhappy, but a little worried?

Come back in the middle of the night, is there something urgent?
Lu Yunjin pondered in her heart, completely unaware of where her worrying emotions came from, why she was worried about him...

With doubts in her heart, Lu Yunjin didn't dare to speak easily, after all, she was still pretending to be dead...ahh, pretending to be asleep.

She didn't understand why Xu Xinan came back in the middle of the night and came to her room?
Lu Yunjin was pondering in her heart when she suddenly felt that there was something icy and cool on her face, soft and cool, a feeling of déjà vu.

Like... a man's lips?
This man actually secretly kissed her while she was asleep? ! !

Lu Yunjin squeezed her hands under the quilt tightly, thinking in her heart, if she punched like this in the dark, would she be able to hit the man's face with incomparable accuracy, turning him into a panda's eye.

After the beating, he pretended to be sleepwalking and escaped successfully.

Well, arrange!

Lu Yunjin clearly arranged the way back, and was about to strike out with a punch, but the man didn't seem to give her this chance, lifted the quilt, lay down beside her, and grabbed her into his arms.

The strong arms tightly encircled her, making it impossible for her hands to reach out.

Lu Yunjin:? ? ?

Lu Yunjin:! ! !

Lu Yunjin: 〣(Δ)〣

Not only was she kissed by him, but he also climbed into her bed, planning to hold her to sleep?
In short, she was... slept by him? !


Lu Yunjin poohed in his heart for a long time, and quickly expelled this poisonous thought, recited Amitabha Buddha silently in his heart, form is emptiness is form.

However, thinking about it, huh?a little sleepy...

There was a particularly pleasant smell on the man, and her heart, which was restless due to insomnia, miraculously calmed down.

His embrace was very warm, just nestled in his embrace so quietly, and could still hear his powerful heartbeat very clearly.

——— Digression ———

A few things to say about listings:
First, I suddenly received a notification from the editor today that it will be on the shelves on June 6st. At least 1 words will be updated on that day.

Second, don't ask me why I want to put it on the shelf without charging. The author is a full-time coder and also needs to eat. If you can go to work in the future without salary, I can write it for you for free!

Third, a chapter of [-] words is only five cents, and I have to write a thousand words for half an hour, so don’t complain to me that it’s expensive. Five cents for a chapter is less than ten yuan a month, and ten yuan these days Money can't even buy a cup of milk tea.

Fourth, if you really don’t even have ten yuan to buy milk tea, just remove the bookshelf silently, don’t scold people and don’t make low comments maliciously, please maintain the basic quality, after all, you’ve been here before and I’ve loved you, so get together and leave, thank you .

Fifth, the book friend skirt has been built. The skirt number is 418646050. The cute and flirtatious author Jun is waiting for you in the group. Interested cuties can add skirts~
Finally, la la la la la, ask for tickets every day!

(End of this chapter)

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